import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyecharts.charts import Geo
from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.globals import GeoType
from pyecharts.charts import Map
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
data = pd.read_csv(r'D:\天池大赛\短租数据集\listings.csv')
id | name | host_id | host_name | neighbourhood_group | neighbourhood | latitude | longitude | room_type | price | minimum_nights | number_of_reviews | last_review | reviews_per_month | calculated_host_listings_count | availability_365 | |
0 | 44054 | Modern and Comfortable Living in CBD | 192875 | East Apartments | NaN | 朝阳区 / Chaoyang | 39.89503 | 116.45163 | Entire home/apt | 792 | 1 | 89 | 2019-03-04 | 0.85 | 9 | 341 |
1 | 100213 | The Great Wall Box Deluxe Suite A团园长城小院东院套房 | 527062 | Joe | NaN | 密云县 / Miyun | 40.68434 | 117.17231 | Private room | 1201 | 1 | 2 | 2017-10-08 | 0.10 | 4 | 0 |
2 | 128496 | Heart of Beijing: House with View 2 | 467520 | Cindy | NaN | 东城区 | 39.93213 | 116.42200 | Entire home/apt | 389 | 3 | 259 | 2019-02-05 | 2.70 | 1 | 93 |
3 | 161902 | cozy studio in center of Beijing | 707535 | Robert | NaN | 东城区 | 39.93357 | 116.43577 | Entire home/apt | 376 | 1 | 26 | 2016-12-03 | 0.28 | 5 | 290 |
4 | 162144 | nice studio near subway, sleep 4 | 707535 | Robert | NaN | 朝阳区 / Chaoyang | 39.93668 | 116.43798 | Entire home/apt | 537 | 1 | 37 | 2018-08-01 | 0.40 | 5 | 352 |
观察数据,可以看到共有16列,分别代表着房源id,房源名称、房主id、房主名称、北京的行政区划分、经度、维度、房源类型、价格、最小租住天数、最后评论日期等。 下面我们进一步粗略浏览整体数据情况
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 28452 entries, 0 to 28451
Data columns (total 16 columns):
id 28452 non-null int64
name 28451 non-null object
host_id 28452 non-null int64
host_name 28452 non-null object
neighbourhood_group 0 non-null float64
neighbourhood 28452 non-null object
latitude 28452 non-null float64
longitude 28452 non-null float64
room_type 28452 non-null object
price 28452 non-null int64
minimum_nights 28452 non-null int64
number_of_reviews 28452 non-null int64
last_review 17294 non-null object
reviews_per_month 17294 non-null float64
calculated_host_listings_count 28452 non-null int64
availability_365 28452 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(7), object(5)
memory usage: 3.5+ MB
通过总览数据我们可以看到,name列有一个空值,neighbourhood_group列全是空值,last_review、reviews_per_month 两列有一部分是空值。
count | mean | std | min | 25% | 50% | 75% | max | |
id | 28452.0 | 2.628583e+07 | 6.403312e+06 | 44054.00000 | 2.245616e+07 | 2.787765e+07 | 3.134482e+07 | 3.395441e+07 |
host_id | 28452.0 | 1.442821e+08 | 7.057051e+07 | 192875.00000 | 8.708958e+07 | 1.525464e+08 | 2.061464e+08 | 2.563498e+08 |
neighbourhood_group | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
latitude | 28452.0 | 3.998323e+01 | 1.869841e-01 | 39.45581 | 3.989733e+01 | 3.993090e+01 | 3.999047e+01 | 4.094966e+01 |
longitude | 28452.0 | 1.164420e+02 | 2.047957e-01 | 115.47339 | 1.163553e+02 | 1.164347e+02 | 1.164911e+02 | 1.174953e+02 |
price | 28452.0 | 6.112033e+02 | 1.623535e+03 | 0.00000 | 2.350000e+02 | 3.890000e+02 | 5.770000e+02 | 6.898300e+04 |
minimum_nights | 28452.0 | 2.729685e+00 | 1.792093e+01 | 1.00000 | 1.000000e+00 | 1.000000e+00 | 1.000000e+00 | 1.125000e+03 |
number_of_reviews | 28452.0 | 7.103156e+00 | 1.681507e+01 | 0.00000 | 0.000000e+00 | 1.000000e+00 | 6.000000e+00 | 3.220000e+02 |
reviews_per_month | 17294.0 | 1.319757e+00 | 1.581243e+00 | 0.01000 | 2.900000e-01 | 8.000000e-01 | 1.750000e+00 | 2.000000e+01 |
calculated_host_listings_count | 28452.0 | 1.281829e+01 | 2.926132e+01 | 1.00000 | 2.000000e+00 | 5.000000e+00 | 1.100000e+01 | 2.220000e+02 |
availability_365 | 28452.0 | 2.203421e+02 | 1.384307e+02 | 0.00000 | 8.700000e+01 | 2.090000e+02 | 3.610000e+02 | 3.650000e+02 |
data = data.drop('neighbourhood_group',axis = 1)
data = data.dropna(axis = 0,subset = ['name'])
def neighbourhood_str(data):
for i in list:
return neighbourhoods
id | name | host_id | host_name | neighbourhood | latitude | longitude | room_type | price | minimum_nights | number_of_reviews | last_review | reviews_per_month | calculated_host_listings_count | availability_365 | |
0 | 44054 | Modern and Comfortable Living in CBD | 192875 | East Apartments | 朝阳区 | 39.89503 | 116.45163 | Entire home/apt | 792 | 1 | 89 | 2019-03-04 | 0.85 | 9 | 341 |
1 | 100213 | The Great Wall Box Deluxe Suite A团园长城小院东院套房 | 527062 | Joe | 密云县 | 40.68434 | 117.17231 | Private room | 1201 | 1 | 2 | 2017-10-08 | 0.10 | 4 | 0 |
2 | 128496 | Heart of Beijing: House with View 2 | 467520 | Cindy | 东城区 | 39.93213 | 116.42200 | Entire home/apt | 389 | 3 | 259 | 2019-02-05 | 2.70 | 1 | 93 |
3 | 161902 | cozy studio in center of Beijing | 707535 | Robert | 东城区 | 39.93357 | 116.43577 | Entire home/apt | 376 | 1 | 26 | 2016-12-03 | 0.28 | 5 | 290 |
4 | 162144 | nice studio near subway, sleep 4 | 707535 | Robert | 朝阳区 | 39.93668 | 116.43798 | Entire home/apt | 537 | 1 | 37 | 2018-08-01 | 0.40 | 5 | 352 |
朝阳区 10810
东城区 3346
海淀区 3197
丰台区 1758
西城区 1701
通州区 1290
昌平区 1034
密云县 935
顺义区 920
怀柔区 833
大兴区 823
延庆县 718
房山区 578
石景山区 213
门头沟区 152
平谷区 143
Name: neighbourhood, dtype: int64
data.neighbourhood.hist(bins = 30,figsize = (20,8))
def test_geo():
city = '北京'
g = Geo()
g.add_schema(maptype=city,itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color="#D9D9D9", border_color="#111"))
# 定义坐标对应的名称,添加到坐标库中 add_coordinate(name, lng, lat)
list1 = data['id'].tolist()
list2 = data.longitude.tolist()
list3 = data.latitude.tolist()
for x,y,z in zip(list1,list2,list3):
b = []
for i in zip(data['id'].map(str),data['id'].value_counts()):
g.add('', b, type_='scatter', symbol_size=3,color = '#68228B')
# 设置样式成不显示图例
return g
g = test_geo()
接下来进行方差分析,本来想进行短租房屋类型因子下对于房屋价格的影响分析,但后来查资料了解到Entire home/apt 代表的是全职房,Private room 代表的是独立房间,shared room 代表的是合住房间,那么他们对于价格的影响必然有显著性差异,所以我们做三种类型下的地区对房价的影响,尤其像 了解共享房间这类新型合租模式地区会对其产生显著性影响吗?
e_data = data[data['room_type'] == 'Entire home/apt']
id | name | host_id | host_name | neighbourhood | latitude | longitude | room_type | price | minimum_nights | number_of_reviews | last_review | reviews_per_month | calculated_host_listings_count | availability_365 | |
0 | 44054 | Modern and Comfortable Living in CBD | 192875 | East Apartments | 朝阳区 | 39.89503 | 116.45163 | Entire home/apt | 792 | 1 | 89 | 2019-03-04 | 0.85 | 9 | 341 |
2 | 128496 | Heart of Beijing: House with View 2 | 467520 | Cindy | 东城区 | 39.93213 | 116.42200 | Entire home/apt | 389 | 3 | 259 | 2019-02-05 | 2.70 | 1 | 93 |
3 | 161902 | cozy studio in center of Beijing | 707535 | Robert | 东城区 | 39.93357 | 116.43577 | Entire home/apt | 376 | 1 | 26 | 2016-12-03 | 0.28 | 5 | 290 |
4 | 162144 | nice studio near subway, sleep 4 | 707535 | Robert | 朝阳区 | 39.93668 | 116.43798 | Entire home/apt | 537 | 1 | 37 | 2018-08-01 | 0.40 | 5 | 352 |
5 | 279078 | Nice Apartment in Beijing | 1455726 | Fiona | 东城区 | 39.93958 | 116.43485 | Entire home/apt | 403 | 1 | 29 | 2018-11-02 | 0.33 | 7 | 353 |
e_data.price.describe()#浏览Entire home/apt下的价格
count 16955.000000
mean 746.479151
std 1705.645806
min 0.000000
25% 356.000000
50% 470.000000
75% 658.000000
max 68983.000000
Name: price, dtype: float64
e_data = e_data[e_data['price']>0]#删除价格为0的房源
import seaborn as sns
def box_plot_outliers(data,data_ser, box_scale):
iqr = box_scale * (data_ser.quantile(0.75) - data_ser.quantile(0.25))
val_low = data_ser.quantile(0.25) - iqr
val_up = data_ser.quantile(0.75) + iqr
a = data[(data_ser> val_low) & (data_ser<val_up)] #删除异常值
b = a[['price','neighbourhood']]#由于方差分析只需要各地区因子水平,以及价格,所以删除其他列
return b
e_data = box_plot_outliers(e_data,e_data.price,2)
price | neighbourhood | |
0 | 792 | 朝阳区 |
2 | 389 | 东城区 |
3 | 376 | 东城区 |
4 | 537 | 朝阳区 |
5 | 403 | 东城区 |
... | ... | ... |
28444 | 832 | 延庆县 |
28446 | 228 | 房山区 |
28447 | 396 | 朝阳区 |
28449 | 329 | 朝阳区 |
28451 | 295 | 丰台区 |
sns.boxplot(e_data.price,whis = 2)
count 15299.000000
mean 481.556115
std 201.162288
min 54.000000
25% 342.000000
50% 443.000000
75% 584.000000
max 1248.000000
Name: price, dtype: float64
neighbourhood_to_list = {
e_data['neighbourhood'] = e_data['neighbourhood'].map(neighbourhood_to_list)
price | neighbourhood | |
0 | 792 | 1 |
2 | 389 | 3 |
3 | 376 | 3 |
4 | 537 | 1 |
5 | 403 | 3 |
... | ... | ... |
28444 | 832 | 16 |
28446 | 228 | 11 |
28447 | 396 | 1 |
28449 | 329 | 1 |
28451 | 295 | 4 |
model = ols('price ~ neighbourhood',e_data).fit()
anovat = anova_lm(model)
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
neighbourhood 1.0 2.967648e+05 296764.791065 7.336672 0.006764
Residual 15297.0 6.187562e+08 40449.511263 NaN NaN
p_data = data[data['room_type'] == 'Private room']
count 9838.000000
mean 430.681236
std 1203.643527
min 0.000000
25% 181.000000
50% 248.000000
75% 389.000000
max 66667.000000
Name: price, dtype: float64
p_data = p_data[p_data['price']>0]
p_data = box_plot_outliers(p_data,p_data.price,2)
sns.boxplot(p_data.price,whis = 2)
p_data['neighbourhood'] = p_data['neighbourhood'].map(neighbourhood_to_list)
model = ols('price ~ neighbourhood',p_data).fit()
anovat = anova_lm(model)
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
neighbourhood 1.0 1.294708e+07 1.294708e+07 593.986554 4.194081e-127
Residual 9002.0 1.962160e+08 2.179693e+04 NaN NaN
s_data = data[data['room_type'] == 'Shared room']
count 1658.000000
mean 293.343185
std 2521.130124
min 27.000000
25% 87.000000
50% 107.000000
75% 148.000000
max 67909.000000
Name: price, dtype: float64
s_data = box_plot_outliers(s_data,s_data.price,2)
sns.boxplot(s_data.price,whis = 2)
p_data['neighbourhood'] = p_data['neighbourhood'].map(neighbourhood_to_list)
model = ols('price ~ neighbourhood',s_data).fit()
anovat = anova_lm(model)
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
neighbourhood 13.0 7.287987e+04 5606.144166 2.838746 0.00048
Residual 1503.0 2.968225e+06 1974.866697 NaN NaN