稳扎稳打Silverlight(12) - 2.0外观之样式, 模板, 视觉状态和视觉状态管理器


稳扎稳打Silverlight(12) - 2.0外观之样式, 模板, 视觉状态和视觉状态管理器

作者: webabcd

Silverlight 2.0 外观控制:样式(Style), 模板(Template), 视觉状态(VisualState)和视觉状态管理器(VisualStateManager)


< Application  xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
< Application.Resources >
<!-- 全局样式 - 任何地方都可引用 -->
        Style - 自定义样式资源。用于修改控件的样式。各个控件的默认样式可参见文档
            x:Key - 唯一标识
            TargetType - 目标对象类型
            Setter - 属性设置器
                Property - 需要设置的属性名称
                Value - 需要设置的属性值
< Style  x:Key ="styleTestApp"  TargetType ="TextBox" >
< Setter  Property ="FontSize"  Value ="24" />
< Setter  Property ="Foreground"  Value ="#0000FF" />
</ Style >

</ Application.Resources >
</ Application >

< UserControl  x:Class ="Silverlight20.Appearance.Style"
="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel  HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< StackPanel.Resources >
<!-- 容器内样式 - 所属容器内可引用 -->
            Style - 自定义样式资源。用于修改控件的样式。各个控件的默认样式可参见文档
                x:Key - 唯一标识
                TargetType - 目标对象类型
                Setter - 属性设置器
                    Property - 需要设置的属性名称
                    Value - 需要设置的属性值
< Style  x:Key ="styleTestInContainer"  TargetType ="TextBox" >
< Setter  Property ="FontSize"  Value ="24" />
< Setter  Property ="Foreground"  Value ="#00FF00" />
</ Style >
</ StackPanel.Resources >

<!-- 全局样式的应用 -->
< TextBox  Text ="我是TextBox(全局样式的应用)"  Margin ="5"  Style =" {StaticResource styleTestApp} "   />

<!-- 容器内样式的应用 -->
< TextBox  Text ="我是TextBox(容器内样式的应用)"  Margin ="5"  Style =" {StaticResource styleTestInContainer} "   />
<!-- 内联样式的应用。内联样式优先级高于全局样式和容器内样式 -->
< TextBox  Text ="我是TextBox(内连样式的应用)"  Margin ="5"  Foreground ="#FF0000"   Style =" {StaticResource styleTestInContainer} "   />
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >

< Application  xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
< Application.Resources >
<!-- 全局模板 - 任何地方都可引用 -->
        ControlTemplate - 自定义控件模板。用于修改控件的外观。各个控件的默认模板可参见文档
            x:Key - 唯一标识
            TargetType - 目标对象类型
        ContentPresenter - 用于显示继承自 System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl 的控件的内容
        TemplateBinding - 绑定到所指定的属性名称
< ControlTemplate  x:Key ="templateTestApp"  TargetType ="Button" >
< Border  BorderBrush ="Red"  BorderThickness ="1" >
< Grid  Background =" {TemplateBinding Background} " >
< ContentPresenter  HorizontalAlignment ="Right"   />
</ Grid >
</ Border >
</ ControlTemplate >

</ Application.Resources >
</ Application >

< UserControl  x:Class ="Silverlight20.Appearance.Template"
="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel  HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >

< StackPanel.Resources >

<!-- 容器内模板 - 所属容器内可引用 -->
            ControlTemplate - 自定义控件模板。用于修改控件的外观。各个控件的默认模板可参见文档
                x:Key - 唯一标识
                TargetType - 目标对象类型
            ContentPresenter - 用于显示继承自 System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl 的控件的内容
            TemplateBinding - 绑定到所指定的属性名称
< ControlTemplate  x:Key ="templateTestInContainer"  TargetType ="Button" >
< Border  BorderBrush ="Red"  BorderThickness ="1" >
< Grid  Background =" {TemplateBinding Background} " >
< ContentPresenter  HorizontalAlignment ="Right"   />
</ Grid >
</ Border >
</ ControlTemplate >

<!-- 样式内设置模板 - 指定了样式即指定了样式内的模板 -->
< Style  x:Key ="templateTestInStyle"  TargetType ="Button" >
< Setter  Property ="Template" >
< Setter.Value >
< ControlTemplate  TargetType ="Button" >
< Border  BorderBrush ="Red"  BorderThickness ="1" >
< Grid  Background =" {TemplateBinding Background} " >
< ContentPresenter  HorizontalAlignment ="Right"   />
</ Grid >
</ Border >
</ ControlTemplate >
</ Setter.Value >
</ Setter >
</ Style >

</ StackPanel.Resources >

<!-- 全局模板的应用 -->
< Button  Width ="200"  Margin ="5"  Content ="我是Button(全局模板的应用)"  Background ="Yellow"  Template =" {StaticResource templateTestApp} "   />

<!-- 容器内模板的应用 -->
< Button  Width ="200"  Margin ="5"  Content ="我是Button(容器内模板的应用)"  Background ="Yellow"  Template =" {StaticResource templateTestInContainer} "   />

<!-- 样式内模板的应用 -->
< Button  Width ="200"  Margin ="5"  Content ="我是Button(样式内模板的应用)"  Background ="Yellow"  Style =" {StaticResource templateTestInStyle} "   />

<!-- 内联式模板的应用 -->
< Button  Width ="200"  Margin ="5"  Content ="我是Button(样式内模板的应用)" >
< Button.Template >
< ControlTemplate >
< Border  BorderBrush ="Red"  BorderThickness ="1" >
< Grid  Background ="Yellow" >
< ContentPresenter  HorizontalAlignment ="Right"   />
</ Grid >
</ Border >
</ ControlTemplate >
</ Button.Template >
</ Button >
</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >

< Application  xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
< Application.Resources >
<!-- 全局视觉状态 - 任何地方都可引用 -->
        VisualStateManager - 视觉状态管理器,用来管理视觉状态的。各个控件的默认视觉状态可参见文档
            需要导入命名空间 xmlns:vsm="clr-namespace:System.Windows;assembly=System.Windows"
< ControlTemplate  x:Key ="vsmTestApp"  TargetType ="Button"  xmlns:vsm ="clr-namespace:System.Windows;assembly=System.Windows" >
< Grid >
< vsm:VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups >

                    VisualStateGroup - 视觉状态组
                        CommonStates 组有 Normal, MouseOver, Pressed, Disabled
                        FocusStates 组有 Unfocused, Focused
                    x:Name - 视觉状态的所属组别名称
< vsm:VisualStateGroup  x:Name ="CommonStates" >

                        VisualState - 配置视觉状态
                            x:Name - 所属视觉状态组内的指定的视觉状态名称
< vsm:VisualState  x:Name ="MouseOver" >
< Storyboard >
< ColorAnimation 
Storyboard.TargetName ="borderBrush"  
="0:0:3"   />
</ Storyboard >
</ vsm:VisualState >

< vsm:VisualState  x:Name ="Normal"   />

                        VisualStateGroup.Transitions - 所属视觉状态组内的状态转换的配置
                            From - 转换前的视觉状态名称
                            To - 转换后的视觉状态名称
                            GeneratedDuration - 一个状态转换到另一个状态的所需时间
< vsm:VisualStateGroup.Transitions >
< vsm:VisualTransition  From ="MouseOver"  To ="Normal"  GeneratedDuration ="0:0:3" >
< Storyboard >
< ColorAnimation 
Storyboard.TargetName ="borderBrush"  
="0:0:3"   />
</ Storyboard >
</ vsm:VisualTransition >
</ vsm:VisualStateGroup.Transitions >

</ vsm:VisualStateGroup >
</ vsm:VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups >

< Border  x:Name ="border"  BorderThickness ="10" >
< Border.BorderBrush >
< SolidColorBrush  x:Name ="borderBrush"  Color ="Red"   />
</ Border.BorderBrush >
< Grid  Background =" {TemplateBinding Background} " >
< ContentPresenter  HorizontalAlignment ="Right"   />
</ Grid >
</ Border >
</ Grid >
</ ControlTemplate >

</ Application.Resources >
</ Application >

< UserControl  x:Class ="Silverlight20.Appearance.VisualStateManager"
="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" >
< StackPanel  HorizontalAlignment ="Left" >
< StackPanel.Resources >

<!-- 容器内视觉状态 - 所属容器内可引用 -->
            VisualStateManager - 视觉状态管理器,用来管理视觉状态的。各个控件的默认视觉状态可参见文档
                需要导入命名空间 xmlns:vsm="clr-namespace:System.Windows;assembly=System.Windows"
< ControlTemplate  x:Key ="vsmTestInContainer"  TargetType ="Button"  xmlns:vsm ="clr-namespace:System.Windows;assembly=System.Windows" >
< Grid >
< vsm:VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups >
                        VisualStateGroup - 视觉状态组
                            CommonStates 组有 Normal, MouseOver, Pressed, Disabled
                            FocusStates 组有 Unfocused, Focused
                        x:Name - 视觉状态的所属组别名称
< vsm:VisualStateGroup  x:Name ="CommonStates" >
                            VisualState - 配置视觉状态
                                x:Name - 所属视觉状态组内的指定的视觉状态名称
< vsm:VisualState  x:Name ="MouseOver" >
< Storyboard >
< ColorAnimation 
Storyboard.TargetName ="borderBrush"  
="0:0:3"   />
</ Storyboard >
</ vsm:VisualState >
< vsm:VisualState  x:Name ="Normal"   />
                            VisualStateGroup.Transitions - 所属视觉状态组内的状态转换的配置
                                From - 转换前的视觉状态名称
                                To - 转换后的视觉状态名称
                                GeneratedDuration - 一个状态转换到另一个状态的所需时间
< vsm:VisualStateGroup.Transitions >
< vsm:VisualTransition  From ="MouseOver"  To ="Normal"  GeneratedDuration ="0:0:3" >
< Storyboard >
< ColorAnimation 
Storyboard.TargetName ="borderBrush"  
="0:0:3"   />
</ Storyboard >
</ vsm:VisualTransition >
</ vsm:VisualStateGroup.Transitions >

</ vsm:VisualStateGroup >
</ vsm:VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups >

< Border  x:Name ="border"  BorderThickness ="10" >
< Border.BorderBrush >
< SolidColorBrush  x:Name ="borderBrush"  Color ="Red"   />
</ Border.BorderBrush >
< Grid  Background =" {TemplateBinding Background} " >
< ContentPresenter  HorizontalAlignment ="Right"   />
</ Grid >
</ Border >
</ Grid >
</ ControlTemplate >
</ StackPanel.Resources >

<!-- 全局视觉状态的应用 -->
< Button  Content ="我是Button(全局视觉状态的应用)"  Margin ="5"  Background ="Yellow"  Template =" {StaticResource vsmTestApp} "   />

<!-- 容器内视觉状态的应用 -->
< Button  Content ="我是Button(容器内视觉状态的应用)"  Margin ="5"  Background ="Yellow"  Template =" {StaticResource vsmTestInContainer} "   />

</ StackPanel >
</ UserControl >

