macOS Big Sur AppleScript用于连接Airpods (可用于Alfred)

自从升级到Big Sur, 之前常用的连接Airpods的Alfred 脚本就不好用了. 而Big Sur 自动连接Airpods的功能并不好用, 还是手动更靠谱了.
搜索了很多文章更新了脚本, 话不多说, 直接上代码吧:

on alfred_script(q)
    activate application "SystemUIServer"

# AppleScript
set AirPodsName to "2Pods"

tell application "System Events"
    tell application process "ControlCenter"
        set btMenu to menu bar item "蓝牙" of menu bar 1
        tell btMenu to click
        # entire contents
        set btCheckbox to checkbox 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "控制中心" whose title contains AirPodsName
        # entire contents
        if exists btCheckbox then
            if value of btCheckbox is 1 then
                set btCheckboxValue to 0
                tell btCheckbox to click
                tell btMenu to click
                return "断开连接中..."
                set btCheckboxValue to 1
                tell btCheckbox to click
                tell btMenu to click
                return "连接中..."
            end if
            click btMenu
            return "没找到设备"
        end if
    end tell
end tell

end alfred_script

Big Sur AirPods Script
