public class EsbServerConfiguration {
public SpringBus springBus(){
return new SpringBus();
public LoggingFeature loggingFeature(){
return new LoggingFeature();
public List jmsConfigFeatures(EsbServerProperties props) throws JMSException {
List features = new ArrayList<>();
* 这里会使用EsbServerProperties的属性构建Bean实例
return features;
// 从application.yml等配置文件中读取并绑定esb.server.destination等属性值
public class EsbServerProperties {
String destination;
int currConsumers = 1;
String channel;
int ccsid = 1205;
int transportType = 1;
List connectionNameLists;
boolean replyError = false;
String replySuccessText = "Success";
String replyErrorText = "Failure";
格式: sed -i "s/查找字段/替换字段/g" `grep 查找字段 -rl 路径`
linux sed 批量替换多个文件中的字符串
sed -i "s/oldstring/newstring/g" `grep oldstring -rl yourdir`
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
Hive中的排序语法 2014.06.22 ORDER BY
hive中的ORDER BY语句和关系数据库中的sql语法相似。他会对查询结果做全局排序,这意味着所有的数据会传送到一个Reduce任务上,这样会导致在大数量的情况下,花费大量时间。
与数据库中 ORDER BY 的区别在于在hive.mapred.mode = strict模式下,必须指定 limit 否则执行会报错。
post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with output:
svn: E155004: Working copy 'D:\xx\xxx' locked
svn: E200031: sqlite: attempt to write a readonly database
svn: E200031: sqlite: attempt to write a