为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement


多个name相同的也不行,   More input element have one name ( the same name)

哪为什么radiobutton可以执行到这个方法呢。,but we can see the raidobutton have the same name also
原来是在 page哪边注册了回调事件, because the radiobutton control is register the event on OnPreRender method.


为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement   protected   override   void  OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement        
为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement            
为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement            
if (this.Page != null && this.Enabled)
为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement            
为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement                
为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement            }

为什么LoadPostData 执行不了, why the LoadPostData method was not be implement        }

then we register the event also.
