stored procedure, described in this section, captures the following information:
The stored procedure was created with the following optimizations to reduce the effect on performance and blocking by running this stored procedure:
This stored procedure is useful by running it from any query tool. However, Microsoft suggests that you follow these steps to perform blocking analysis:
use master
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_blocker_pss70') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
drop procedure dbo.sp_blocker_pss70
create proc sp_blocker_pss70 (@latch int = 0, @fast int = 1)
--version 13
set nocount on
declare @spid varchar(6)
declare @blocked varchar(6)
declare @time datetime
declare @time2 datetime
declare @time3 datetime
declare @dbname nvarchar(128)
declare @IsDetached tinyint
declare @IsEmergencyMode tinyint
declare @IsInLoad tinyint
declare @IsInRecovery tinyint
declare @IsNotRecovered tinyint
declare @IsOffline tinyint
declare @IsShutDown tinyint
declare @IsSingleUser tinyint
declare @IsSuspect tinyint
set @time = getdate()
select spid, ecid, blocked, waittype, dbid, 'ignore_app' = case
when convert(varchar(128),hostname) = 'PSSDIAG' then 1 else 0 end into #probclients
from master..sysprocesses where blocked!=0 or waittype != 0x0000
create unique clustered index pc on #probclients (blocked, spid, ecid)
set @time3 = getdate()
if exists (select spid from #probclients where ignore_app != 1 or waittype != 0x020B)
set @time2 = getdate()
print ''
print '7 Start time: ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) + ' '
+ convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,@time2)) + ' ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,@time3))
insert #probclients select distinct blocked, 0, 0, 0x0000, 0, 0 from #probclients
where blocked not in (select spid from #probclients) and blocked != 0
if (@fast = 1)
print ''
print 'SYSPROCESSES ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') + ' ' + str(@@microsoftversion)
select spid, status, blocked, open_tran, waitresource, waittype,
waittime, cmd, lastwaittype, cpu, physical_io,
memusage,last_batch=convert(varchar(26), last_batch,121),
login_time=convert(varchar(26), login_time,121), net_address,
net_library, dbid, ecid, kpid, hostname, hostprocess,
loginame, program_name, nt_domain, nt_username, uid, sid
from master..sysprocesses
where blocked!=0 or waittype != 0x0000
or spid in (select blocked from #probclients where blocked != 0)
or spid in (select spid from #probclients where blocked != 0)
print 'ESP ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate()))
print ''
select spid, ecid, waittype from #probclients where waittype != 0x0000
if exists(select blocked from #probclients where blocked != 0)
print 'Blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121)
print ''
print 'SPIDs at the head of blocking chains'
select spid from #probclients
where blocked = 0 and spid in (select blocked from #probclients where spid != 0)
if @latch = 0
set @time2 = getdate()
select spid = convert (smallint, req_spid),
ecid = convert (smallint, req_ecid),
rsc_dbid As dbid,
rsc_objid As ObjId,
rsc_indid As IndId,
Type = case rsc_type when 1 then 'NUL'
when 2 then 'DB'
when 3 then 'FIL'
when 4 then 'IDX'
when 5 then 'TAB'
when 6 then 'PAG'
when 7 then 'KEY'
when 8 then 'EXT'
when 9 then 'RID' end,
Resource = substring (rsc_text, 1, 16),
Mode = case req_mode + 1 when 1 then NULL
when 2 then 'Sch-S'
when 3 then 'Sch-M'
when 4 then 'IS'
when 5 then 'SIU'
when 6 then 'IS-S'
when 7 then 'IX'
when 8 then 'SIX'
when 9 then 'S'
when 10 then 'U'
when 11 then 'IIn-Nul'
when 12 then 'IS-X'
when 13 then 'IU'
when 14 then 'IS-U'
when 15 then 'X'
when 16 then 'BU' end,
Status = case req_status when 1 then 'GRANT'
when 2 then 'CNVT'
when 3 then 'WAIT' end
from master.dbo.syslockinfo s,
#probclients p
where p.spid = s.req_spid
print 'ESL ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate()))
end -- latch not set
end -- blocking via locks
print 'No blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121)
end -- fast set
begin -- Fast not set
print ''
print 'SYSPROCESSES ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)') + ' ' + str(@@microsoftversion)
select spid, status, blocked, open_tran, waitresource, waittype,
waittime, cmd, lastwaittype, cpu, physical_io,
memusage,last_batch=convert(varchar(26), last_batch,121),
login_time=convert(varchar(26), login_time,121), net_address,
net_library, dbid, ecid, kpid, hostname, hostprocess,
loginame, program_name, nt_domain, nt_username, uid, sid
from master..sysprocesses
print 'ESP ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate()))
print ''
select spid, ecid, waittype from #probclients where waittype != 0x0000
if exists(select blocked from #probclients where blocked != 0)
print 'Blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121)
print ''
print 'SPIDs at the head of blocking chains'
select spid from #probclients
where blocked = 0 and spid in (select blocked from #probclients where spid != 0)
if @latch = 0
set @time2 = getdate()
select spid = convert (smallint, req_spid),
ecid = convert (smallint, req_ecid),
rsc_dbid As dbid,
rsc_objid As ObjId,
rsc_indid As IndId,
Type = case rsc_type when 1 then 'NUL'
when 2 then 'DB'
when 3 then 'FIL'
when 4 then 'IDX'
when 5 then 'TAB'
when 6 then 'PAG'
when 7 then 'KEY'
when 8 then 'EXT'
when 9 then 'RID' end,
Resource = substring (rsc_text, 1, 16),
Mode = case req_mode + 1 when 1 then NULL
when 2 then 'Sch-S'
when 3 then 'Sch-M'
when 4 then 'IS'
when 5 then 'SIU'
when 6 then 'IS-S'
when 7 then 'IX'
when 8 then 'SIX'
when 9 then 'S'
when 10 then 'U'
when 11 then 'IIn-Nul'
when 12 then 'IS-X'
when 13 then 'IU'
when 14 then 'IS-U'
when 15 then 'X'
when 16 then 'BU' end,
Status = case req_status when 1 then 'GRANT'
when 2 then 'CNVT'
when 3 then 'WAIT' end
from master.dbo.syslockinfo
print 'ESL ' + convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time2,getdate()))
end -- latch not set
print 'No blocking via locks at ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121)
end -- Fast not set
print ''
dbcc sqlperf(waitstats)
print ''
print ''
Print '*********************************************************************'
Print 'Print out DBCC INPUTBUFFER for all blocked or blocking spids.'
Print '*********************************************************************'
declare ibuffer cursor fast_forward for
select cast (spid as varchar(6)) as spid, cast (blocked as varchar(6)) as blocked
from #probclients
where (spid <> @@spid) and (blocked!=0
or (waittype != 0x0000 and ignore_app = 0)
or spid in (select blocked from #probclients where blocked != 0))
open ibuffer
fetch next from ibuffer into @spid, @blocked
while (@@fetch_status != -1)
print ''
exec ('print ''DBCC INPUTBUFFER FOR SPID ' + @spid + '''')
exec ('dbcc inputbuffer (' + @spid + ')')
fetch next from ibuffer into @spid, @blocked
deallocate ibuffer
Print ''
Print '*******************************************************************************'
Print 'Print out DBCC OPENTRAN for active databases for all blocked or blocking spids.'
Print '*******************************************************************************'
declare ibuffer cursor fast_forward for
select distinct cast (dbid as varchar(6)) from #probclients
where dbid != 0
open ibuffer
fetch next from ibuffer into @spid
while (@@fetch_status != -1)
print ''
set @dbname = db_name(@spid)
select @IsDetached = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsDetached')
select @IsEmergencyMode = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsEmergencyMode')
select @IsInLoad = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsInLoad')
select @IsInRecovery = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsInRecovery')
select @IsNotRecovered = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsNotRecovered')
select @IsOffline = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsOffline')
select @IsShutDown = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsShutDown')
select @IsSingleUser = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsSingleUser')
select @IsSuspect = DATABASEPROPERTY(@dbname,'IsSuspect')
print 'DBCC OPENTRAN FOR DBID ' + @spid + ' ['+ @dbname + ']'
if @IsDetached + @IsEmergencyMode + @IsInLoad + @IsInRecovery + @IsNotRecovered + @IsOffline
+ @IsShutDown + @IsSingleUser + @IsSuspect = 0
dbcc opentran(@dbname)
print 'Skipped: Status=ID=' + str(@IsDetached,1) + ' IEM=' + str(@IsEmergencyMode,1) + ' IIL='
+ str(@IsInLoad,1) + ' IIR=' + str(@IsInRecovery,1) + ' INR' + str(@IsNotRecovered,1) + ' IO='
+ str(@IsOffline,1) + ' ISD=' + str(@IsShutDown,1) + ' ISU=' + str(@IsSingleUser,1) + ' IS='
+ str(@IsSuspect,1)
print ''
if @spid = '2' select @blocked = 'Y'
fetch next from ibuffer into @spid
deallocate ibuffer
if @blocked != 'Y'
print ''
print 'DBCC OPENTRAN FOR DBID 2 [tempdb]'
dbcc opentran ('tempdb')
print ''
print 'End time: ' + convert(varchar(26), getdate(), 121)
end -- All
print '7 No Waittypes: ' + convert(varchar(26), @time, 121) + ' '
+ convert(varchar(12), datediff(ms,@time,@time3)) + ' ' + ISNULL (@@servername,'(null)')