《Two Dozen Short Lessons in Haskell》学习(十五)- Encapsulation — modules


《Two Dozen Short Lessons in Haskell》(Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 by Rex Page,有人翻译为Haskell二十四学时教程,该书如果不用于赢利,可以任意发布,但需要保留他们的copyright)这本书是学习 Haskell的一套练习册,共有2本,一本是问题,一本是答案,分为24个章节。在这个站点有PDF文件。几年前刚开始学习Haskell的时候,感觉前几章还可以看下去,后面的内容越来越难以理解。现在对函数式编程有了一些了解后,再来看这些题,许多内容变得简单起来了。




第十五章 封装--模块

1 A Haskell module provides a way to

a share variables and functions between scripts

b hide some of the variables and functions that a script defines

c package collections of variables and functions to be used in other scripts

d all of the above


2 The export list in a module designates variables and functions that

a are defined in the module and redefined in other modules

b are defined in the module and will be accessible to other scripts

c are defined in other scripts and needed in the module

d are defined in other scripts and redefined in the module


3 An import specification in a script

a makes all the definitions in a module available in the script

b designates certain variables and functions in the script to be private

c makes some public definitions from another module available for use in the script

d specifies the importation parameters that apply in the script


4 In a numeric representation scheme based on radix b,

a numbers are denoted by sequences whose elements come from a set of b digits

b numbers are written backwards

c letters cannot be used to represent digits

d numbers larger than b cannot be represented


5 Horner’s formula

a computes the reverse of a sequence of digits

b takes too long to compute when n is bigger than 10

c expresses a sum of multiples of powers of a certain base as a nest of products and sums

d is too complicated to use in ordinary circumstances




1 d


module ModuleName (function1, function2)


括号里是输出列表(export list),表示这些函数可以共享给其它程序可用,类似java和C#等语言中的public关键字。




2 b



module DecimalNumerals (integerFromDecimalNumeral, decimalNumeralFromInteger)


    -- 后面写该模块中的函数定义


3 c


import DecimalNumerals (integerFromDecimalNumeral, decimalNumeralFromInteger)

引入DecimalNumerals模块中的两个函数, integerFromDecimalNumeral 和 decimalNumeralFromInteger这两个函数可以在当前程序里调用了。


4 a


这里是一个关于b进制数的表达方法,这是的b是进制的基数,d0, d1, …, dn就是第0位、第1位、…、第n位上的数字,对于10进制数,当然这些d0, d1, …, dn数字的范围就是0-9,对于16进制,范围就是0-15。



5 c


horner b ds = foldr (multAdd b) 0 ds

multAdd b d s = d + b*s
