

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, const char** argv)


	Mat picture = imread("E://VS2013//face//xuelian//jpg//1.jpg");//载入图像 见

	imshow("原图", picture);//显示图像

	//Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(7, 7));//指定形状和内核的结构元素
	//Mat erodeImage, blurImage, grayImage, edgeImage, dstImage;

	//erode(picture, erodeImage, element);//腐蚀操作
	//imshow("腐蚀图", erodeImage);

	//blur(picture, blurImage, Size(7, 7));
	//imshow("均值滤波图", blurImage);

	//dstImage.create(picture.size(), picture.type());
	//cvtColor(picture, grayImage, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
	//imshow("灰度化", grayImage);

	//blur(grayImage, edgeImage, Size(7, 7));//滤波
	//Canny(edgeImage, edgeImage, 3, 9, 3);//canny边缘检测
	//imshow("canny边缘", edgeImage);

	// Get same pixel with opencv function    we can access the number of
	//columns and rows of an image—or in other words, the width and height
	int myRow = picture.cols - 1;
	int myCol = picture.rows - 1;
	Vec3b pixel =, myCol);//To access one pixel of an image,
	cout << "Pixel value (B,G,R): (" << (int)pixel[0] << "," <<
		(int)pixel[1] << "," << (int)pixel[2] << ")" << endl;

	//imwrite("C://Users//dell//Desktop//1canny.jpg", edgeImage);

	return 0;
