
昨天播阿森纳对曼城的时候不小心听到了这么一句,BTV6以后每个周末都录播枪手(还有死敌热刺-_-)的英超比赛!!哈哈,不过我不知道是不是我听错了,因为btv6的那两个解说员高兴起来真是什么话都说-_- 但是今天阿森纳吧里也有人说这个事,我准备过几天给btv6打个电话问问

 所以,以后不要随便看体育 新闻 ,我昨天 就是,忍了两天了,录播比赛前看了天天体育 ,结果知道了比分 -_- 10分钟后的录播比赛也没有心情看了 5555

I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasn’t easy
But nothing is, no

When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well I lie and I'm easy
All of the time but I'm never sure when I need you
Pleased to meet you

I got my head done
When I was young
It’s not my problem
It’s not my problem

When I feel heavy metal
And I'm pins and I'm needles
Well I lie and I'm easy
All of the time but I'm never sure when I need you
Pleased to meet you

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah  

