Golang pprof 性能分析与火焰图


      • 1. 安装graphviz
        • 1.1 下载 graphviz (windows 环境)
        • 1.2 测试graphviz是否安装成功
      • 2. 使用pprof
        • 2.1 修改代码
        • 2.2 火焰图生成
      • 3. Gin框架使用pprof
        • 3.1 安装需要包
        • 3.2 启动程序
        • 3.3 火焰图
        • 3.4 pprof命令行
        • 参考文档

1. 安装graphviz

1.1 下载 graphviz (windows 环境)



# 例如 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin

1.2 测试graphviz是否安装成功

dot -version
dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
libdir = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin"
Activated plugin library: gvplugin_dot_layout.dll
Using layout: dot:dot_layout
Activated plugin library: gvplugin_core.dll
Using render: dot:core
Using device: dot:dot:core
The plugin configuration file:
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\config6
                was successfully loaded.
    render      :  cairo dot fig gd gdiplus map pic pov ps svg tk vml vrml xdot
    layout      :  circo dot fdp neato nop nop1 nop2 osage patchwork sfdp twopi
    textlayout  :  textlayout
    device      :  bmp canon cmap cmapx cmapx_np dot emf emfplus eps fig gd gd2 gif gv imap imap_np ismap jpe jpeg jpg metafile pdf pic plain plain-ext png pov ps ps2 svg svgz tif tiff tk vml vmlz vrml wbmp xdot xdot1.2 xdot1.4
    loadimage   :  (lib) bmp eps gd gd2 gif jpe jpeg jpg png ps svg

2. 使用pprof

2.1 修改代码


import "net/http"
import _ "net/http/pprof"
func main() {
    http.ListenAndServe("", nil)


go run main.go

# 通过浏览器访问
# 访问该地址将看到性能分析界面

2.2 火焰图生成


go tool pprof -http=:1234 http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile
# 执行上述命令稍微等会,浏览器上会出现一UI界面
VIEW->Flame Graph

3. Gin框架使用pprof

3.1 安装需要包


 go get github.com/gin-contrib/pprof


package main

import (

func main() {
  router := gin.Default()

3.2 启动程序

启动程序之后会看到很多自动添加pprof 相关的接口


go run main.go
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:  gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/             --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/cmdline      --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/profile      --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] POST   /debug/pprof/symbol       --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/symbol       --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/trace        --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/allocs       --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/block        --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/goroutine    --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/heap         --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/mutex        --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /debug/pprof/threadcreate --> github.com/gin-contrib/pprof.pprofHandler.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] Environment variable PORT is undefined. Using port :8080 by default
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080


Golang pprof 性能分析与火焰图_第1张图片

allocs :过去所有内存分配的抽样
block :导致在同步基元上阻塞的堆栈跟踪
cmdline :当前程序的命令行调用
goroutine :goroutine堆栈跟踪
heap :活动对象的内存分配的采样
mutex :争用互斥锁的持有者的堆栈跟踪
profile :CPU摘要信息。您可以在seconds GET参数中指定持续时间。获得概要文件之后,使用go工具pprof命令来调查该概要文件。
threadcreate : 操作系统线程堆栈跟踪
trace : 当前程序的执行轨迹。您可以在seconds GET参数中指定持续时间。获得跟踪文件后,使用go工具跟踪命令来调查跟踪。

3.3 火焰图


# 执行命令后,会在浏览器打开一个窗口
go tool pprof -http=:1234 http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/goroutine

# 简单解释
# -http 表示使用交互式web接口查看获取的性能信息,指定可用的端口即可
# debug/pprof/需要查看的指标 (allocs,block,goroutine,heap...)


Golang pprof 性能分析与火焰图_第2张图片


Golang pprof 性能分析与火焰图_第3张图片

3.4 pprof命令行


使用 go tool pprof + 数据源

example :

go tool pprof

命令行下执行 ,常用的命令有top,tree,web等,通过help命令查看更多

PS G:\> go tool pprof
Fetching profile over HTTP from
Saved profile in C:\Users\captain\pprof\pprof.alloc_objects.alloc_space.inuse_objects.inuse_space.008.pb.gz
Type: alloc_space
Time: Sep 19, 2020 at 3:53pm (CST)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
# help 命令可以查看所有命令
# top [n] 查看性能指标数据
(pprof) top 5
Showing nodes accounting for 1026.66kB, 100% of 1026.66kB total
Showing top 5 nodes out of 11
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
  514.63kB 50.13% 50.13%   514.63kB 50.13%  math/rand.NewSource
  512.03kB 49.87%   100%   512.03kB 49.87%  regexp/syntax.(*parser).maybeConcat
         0     0%   100%   512.03kB 49.87%  github.com/jinzhu/gorm.init.ializers
         0     0%   100%   514.63kB 50.13%  math/rand.init.ializers
         0     0%   100%   512.03kB 49.87%  regexp.Compile
# tree [n] 以树形显示指标数据        
(pprof) tree 5
Showing nodes accounting for 1026.66kB, 100% of 1026.66kB total
Showing top 5 nodes out of 11
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%   calls calls% + context
                                          514.63kB   100% |   math/rand.init.ializers
  514.63kB 50.13% 50.13%   514.63kB 50.13%                | math/rand.NewSource
                                          512.03kB   100% |   regexp.Compile
  512.03kB 49.87%   100%   512.03kB 49.87%                | regexp/syntax.(*parser).maybeConcat
         0     0%   100%   512.03kB 49.87%                | github.com/jinzhu/gorm.init.ializers
                                          512.03kB   100% |   regexp.Compile
         0     0%   100%   514.63kB 50.13%                | math/rand.init.ializers
                                          514.63kB   100% |   math/rand.NewSource
                                          512.03kB   100% |   github.com/jinzhu/gorm.init.ializers
         0     0%   100%   512.03kB 49.87%                | regexp.Compile
                                          512.03kB   100% |   regexp/syntax.(*parser).maybeConcat

# web命令是希望通过web形式(在浏览器器中看到),因为前面已经安装了graphviz,所以web可以使用
# web命令会直接打开浏览器
(pprof) web

Golang pprof 性能分析与火焰图_第4张图片


- [1] gin-contrib/pprof
- [2] pprof
