opencv 笔记12 Imgproc_Pyramid

#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"

using namespace cv;

/// 全局变量
Mat src, dst, tmp;
char* window_name = "Pyramids Demo";

 * @函数 main
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  /// 指示说明
  printf( "\n Zoom In-Out demo  \n " );
  printf( "------------------ \n" );
  printf( " * [u] -> Zoom in  \n" );
  printf( " * [d] -> Zoom out \n" );
  printf( " * [ESC] -> Close program \n \n" );

  /// 测试图像 - 尺寸必须能被 2^{n} 整除
  src = imread( "../images/chicky_512.jpg" );
  if( ! )
    { printf(" No data! -- Exiting the program \n");
      return -1; }

  tmp = src;
  dst = tmp;

  /// 创建显示窗口
  namedWindow( window_name, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
  imshow( window_name, dst );

  /// 循环
  while( true )
    int c;
    c = waitKey(10);

    if( (char)c == 27 )
      { break; }
    if( (char)c == 'u' )
      { pyrUp( tmp, dst, Size( tmp.cols*2, tmp.rows*2 ) );
        printf( "** Zoom In: Image x 2 \n" );
    else if( (char)c == 'd' )
     { pyrDown( tmp, dst, Size( tmp.cols/2, tmp.rows/2 ) );
       printf( "** Zoom Out: Image / 2 \n" );

    imshow( window_name, dst );
    tmp = dst;
  return 0;

void pyrUp(const Mat& srcMat& dst, const Size& dstsize=Size())

void pyrDown(const Mat& srcMat& dst, const Size& dstsize=Size())

  • src – The source image
  • dst – The destination image. It will have the specified size and the same type as src
  • dstsize –

    Size of the destination image. By default it is computed as Size(src.cols*2, (src.rows*2) . But in any case the following conditions should be satisfied:

    \begin{array}{l} | \texttt{dstsize.width} -src.cols*2| \leq ( \texttt{dstsize.width} \mod 2) \\ | \texttt{dstsize.height} -src.rows*2| \leq ( \texttt{dstsize.height} \mod 2) \end{array}
