1. pystan安装
2. fbprophet安装
# 管理员打开ananconda prompt
# 1.安装MingW-w64编译器类型:
conda install libpython m2w64-toolchain -c msys2
# 检查你的虚拟环境路径下\Lib\distutils中是否有distutils.cfg文件,如果没有就手动创建一个
# 2.
conda install numpy cython -c conda-forge
# 3.
conda install matplotlib scipy pandas -c conda-forge
# 4.
conda install pystan -c conda-forge
安装中容易报Solving environment: failed XXX,需要进行如下处理:
# 更新conda
conda update -n base conda
conda update --all
# 修改频道
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority flexible
# 安装成功!
import pystan
model_code = 'parameters {real y;} model {y ~ normal(0,1);}'
model = pystan.StanModel(model_code=model_code)
y = model.sampling().extract()['y']
y.mean() # with luck the result will be near 0
# fbprophet安装
conda install fbprophet -c conda-forge
安装后,import时候可能报错ERROR:fbprophet:Importing plotly failed. Interactive plots will not work.,安装plotly包即可:
# import 报plotly错误
# from fbprophet import Prophet
conda install plotly -y
1. 环境报错,https://www.cnblogs.com/YlnChen/p/12710893.html;
2. conda创建和使用虚拟环境,https://www.cnblogs.com/haiyang21/p/10820934.html
3. jupyter notebook 使用conda虚拟环境,https://www.jianshu.com/p/afea092dda1d
4. github prophet, https://github.com/facebook/prophet