Mysql 体系结构系列之九


1. 细看核心模块 Detailed Look at the Core Modules

1.1 Access Control Module 访问控制模块

<<---第一,访问控制模块:verfies clent user -sql/>>

The Access Control Module verifies that the client user has sufficient privileges to

perform the requested operation.



Most of the code is in sql/ However, one of the most frequently used functions,check_access( ), is found in sql/

大部分代码都位于sql/sq._acl.cc中,但是最常用的函数之一check_access( )则位于sql/sql_parse.cc中。


Some other functions of interest follow, all located in sql/ unless otherwise



>>check_grant( )

>>check_table_access( ) in sql/

>>check_grant_column( )

>>acl_get( )


The code itself has not changed very much since version 3.22. However, new privilege typeswere added in version 4.0, which somewhat changed the way this module was used by the rest of the code.



MySQL developers are planning to add support for roles, which will require significant changes to this module.


1.2 Parser 解析器

<<---第二,解析器:parsing queries and parse tree-- sql/>>

The Parser is responsible for parsing queries and generating aparse tree.



The entry point is mysql_parse( ) insql/,

which performs some initializations and then invokes yyparse( ), a function in sql/ generated by GNU Bison from sql/sql_yacc.yy,

which contains the definition of the SQL language subsetunderstood by MySQL.

入口点是sql/sql_parse.cc中的mysql_parse(),该函数负责执行某些初始化,然后调用yyparse()----这是sql/sql_yacc.cc中的一个函数,是由sql/sql_yacc.yy中的GNU Bison生成,包含能被mysql理解的SQL语言子集的定义。


Note that unlike many open source projects, MySQL has its own generated lexical scannerinstead of using lex.



The MySQL lexical scanner is discussed in detail in Chapter 9. Some files of interest, in addition to the ones just mentioned, include:





>>sql/lex_hash.h (generated file)



>>The group of files under sql/ with names starting in item_ and extensions of .h or .cc


As the new SQL features are added, the parser keeps changing to accommodate




However, the core structure of the parser is fairly stable, and so far has been

able to accommodate the growth.



It is reasonable to expect that while some elements will be added on, the core will not be changedvery much for some time.



MySQL developers have been, and sometimes still are,talking about a core rewrite of the parser and moving it away from yacc/Bison to make it faster.



However, they have been talking about it for at least seven years already, and this has not yet become a priority.


1.3 Command Dispatcher 命令调度器

<<---第三,命令调度器:requests to lower-level-modules-----sql/>>

The Command Dispatcher isresponsible for directing requests to the lower-level

modules that will know how to resolve them.



It consists of two functions in sql/ ) and dispatch_command( ).

它包括sql/sql_parse.cc中的两个函数:do_command() dispatch_command().


The module kept growing over time as the set of supported commands increased.

Small growth is expected in the future, but the core structure is unlikely to change.


1.4 Query Cache Module 查询高速缓存模块

<<---第四,查询高速缓存模块:caches query results—short-circuit---sql/  ---------->>

The Query Cache Module caches query results, and tries to short-circuit the execution of queries by delivering the cached result whenever possible.



It is implemented in sql/ Some methods of interest include:


>>Query_cache::store_query( )

>>Query_cache::send_result_to_client( )


The module was added in version 4.0. Few changes aside from bug fixes are expected in the future.













