Disable Command bars and controls in Excel 97-2003

Disable Command bars and controls in Excel 97-2003
Ron de Bruin (last update 30-Oct-2007)
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Important: All examples on this page use False to disable the commandbar/toolbar/control.
Change it to True if you want to enable the control.

DownloadExample workbook with the code from this page and more examples

How do I disable a Command bar
How do I disable all Command bars
How do I disable a Menu or Control
Screenshots Worksheet Menu Bar Excel 2003 with ID numbers
Other useful examples
Helpful Links

How do I disable a Command bar

This code line will disable the Worksheet Menu Bar
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False

This code line will disable the Standard toolbar
Application.CommandBars("Standard").Enabled = False

This code line will disable the Cell menu (menu when you right click on a cell)
Application.CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = False

Important: you must always use the English name of the Command bar in the code.
If you use the local name of the Command bar it is not working.

If you don't know the English name for a Command Bar you can run this macro.
It will add a new worksheet to your workbook with a list of all names (English and local).
Sub Get_Commandbars_Names()

    Dim Cbar As CommandBar

    Dim NewWS As Worksheet

    Dim RNum As Long

    RNum = 1

    Set NewWS = Worksheets.Add

    On Error Resume Next

    ActiveSheet.Name = "CommandBarNames"

    On Error GoTo 0

    For Each Cbar In Application.CommandBars

        NewWS.Cells(RNum, "A").Value = Cbar.Name

        NewWS.Cells(RNum, "B").Value = Cbar.NameLocal

        RNum = RNum + 1

    Next Cbar


End Sub

How do I disable all Command bars

If you want them back use True instead of False in the code
Sub Disable_Command_Bars_1()

'This will disable all Command bars

    Dim Cbar As CommandBar

    For Each Cbar In Application.CommandBars

        Cbar.Enabled = False


End Sub
More examples are in the workbook that you can download on this page.

How do I disable a Menu or Control

You see that you must use the Id's of the menu/controls when you have read
this part of the page. But how do you find them ?

You can use this Add-in (CommandBar Tools)

See also the screenshots below this section of the webpage with
all menus from the worksheet Menu Bar in Excel 2003.

Disable a menu on the Worksheet Menu Bar

Both Examples will disable the File menu in the Worksheet Menu Bar

1) Use the name of the command bar control

Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("File").Enabled = False

But this is not working if you run the code in a Excel version that is not English.
File is Bestand in the Dutch Excel version for Example.

2) Use the ID number of the command bar control ( working in every Excel language version)

Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").FindControl(ID:=30002).Enabled = False

because there is only one control with the ID 30002 you can use this line also because
FindControl will find the first occurrence of the ID.

Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=30002).Enabled = False

Disable a control

This code line disable View - Full Screen in the Worksheet Menu Bar
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").FindControl _
(ID:=178, Recursive:=True).Enabled = False

I use Recursive:=True in this code example to look in all sub menus in the Worksheet Menu Bar

This example will only disable the "Copy" control on the Standard Toolbar.
Application.CommandBars("Standard").FindControl(ID:=19).Enabled = False

The examples below disable all the "Copy" controls in all command bars.
Note: Every "Copy" control in the Menu Bar, Toolbars and right click menus

If you use Excel 2000-2003 you can use the code below that use the Office.CommandBarControl
Sub MenuControl_False()

' Excel 2000 - 2003

    Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl

    For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=19)

        Ctrl.Enabled = False

    Next Ctrl

End Sub
If you use Excel 97 then use this example (also working in 2000-2003)
Sub MenuControl_Enabled_False()

' Excel 97 - 2003

    Dim Ctl As CommandBarControl

    Dim Cbar As Integer

    On Error Resume Next

    For Cbar = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count

        For Each Ctl In Application.CommandBars(Cbar).Controls

            Application.CommandBars(Cbar).FindControl(ID:=19, _

                            Recursive:=True).Enabled = False

        Next Ctl

    Next Cbar

    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Screenshots Worksheet Menu Bar Excel 2003 with ID numbers

Check out also this Add-in (CommandBar Tools) to find all ID numbers
for all commandbars in Excel.

Other useful examples

1) How do I run the code automatic when I activate and deactivate a workbook

You can use this events in the ThisWorkbook module.

Read more about events on Chip Pearson's site.

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
'Your code to change Enabled to False
'Or the name of your macro

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()
'Your code to change Enabled to True
'Or the name of your macro

End Sub

Or use this two events

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'Your code to change Enabled to False
'Or the name of your macro

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
'Your code to change Enabled to False
'Or the name of your macro

End Sub

2) Hide the FormulaBar and StatusBar

Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False

3) Disable the shortcuts

You can use Application.OnKey to do this.
See the VBA help for more information.

Example to disable Ctrl c (the Copy shortcut)

Application.OnKey "^c", ""

to restore use

Application.OnKey "^c"

4) Other

Disable right clicking on the worksheet menu bar and other bars in 97 SR1 and above.

On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Toolbar List").Enabled = False
On Error GoTo 0

This prevents users double-clicking on the Toolbar area to open the
(Customize Toolbars) dialog in Excel 2002 and above.
Application.CommandBars.DisableCustomize = True

If you want to remove “ Type a question for Help” on the Worksheet Menu Bar you
can use this in Excel 2002 and above. True = hidden and False = visible
Application.CommandBars.DisableAskAQuestionDropdown = True

You can use this to avoid the error in Excel 2000

If Val(Application.Version) > 9 Then
    CallByName CommandBars, "DisableCustomize", VbLet, True
    CallByName CommandBars, "DisableAskAQuestionDropdown", VbLet, True
End If

5) Reset a commandbar

Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Reset

Resetting a built-in control restores the actions originally intended for the control and resets
each of the control's properties back to its original state.
Resetting a built-in command bar removes custom controls and restores built-in controls.


How to customize menus and menu bars in Excel

XL2000: List of ID Numbers for Built-In CommandBar Controls

Sample Macros to Return ID for a CommandBar Control

XL2000: Sample Macros that Customize and Control Shortcut Menus

XL2000: Sample Macros for Customizing Menus and Submenus
