
1. 密文描述



密钥: crypt (长度为5)

  I am alive here, my beloved, for the reason to adore you. Oh!How anxious I have been for you and how sorry I am about all you must have suffered in having no news from us. May heaven grant that this letter reaches you. Do not write to me, this would compromise all of us and above all,do not return under any circumstances. It is known that it was you who helped us to get away from here and all would be lost if you should show yourself.We are guarded day and night. I do not care you are not here. Do not be troubled on my account. Nothing will happen to me. The national assemble will show leniency. Farewell the most loved of men. Be quiet if you can take care of yourself.For myself I cannot write any more, but nothing in the world could stop me to adore you up to the death.




  It was the best of times.It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age offoolishness. It was the epoch of belief. It was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of light. It was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope. It was the winter of despair.We had everything before us. We had nothing before us. We were all going direct to heaven. We were all going direct the other way. In short, the period was so, far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

2. 破解原理

2.1 重合指数法确定密钥长度

  重合指数是指字符串中两个随机元素相同的概率,记为 IC \text{IC} IC。设某种语言由 n n n个字母组成,每个字母 i i i发生的概率为 P i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ n ) P_i\left( 1\le i\le n \right) Pi(1in),则:
I C = ∑ i = 1 n P i 2  , ( 1 ) IC=\sum_{i=1}^n{P_{i}^{2}}\ \text{,} \left(1 \right) IC=i=1nPi2 (1)
  现实世界中密文有限,故从密文计算的重合指数总是不同于理论值,所以一般用 IC \text{IC} IC的无偏估计值:
I C = ∑ i = 1 n x i ( x i − 1 ) L ( L − 1 )   . ( 2 ) IC=\sum_{i=1}^n{\frac{x_i\left( x_i-1 \right)}{L\left( L-1 \right)}}\ . \left(2 \right) IC=i=1nL(L1)xi(xi1) .(2)
  其中, x i x_i xi是密文中i出现的次数,L表示密文长度,n表示字母数,此处n=26。
I C = ∑ i = 0 25 P i 2 = 0.065  , ( 3 ) IC=\sum_{i=0}^{25}{P_{i}^{2}}=0.065\ \text{,} \left(3 \right) IC=i=025Pi2=0.065 (3)
I C = 26 ( 1 26 ) 2 = 0.038   . ( 4 ) IC=26\left( \frac{1}{26} \right) ^2=0.038\ . \left(4 \right) IC=26(261)2=0.038 .(4)
  Step1:初始化d = 1。
  Step3:d = d+1,若d < 10重复步骤二。

表1 密文1密钥长度与重合指数对应表


2.2 互重合指数确定子串间相对偏移

  已经确定密钥字长度为m,密文子串 Y i Y_i Yi中的各个密文字母都是由同一个单表代换得到。设密钥为 K = K 1 K 2 … K m K=K_1K_2…K_m K=K1K2Km,可估算 M I c ( Y i , Y j ) MI_c\left( Y_i,Y_j \right) MIc(Yi,Yj)的值。显然, Y i Y_i Yi中的一个随机元素与 Y j Y_j Yj中的一个随机元素同时为第h个英文字母的概率 P h − K i P h − K j , 0 ≤ h ≤ 25 P_{h-K_i}P_{h-K_j},0\le h\le 25 PhKiPhKj,0h25,这里下标运算为模26运算。因此有

M I c ( Y i , Y j ) ≈ ∑ h = 0 25 P h − K i P h − K j = ∑ h = 0 25 P h P h + K i − K j ( 5 ) MI_c\left( Y_i,Y_j \right) \approx \sum_{h=0}^{25}{P_{h-K_i}P_{h-K_j}}=\sum_{h=0}^{25}{P_hP_{h+K_i-K_j}} \left(5 \right) MIc(Yi,Yj)h=025PhKiPhKj=h=025PhPh+KiKj(5)
  该估计值仅仅依赖于 s i j = ( K i − K j ) mod    26 s_{ij}=\left( K_i-K_j \right) \text{mod\,\,}26 sij=(KiKj)mod26,称其为 Y i Y_i Yi Y j Y_j Yj的相对位移。易得,当相对位移s为0时,互重合指数估计接近0.065;当s不为0时,这些估计值在0.031-0.045之间波动。因此可以确定子串之间的相对位移,以密文1为例得到结果见表2。

表2 密文1互重合指数表 维吉尼亚密码的破解算法及python代码实现_第2张图片

  于是密钥字为 K = ( K 1 , K 1 − 11 , K 1 − 4 , K 1 − 13 , K 1 − 9 ) K=\left( K_1,K_1-11,K_1-4,K_1-13,K_1-9 \right) K=(K1,K111,K14,K113,K19)

2.3 密钥字的确定

  对 K 1 K_1 K1遍历26个英文字母后,可以得到26种可能的密钥。对每一个密钥均对密文进行解密。通过分析“明文”的前20个字母,可以确定:
  密文1密钥为crypt, k=(2,-9,-2,-11,-7) ;
  密文2密钥为uiozvrb, k=(20,8,14,-1,-5,17,1) 。

2.4 密文破解


3. 破解代码

运行环境:python 3.7 + numpy、wordninja第三方库

import numpy as np
import wordninja

def alpha(cipher): #预处理,去掉空格以及回车 
    c = ''
    for i in range(len(cipher)):
            c += cipher[i]
    return c

def count_IC(cipher): #给定字符串计算其重合指数 
    count = [0 for i in range(26)]
    L = len(cipher)
    IC = 0.0
    for i in range(len(cipher)):
            count[ord(cipher[i])-ord('A')] += 1
            count[ord(cipher[i])-ord('a')] += 1
    for i in range(26):
        IC += (count[i]*(count[i]-1))/(L*(L-1))
    return IC

def count_key_len(cipher,key_len): #对字符串按输入个数进行分组,计算每一组的IC值返回平均值
    N = ['' for i in range(key_len)]
    IC = [0 for i in range(key_len)]
    for i in range(len(cipher)):
        m = i % key_len
        N[m] += cipher[i]
    for i in range(key_len):
        IC[i] = count_IC(N[i])
    print("长度为%d时,平均重合指数为%.5f" % (key_len,np.mean(IC)))
    return np.mean(IC)    

def length(cipher): #遍历确定最有可能的密钥长度返回密钥长度 
    key_len = 0
    mins = 100
    aver = 0.0
    for i in range(1,10):
        k = count_key_len(cipher,i)
            mins = abs(k-0.065)
            key_len = i
            aver = k
    print("密钥长度为%d,此时重合指数每组的平均值为%.5f" % (key_len,aver))
    return key_len
def count_MIC(c1,c2,n): #n=k1-k2为偏移量,计算c1,c2互重合指数MIC
    count_1 = [0 for i in range(26)]
    count_2 = [0 for i in range(26)]
    L_1 = len(c1)
    L_2 = len(c2)
    MIC = 0
    for i in range(L_1):
            count_1[ord(c1[i])-ord('A')] += 1
            count_1[ord(c1[i])-ord('a')] += 1         
    for i in range(L_2):
            count_2[(ord(c2[i])-ord('A')+n+26)% 26] += 1
            count_2[(ord(c2[i])-ord('a')+n+26)% 26] += 1   
    for i in range(26):
        MIC += count_1[i]*count_2[i]/(L_1*L_2)
    return MIC

def count_n(c1,c2): #确定两个子串最优的相对偏移量n=k1-k2
    n = 0
    mins = 100
    k = [0.0 for i in range(26)]
    for i in range(26):
        k[i] = count_MIC(c1,c2,i)
            mins = abs(k[i]-0.065)
            n = i      
    return n
def  group_k(cipher,key_len):#完成分组操作并计算每一组与第一组的最优相对偏移量并返回
    N = ['' for i in range(key_len)]
    MIC = [0 for i in range(key_len)]
    s = [0 for i in range(key_len)]
    for i in range(len(cipher)): #对密文进行分组 
        m = i % key_len
        N[m] += cipher[i] 
    for i in range(1,key_len):  #计算与第一组之间的相对偏移量 
        s[i] = count_n(N[0],N[i])  # s[i] = k1-k(i+1) 
        MIC[i] = count_MIC(N[0],N[i],s[i])  # MIC[i] = MIC(1,i+1)
        print("第1组和第%d组之间偏移为%d时,互重合指数为%.5f" % (i+1,s[i],MIC[i]))
    return s    

def miyao(key_len,s,k):  #k为第一个子串的移位,输出密钥并返回密钥所有字母的下标
    mi = ['' for i in range(key_len)] 
    for i in range(key_len):
        s[i] = -s[i]+k   #k2=k1-n
        mi[i] = chr((s[i]+26) % 26 + ord('a'))
    print("第一个偏移量为%d,密钥为%s时" % (k,mi))
    return s

def the_end(cipher,key_len,s):#输入密文密钥返回明文结果 
    plain ='' 
    i = 0 
    while( i < len(cipher)):
        for j in range(key_len):
                plain += chr((ord(cipher[i])-ord('A')-s[j]+26) % 26 + ord('A'))
                plain += chr((ord(cipher[i])-ord('a')-s[j]+26) % 26 + ord('a'))
            if(i == len(cipher)):
   # print(plain) 
    return plain
if __name__ == "__main__":
    fp = open("密文2.txt","r")
    cipher = '' 
    for i in fp.readlines():
        cipher = cipher + i    
    cipher = alpha(cipher)
    key_len = length(cipher)
    s = group_k(cipher,key_len)
    m = s.copy()
    for k in range(26):
        s = m.copy() 
        s = miyao(key_len,s,k)
        plain = the_end(cipher,key_len,s)
        print(plain[0:20]) #输出部分明文确定偏移量k1
    k = int(input())
    m = miyao(key_len,m,k)
    plain = the_end(cipher,key_len,m)

    word = wordninja.split(plain)
    plain = ''
    for i in range(len(word)):
        plain += word[i]
        plain += ' '






