1: AT();获取像素值,4个重载,用法大同小异
public T At(int i0, int i1) where T : struct; //返回指定数组元素的值。
public T At(int i0) where T : struct;
public T At(params int[] idx) where T : struct;
public T At(int i0, int i1, int i2) where T : struct;
参数: | 说明 |
i0: | Index along the dimension 0 (沿着空间维度0索引) |
i1: | Index along the dimension 1 (沿着空间维度1索引) |
2: Get();与 AT方法一样
public T Get(int i0, int i1) where T : struct;
public T Get(int i0, int i1, int i2) where T : struct;
public T Get(int i0) where T : struct;
public T Get(params int[] idx) where T : struct;
3: Set();对指定位置的像素赋值 4个重载方法用法大同小异
参数: | 说明 |
i0: | Index along the dimension 0 (沿着空间维度0索引) |
i1: | Index along the dimension 1 (沿着空间维度1索引) |
value: | 像素值,泛型 |
public void Set(int i0, int i1, T value) where T : struct;
public void Set(int i0, int i1, int i2, T value) where T : struct;
public void Set(int[] idx, T value) where T : struct;
public void Set(int i0, T value) where T : struct;
static void Main(string[] args)
string imagePath = @"d:\ZG190016\1.jpg";
/// 单通道像素操作
public static void ReadImageSingleChannelPixel(string path)
using (Mat src = new Mat(path, ImreadModes.AnyColor | ImreadModes.AnyDepth))
using (Mat dst = new Mat())
//ColorConversionCodes 色彩空间转换枚举类型 BGRA2GRAY 转为灰度单通道
Cv2.CvtColor(src, dst, ColorConversionCodes.BGRA2GRAY);
Mat gray = new Mat();
int height = dst.Rows; //行 获取图片的行叠加起来就是高度
int width = dst.Cols; //列 ... ... 宽度
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
byte p= dst.At(row, col); //获对应矩阵坐标的取像素
byte value =byte.Parse( (255-p).ToString()); //反转像素值
dst.Set(row, col, value); //赋值
using(new Window("gray",WindowMode.FreeRatio,gray)) //单通道图像
using(new Window("dst",WindowMode.FreeRatio,dst)) //反转后的单通道图像
using (new Window("src", WindowMode.FreeRatio, src)) //源图
static void Main(string[] args)
string imagePath = @"d:\ZG190016\1.jpg";
/// 三通道像素操作
public static void ReadImageThreeChannelsPixel(string path)
using (Mat src = new Mat(path, ImreadModes.AnyColor | ImreadModes.AnyDepth))
using (Mat dst = new Mat(src.Size(), src.Type()))
int height = src.Rows;
int width = src.Cols;
int cn = src.Channels(); //获取通道数
#region 反转像素算法
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
if (cn == 1) //如果是单通道
byte p = dst.At(row, col); //获取像素
byte value = byte.Parse((255 - p).ToString()); //反转像素值
dst.Set(row, col, value); //赋值
else if(cn==3) //如果是三通道
int b = src.At(row, col)[0];
int g = src.At(row, col)[1];
int r = src.At(row, col)[2];
Vec3b color = new Vec3b
Item0 = (byte)(255 - b), //反转像素 (byte)( Math.Max(r, Math.Max(b, g)));
Item1 = (byte)(255 - g), // (byte)(Math.Max(r, Math.Max(b, g)));
Item2 = (byte)(255 - r) // (byte)(Math.Max(r, Math.Max(b, g)));
Vec3b color = new Vec3b //反转像素
Item0 = (byte)Math.Abs(src.Get(row, col).Item0 - 255),
Item1 = (byte)Math.Abs(src.Get(row, col).Item1 - 255),
Item2 = (byte)Math.Abs(src.Get(row, col).Item2 - 255)
//Math.Max(r, Math.Max(b, g));取灰度,min也可以,但是亮度不同
dst.Set(row,col,color );
using (new Window("dst", WindowMode.FreeRatio, dst)) //反转
using (new Window("src", WindowMode.FreeRatio, src)) //源图
Vec3b: 通道顺序 blue grenn red 在C++中对应uchar类型 ,C#对应byte类型:
像素数据结构 BGR 包含三个像素值 R代表红,red; G代表绿,green; B代表蓝,blue。RGB模式就是,色彩数据模式,R在高位,G在中间,B在低位。BGR正好相反。例如,如果色彩数据是24位,对于RGB模式,就是高8位是R,中间8位是G,低8位是B。一个色彩数据共24位,3个字节。
把CV_8UC1 转换到 CV32F1实现:
Cv2.BitwiseNot(src, dst); //反转像素函数,不需要操作像素,达到的效果一样
~ 取反符号:输出同样效果:
using (new Window("dst", WindowMode.FreeRatio, ~src)) //反转
using (new Window("src", WindowMode.FreeRatio, src)) //源图