An Aging Society Has Come——网媒1501 牛铮 20151302843

The aging of the population refers to the corresponding increase in the proportion of the elderly population caused by the decrease in the number of young people and the increase in the number of elderly people. The general view of the scholars and researchers is that when a country or region aged 60and older accounts for 10% of the total population, or 7% of the population aged 65 or over, it means that the population of this country or region is in an aging society.

An Aging Society Has Come——网媒1501 牛铮 20151302843_第1张图片

From the demographic data of 2007-2016 nearly ten years, we can see that the population aged 65 and above is increasing year by year, and the demo graphic dividend is gradually disappearing. This means that the peak of the aging population is coming and the labor force that creates value is decreasing. Therefore, the seriousness and necessity of the pension problem surfaced.

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In 2016, the total rearing ratio in China was 37.9%, the child support ratio was 22.9%, the old age dependency ratio was 15%, and the child dependency ratio in China decreased year by year in 2007-2016 years, while the elderly dependency ratio increased year by year.

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Old-age dependency ratio refers to the ratio of the elderly population to the working age population of a certain population. It is usually expressed as a percentage and used to show how many elderly people each 100working age population should bear. Elderly population dependency ratio is one of the indicators that reflect the social consequences of population aging from a economic perspective.

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In the world rankings of the proportion of people aged 65 and over in different countries, China ranked seventy-fifth in 1960 and ranked 60 in2015. China's population aging rate is faster than the average trend. Japan is now the most serious country in aging, and Japan has spent 35 years from 5% to10%. The second place is Italy, and Italy took 5% to 10% at least 100 years. However, China took it with only 30 years, which is 5 years shorter than Japan. Hence, our aging is very fast from an international perspective.

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There are two main reasons for the aging of the population. The first is that there are fewer people born, that is, the birth rate is too low, and the second is that the life expectancy of the human is increasing, that is, the mortality rate is reduced. With the low birth rate and low mortality rate, the top spire (aging population) is getting slower and slower, so the spire will be bigger and bigger. Fewer people are born, the population is becoming slower and slower, and the tower becomes narrower and narrower, and the situation of inverted Pyramid will emerge.

The existing pension services in China are far from meeting the objective needs of the development of the pension industry. In addition to protecting the basic life of the elderly, the aged also needs a lot of professional nursing services such as psychology, medicine and so on. The existing pension services in China are far from meeting the objective needs of the development of the pension industry. In addition to protecting the basic life of the elderly, the aged also needs a lot of professional nursing services such as psychology, medicine and so on.

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An Aging Society Has Come——网媒1501 牛铮 20151302843_第7张图片

The development of the future pension should be the gradual improvement of the life support for the elderly and socialization of the family. Although institutional endowment is a supplementary position in China's elderly welfare service system, it plays an important part. With the development of the economy and society, especially the aging of the population, the miniaturization of the family and the urbanization of the countryside, the people's demand for the service of the aged will be more and more big.

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