"exploitation"和 "exploration"的区别

《Metaheuristics in structural optimization and discussions on harmony
search algorithm》
----M.P. Saka a
, O. Hasançebi b
, Z.W. Geem

Exploitation and Exploration are two basic components of any metaheuristic algorithm.

Exploitation(开发) is the step in which the algorithm uses local information in the search process to generate better solutions generally in close vicinity of the current ones.

Exploration(探测) is the step in which the algorithm aims to explore the search space more thoroughly and find diverse solutions.

The efficiency of a metaheuristic algorithm lies on the fine balance of these two features.

Too much exploitation makes the algorithm converge quickly often to a local optimum, and too much exploration slows down the convergence of the procedure although it increases the probability of finding the global or near-optimum solution of the optimization problem.
