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下面介绍用boost synchronization class(boost 同步类)来实现。
: is a double-ended queue, implemented with STL deque. SychronizedVector
: is a ring or cycle queue, implemented with STL vector. SychronizedVectorNB
: is the no-blocking version of SychronizedVector
Code#include <iostream> #include <deque> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp> #include <boost/thread/condition.hpp> using namespace std; #define default_packesize 1280 class TPacket { int my_size; unsigned char my_databuf[default_packesize]; unsigned int ID; public: TPacket() {std::memset(my_databuf,0,sizeof(my_databuf));my_size=0;} ~TPacket() {;} int GetSize() {return my_size;} void SetSize(int size) {my_size = size;} unsigned int GetID() {return ID;} void SetID(int id) {ID = id;} bool GetData(char* pbuf,int& size) { if(my_size>size) return false; size = my_size; memcpy(pbuf,my_databuf,my_size); return true; } bool SetData(char* pbuf,int size) { if(size>default_packesize) return false; memcpy(my_databuf,pbuf,size); my_size=size; return true; } public: virtual bool IsValid() {return false;} virtual bool Encode() {return false;} virtual bool Decode() {return false;} }; //queue interface template <class T> class ISynchronizedQueue { public: virtual bool add(T pkt) = 0; virtual bool get(T& pkt) = 0; virtual bool read(T& pkt) = 0; virtual bool del(T& pkt) = 0; virtual bool clear() = 0; };
Codeclass SynchronizedDequeue: public ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket> { boost::mutex m_mutex; deque<TPacket> m_queue; boost::condition_variable m_cond; public: bool add(TPacket pkt) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); if(m_queue.size()>100) m_queue.clear(); m_queue.push_back(pkt); return true; } bool get(TPacket& pkt) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); if (!m_queue.size()) { return false; } pkt = m_queue.front(); m_queue.pop_front(); return true; } bool read(TPacket& pkt) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); if (!m_queue.size()) { return false; } pkt = m_queue.front(); return true; } bool del(TPacket& pkt) { return get(pkt); } bool clear() { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); m_queue.clear(); return true; } };
Codeclass SynchronizedVector :public ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket> { int queue_size; boost::mutex m_mutex; std::vector<TPacket> my_vector; int start,end; public: SynchronizedVector(int q_size=100) {queue_size = q_size; start=end=0; my_vector.assign(queue_size,TPacket());} bool add(TPacket pkt) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); my_vector[end++] = pkt; if(end>=queue_size) end = 0; if(end == start) start = end+1; if(start>=queue_size) start = 0; return true; } bool get(TPacket& pkt) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); if(start==end) return false; pkt = my_vector[start++]; if(start>=queue_size) start = 0; return true; } bool read(TPacket& pkt) //not support { return false; } bool del(TPacket& pkt) //not support { return false; } bool clear() { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); start = end =0; return true; } };
Codeclass SynchronizedVectorNB :public ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket> { int queue_size; boost::mutex m_mutex; std::vector<TPacket> my_vector; int start,end; public: SynchronizedVectorNB(int q_size=100) {queue_size = q_size; start=end=0; my_vector.assign(queue_size,TPacket());} bool add(TPacket pkt) { boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex,boost::try_to_lock_t()); if(!lock.owns_lock()) return false; my_vector[end++] = pkt; if(end>=queue_size) end = 0; if(end == start) start = end+1; if(start>=queue_size) start = 0; return true; } bool get(TPacket& pkt) { boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex,boost::try_to_lock_t()); if(!lock.owns_lock()) return false; if(start==end) return false; pkt = my_vector[start++]; if(start>=queue_size) start = 0; return true; } bool read(TPacket& pkt) //not support { return false; } bool del(TPacket& pkt) //not support { return false; } bool clear() { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex); start = end =0; return true; } };
CodeDWORD WINAPI ProducerServerThread(LPVOID lpParam) { int count=0; ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket>* pQ = (ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket>*)lpParam; TPacket pkt; LOG("\n-------------------------Producer thread begin-----------------------"); while(1) { DWORD t1 = GetTickCount(); Sleep(50); if(count++>=1000) break; //initialize packet data to zero. memset(&pkt,0,sizeof(pkt)); //add content to packet, I only set the ID here, you can do something more. pkt.SetID(count); if(pQ->add(pkt)) LOG("Add PACKET ID = %d ",pkt.GetID()); else LOG("Add Packet Failed"); DWORD t2 = GetTickCount(); LOG("ONE-LOOP DURATION = %d",t2-t1); } LOG("\n-------------------------Producer thread end-----------------------"); return 0; }
CodeDWORD WINAPI ConsumerServerThread(LPVOID lpParam) { int count=0; ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket>* pQ = (ISynchronizedQueue<TPacket>*)lpParam; TPacket pkt; LOG("\n-------------------------Cosumer thread begin-----------------------"); while(1) { Sleep(10); if(count++>=1200) break; if(pQ->get(pkt)) LOG("Get Packet ID = %d",pkt.GetID()); else LOG("Get Packet Failed"); } LOG("\n-------------------------Cosumer thread end-----------------------"); return 0; }
CodeSynchronizedDequeue m_q[5]; //SynchronizedVector m_q[5]; //SynchronizedVectorNB m_q[5] int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int thread_count =5; HANDLE server_threads[10]; for (int i=0; i < thread_count ;i++) { server_threads[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ProducerServerThread, &m_q[i], 0, NULL ); if (server_threads[i] == NULL) { LOG( "Create Thread failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } } for (int i= 0; i < thread_count ;i++) { server_threads[i+thread_count] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ConsumerServerThread, &m_q[i], 0, NULL ); if (server_threads[i] == NULL) { LOG( "Create Thread failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } } // Wait until the threads exit, then cleanup int retval = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2*thread_count, server_threads, TRUE, INFINITE ); if ((retval == WAIT_FAILED) || (retval == WAIT_TIMEOUT)) { LOG( "WaitForMultipleObjects failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } }