In [1]: #欢迎来到“只读课堂”!
In [2]: #今天终于到了程序结构必备的——条件判断!
In [3]: #在任何程序中,我们都会遇到条件判断。就像在生活中选择:比如说,去超市买东西,买单时服务员问,有会员卡吗;比如说,“没时间解释了,快上车”,司机却问你,有车票没。
In [4]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [5]: #伪代码
In [6]: #并不能真正地运行,但是能表达我们的意思。
In [7]: if condition:
...: do something
File "
do something
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [8]: else:
File "
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [9]: do somthing
File "
do somthing
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [10]: #这里报的错先不管啊,它的意思就是说:如果怎样,就怎样,否则......
In [11]: #举个例子:
In [12]: #应用题:有一个人买水果,合计金额为32.5元,水果店搞活动,满30打九折,求这个人的实际花费。
In [13]: #先用个变量
In [14]: total_cost = 32.5
In [15]: if total_cost > 30:
...: discount = 0.9
...: else:
File "
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [16]: #上面的不管啊,现在我的python演示程序下,每行没打1就视为运行。我们重新写
In [17]: total_cost = 32.5
In [18]: if total_cost > 30:
...: discount = 0.9
...: else:
File "
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [19]: if total_cost > 30:
...: discount = 0.9
...: else:
...: discount = 1
File "
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [20]: #我不知道为什么会这样啊,因为Spider上运行是可以的。
In [21]: total_cost *= discount
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 total_cost *= discount
NameError: name 'discount' is not defined
In [22]: #...
In [23]: print('实际花费{}'.format(total_cost))
In [24]: #那就:
In [25]: #如果购买超过30元,打九折,超过50元,打八折,求实际花费。
In [26]: total_cost = 30
In [27]: if total_cost > 32.5:
...: discount = 0.8
...: elif total_cost > 30:
...: discount = 0.9
...: else:
...: discount = 1
In [28]: total_cost *= discount
In [29]: print("实际花费为:{}元".format(total_cost))
In [30]: #今天的有点问题
In [31]: total_cost = 32.5
In [32]: if total_cost > 50:
...: discount = 0.8
...: elif total_cost > 30:
...: discount = 0.9
...: else:
...: discount = 1
In [33]: total_cost *= discount
In [34]: print("实际花费为:{}元".format(total_cost))
In [35]: #这样就成功了!
In [36]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [37]: #重点:
In [38]: #1.条件判断可以任意组合
In [39]: #第一层意思:elif可以有0到任意多个,else可有可无
In [40]: #第二层意思:条件判断可以进行嵌套
In [41]: #2.着重来看一下contition,就是条件判断
In [42]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [43]: #condition
In [44]: bool(''),bool({}),bool([])
Out[44]: (False, False, False)
In [45]: condition = ''
In [46]: if condition:
...: print('True')
...: else:
...: print('False')
In [47]: #它输出了False,也就是说,condition是空字符的时候就是False
In [48]: condition = 'bool'
In [49]: if condition:
...: print('True')
...: else:
...: print('False')
In [50]: #它更倾向于有,或者无的因素
In [51]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [52]: #布尔(bool)值也是可以做and or not运算的
In [53]: and or not
File "
and or not
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [54]: #光直接写是不行的。
In [55]: #下面先举个例子:布尔型变量做运算
In [56]: a = True
In [57]: b = False
In [58]: print('a and b is {}'.format(a and b))
a and b is False
In [59]: #如果改成or:
In [60]: print('a or b is {}'.format(a and b))
a or b is False
In [61]: #它是一样的
In [62]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [63]: #非布尔(bool)型变量做and or not运算
In [64]: a = 'hello world'
In [65]: b = [1,2,3]
In [66]: print('a and b is {}'.format(a and b))
a and b is [1, 2, 3]
In [67]: #它打印出来的内容是b的变量
In [68]: print('a or b is {}'.format(a or b))
a or b is hello world
In [69]: #这样打印出来的内容就是a的变量
In [70]: #它在and or not运算中跟别的变量不同,如果是and,就会返回b的内容;如果是or,就会返回a的内容。即使变量内容是空的或空列表。
In [71]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [72]: #总结:
In [73]: #非布尔型变量 and 运算
In [74]: a = [1,2,3]
In [75]: b = 10
In [76]: print(b and a)
[1, 2, 3]
In [77]: #非布尔型变量 or 运算
In [78]: a = 'nihao'
In [79]: b = {'apple':100}
In [80]: print(a or b)
In [81]: #非布尔型变量 not 运算
In [82]: print(not b)
In [83]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [84]: #讲解 “ 总结 ”
In [85]: #如果前面加一个not
In [86]: not ''
Out[86]: True
In [87]: #这时候,not永远给我们返回的呢,就是True或False
In [88]: not '2342'
Out[88]: False
In [89]: #如果有内容的话,它就会返回False
In [90]: not []
Out[90]: True
In [91]: #如果是控列表,它就认为是False,not 之后就会返回相反的值。
In [92]: #————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
In [93]: #下面我们讲一个条件判断的“近亲”——断言
In [94]: if not condition:
...: crash program
File "
crash program
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [95]: #它的意思是:我断言它肯定是这样的,如果不是这样,那就崩溃
In [96]: #这里是个伪代码,肯定就崩溃。
In [97]: age = 18
In [98]: assert age == 18
In [99]: #是真的,它就不输出结果;
In [100]: age = 19
In [101]: assert age == 18
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 assert age == 18
In [102]: #不是真的,它就崩溃了。
In [103]: #如果你想要备注,你就这样加一句:他竟然不是18岁
In [104]: assert age == 18, '他竟然不是18岁'
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 assert age == 18, '他竟然不是18岁'
AssertionError: 他竟然不是18岁
In [105]: print("\n本次“只读课堂”的python教程就到这了,欢迎继续收看!\n")