docker 最大container数量调研


首先测试docker daemon支持的最大docker容器数量,查询文档发现,最大容器数量大概是1023个左右,在自己笔记本测试,启动500个容器,需要四分钟,i7、8G,说明docker启动250个容器应该没有任务问题。具体过程在:



  1. 链接到虚拟网络适配器docker0网桥的设备限制:(最多1023/网桥)
  2. 挂载联合文件系统(AUFS)和shm文件系统:(最大挂载数量1048576)
  3. 在镜像image上创建的层数layer数量:(最多127layer每个镜像)
  4. fork出来一个docker-containerd-shim的管理进程:(每个容器平均3M左右,系统最大进程数sysctl kernel.pid_max)
  5. docker daemon守候进程管理容器的内部数据:(~400k 每个容器)
  6. 创建内核的cgroup和namespace
  7. 打开文件描述符:(启动中的容器16个左右) ulimit -n and sysctl fs.file-max
  8. 端口映射,-p将会在宿主机上为每一个映射的端口启动一个外部进程:(平均每个端口占用~4.5MB每个端口)
  9. –net=none 和 –net=host将会移除网络消耗。

Container 服务
1000个进程会消耗大大量的IO 链接。1000个进程同时运行也会引起大量的上下文交换,

1023 Docker busybox images

nc -l -p 80 -e echo

uses up about 1GB of kernel memory and 3.5GB of system memory.

1023 普通进程

nc -l -p 80 -e echo

host processes running on a host uses about 75MB of kernel memory and 125MB of system memory

Starting 1023 containers serially took ~8 minutes.
Killing 1023 containers serially took ~6 minutes



docker ulimit 设置

–default-ulimit参数可以设置所有容器的 ulimit,他跟docker run命令的–ulimit 参数相同,

// ErrorCodeJoinRunning is generated when we try to network to ourselves.
ErrorCodeJoinRunning = errcode.Register(errGroup, errcode.ErrorDescriptor{
Message: “cannot join network of a non running container: %s”,
Description: “An attempt to join the network of a container, but that container isn’t running”,
HTTPStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,

OK, after a longer research I’ve got a solution to fix the problem.
The solution is described here:

Finally I just edited the file “/etc/init/docker.conf” on my Ubuntu 12.04 Docker Host:
Only add “limit nofile 65536 65536”, and the problem is fixed!

Here is the complete file:

description “Docker daemon”

start on filesystem and started lxc-net
stop on runlevel [!2345]

set max file descriptors to 65536 (soft/hard)

limit nofile 65536 65536


DOCKER=/usr/bin/ UPSTARTJOBDOCKEROPTS=if[f/etc/default/ U P S T A R T J O B D O C K E R O P T S = i f [ − f / e t c / d e f a u l t / UPSTART_JOB ]; then
. /etc/default/ UPSTARTJOBfi U P S T A R T J O B f i “ DOCKER" -d $DOCKER_OPTS
end script

Right now, I’m running a ramp up on a VirtualBox machine (2 vCPUs, 4GByte memory) on my MBP, more than 500 containers already started so far.
