

一个用MATLAB编写的VST 2音频效果插件,它使用遗传算法生成描述人工房间混响的随机脉冲响应,并使用该脉冲响应对信号实时施加卷积混响。

A VST 2 audio effect plugin written in MATLAB that uses a genetic algorithm to generate a random impulse response describing the reverberation of an artificial room, and uses the impulse response to apply convolution reverb to a signal in real-time.


A MATLAB script version (main.m) is also available, which accepts a WAV audio file as input instead.


The input is combined with the impulse response via convolution, applying the reverb effect to the pre-recorded audio.


Since no two impulse responses will ever be the same, both the script and the plugin are also able to save the generated impulse responses to new files as well.

You can then load the generated impulse response files into other programs such as my simple IR Reverb Pure Data patch (https://github.com/edward-ly/reverb-pd) or the Convolution Reverb device in Ableton Live (https://www.ableton.com/en/packs/convolution-reverb/) to perform the same reverb effect.

A video explaining and demonstrating (an older version of) the plugin is below:


This plugin was selected as a finalist in the MATLAB Plugin Student Competition at the 147th AES Convention in New York, 2019.

For details regarding generating and running the plugin as well as an explanation of the user parameters in the plugin, see the included README.md file.

