leftover women

who is the leftover women ?

The leftover women is the women who don't want to get married or can't find the right person to get married.The most people think the women who is over 27 years old is called leftover women. And this phenomenon does not only exist in China , but also in other countries, especially in the developed countries.

Why ? I  think the one reason is the more and more women have chance to get high education and high position in  society .However,the men wouldn't like to get married with women who is more excellent than himself.And the other reason is they have to work as hard as men, but they don't know how to deal with the balance with work and life. And the leftover women choose to work.

But where is they leftover men? There isn't leftover men , although the man who unmarried has been over 35 years old, but no one call him  is a leftover men.  Maybe , it is because he still can marry with a young women again when he was over 35 years old  in the past, but women can not.

The most of leftover women's parents is extremely worried about their daughter.they are afraid of their lovely daughter can't get married and can't get happiness. In their opinion, if a women can't get married before 30  years old , she will can't be happiness in future. So their daughter  have to face the more and more pressure of getting married  from them. Someone surrendered to their parents and find a men they don't love to get married , but someone insist on single.And this cause lots of problems of family.

However, in my opinion,It is unpolite to call someone a leftover women .Why should we call a women who don't get married a leftover women. They are just a person as same as others. It is not a good idea to give a label to some people who  just don't want to get married.

I just want to tell  the person who called herself or be called by others a leftover women.Don't let them judge you . No one can judge you except yourself.

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