create or replace type ob_shareholdersrewardtrack as object ( -- Attributes BRANCHname VARCHAR2(64), AGENTCODE VARCHAR2(64), --营销员代码 AGENTNAME VARCHAR2(64), --营销员姓名 AGENTSTATUS VARCHAR2(64), --签约情况 --QUALIFICATIONNO agentcert.qualificationno%type,--资格证号 IDNO varchar2(64), --资格证号 Thirdquarterpoli NUMBER(15), Fourthquarterpoli NUMBER(15), thirteenmonthrate number(15, 4), fourteenmonthrate number(15, 4), attendance VARCHAR2(64), --出勤 VALUEPREM NUMBER(15,2), -- 2012年新单价保 subscription NUMBER(15), --认购权份数 RewardsMoney NUMBER(15), --奖励金额 agentlevelname VARCHAR2(64), --级别 HIREDATE varchar2(32), --入司时间 ubranchname VARCHAR2(64), CONTACTADDR varchar2(128), CONTACTPHONE varchar2(64), ext1 varchar2(64), --扩展字段 ext2 varchar2(64), ext3 varchar2(64), ext4 varchar2(64), ext5 varchar2(64), constructor function ob_shareholdersrewardtrack return self as result ) / create or replace type body ob_shareholdersrewardtrack is -- Member procedures and functions CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION ob_shareholdersrewardtrack RETURN SELF AS RESULT is begin return; end; end; /
create or replace type nt_shareholdersrewardtrack as table of ob_shareholdersrewardtrack
select *
from Table(Pkg_Operation_RenewRatenew.calcRenewRate('BRA0000000000002',
create or replace package pkg_agent_essence is --精英人才激励方案追踪表(生成数据) function genessencetrack(p_contractcon in varchar2) return nt_essencetrack; --精英人才激励方案追踪表(查询数据) function getessencetrack(p_branchid in varchar2, p_cbranchid in varchar2, p_ubranchid in varchar2, p_contractcon in varchar2) return nt_essencetrack; --获取代理人各月预收业绩 function getpreresult(p_agentid in varchar2, p_startyearmonth in date) return nt_essencetrack; --获取代理人各月回单业绩 function getfactresult(p_agentid in varchar2, p_startyearmonth in date) return nt_essencetrack; --2012年准股东奖励方案追踪表(查询数据) function getshareholdersrewardtrack(p_branchid in varchar2, p_cbranchid in varchar2, p_ubranchid in varchar2, p_agentcode in varchar2) return nt_shareholdersrewardtrack; --将拆单情况的保单ID插入到表 PROCEDURE inserttmpcontractid(p_agentcode in varchar2, p_QUARTER in varchar2); --获得拆分情况下不同代理人的保单的归属件数及应得的价保 function getcontractbelongcount(p_agentcode in varchar2, p_QUARTER in varchar2) return number; --获得拆分情况下相同的代理人的保单的归属件数 function getcontractcount(p_agentcode in varchar2, p_QUARTER in varchar2) return number; end pkg_agent_essence; / create or replace package body pkg_agent_essence is --精英人才激励方案追踪表(生成数据) function genessencetrack(p_contractcon in varchar2) return nt_essencetrack is p_nt_essencetrack nt_essencetrack; m_nt_essencetrack nt_essencetrack; i smallint := 1; p_yearmonth date; p_startyearmonth date; p_prehiremonth date; p_qualificationno varchar2(64); p_maxpreyearmonth date; begin p_nt_essencetrack := new nt_essencetrack(); p_startyearmonth := to_date('2012-04-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'); for cur in (select b.branchname BRANCHNAME, br.branchname CBRANCHNAME, bra.branchname UBRANCHNAME, b.branchid branchid, br.branchid cbranchid, bra.branchid ubranchid, ag.agentid AGENTID, ag.agentcode AGENTCODE, ag.agentname AGENTNAME, ag.hiredate, ca.agentlevelname AGENTLEVELNAME from agentbroker ag, caseagentlevel ca, branch b, branch br, branch bra where ag.branchid = b.branchid and ag.cbranchid = br.branchid and ag.ubranchid = bra.branchid and ag.agentlevelcode = ca.agentlevelcode and ag.agentstatus = 'AGENTSTATUS_09' and trunc(ag.hiredate) <= trunc(sysdate - 1) -- and ag.agentid = 'AGE0000005185554' /* and ag.agentcode in ('8013399', '8004803', '8007575', '8008964', '8008345', 'A412905', 'A410385', '8009919', '8007568', 'A32063', '8014233', '8009327', '8007411', '8005008', '8008053', '8010625', '8011061')*/ and ag.agenttype not in ('AGENTTYPE_V', 'AGENTTYPE_T', 'AGENTTYPE_X')) loop p_nt_essencetrack.extend; p_nt_essencetrack(i) := new ob_essencetrack(); p_nt_essencetrack(I).createdate := sysdate; p_nt_essencetrack(I).branchid := cur.branchid; p_nt_essencetrack(I).cbranchid := cur.cbranchid; p_nt_essencetrack(I).ubranchid := cur.ubranchid; p_nt_essencetrack(I).BRANCHNAME := cur.BRANCHNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).CBRANCHNAME := cur.CBRANCHNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).UBRANCHNAME := cur.UBRANCHNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTCODE := cur.AGENTCODE; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTNAME := cur.AGENTNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTLEVELNAME := cur.AGENTLEVELNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).QULIFICATED := 'N'; p_nt_essencetrack(I).contractcon := p_contractcon; --是否持证 begin select ag.qualificationno into p_qualificationno from agentcert ag where ag.agentid = cur.agentid; exception when others then p_nt_essencetrack(I).QULIFICATED := 'N'; end; if p_qualificationno is not null then p_nt_essencetrack(I).QULIFICATED := 'Y'; end if; --计算入围月份 --计算回单 if p_contractcon = 'CONDITION_02' then m_nt_essencetrack := getfactresult(cur.agentid, p_startyearmonth); --先获取最大未入围月份如果为本月则获取第二大未入围月份 begin select max(t.exp2) into p_yearmonth from table(m_nt_essencetrack) t where t.exp1 < 10000 and t.exp2 >= trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'); if p_yearmonth is null then --根据入司日期进行判断 if trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month') > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'), -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end if; exception when others then --根据入司日期进行判断 if trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month') > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'), -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end; --如果为本月则获取第二大未入围月份 if p_yearmonth = trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month') then begin select max(t.exp2) into p_yearmonth from table(m_nt_essencetrack) t where t.exp1 < 10000 and t.exp2 < trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month') and t.exp2 >= trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'); if p_yearmonth is null then --根据入司日期进行判断 if trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month') > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'), -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end if; exception when others then --根据入司日期进行判断 if trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month') > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'), -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end; p_nt_essencetrack(i).FINALISTYEARMONTH := to_char(add_months(p_yearmonth, 1), 'yyyymm'); p_nt_essencetrack(i).CNTMONTH := months_between(trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month'), p_yearmonth) - 1; else p_nt_essencetrack(i).FINALISTYEARMONTH := to_char(add_months(p_yearmonth, 1), 'yyyymm'); p_nt_essencetrack(i).CNTMONTH := months_between(trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month'), p_yearmonth); end if; --计算本月业绩 begin select t.exp1 into p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 from table(m_nt_essencetrack) t where t.exp2 = trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month'); exception when others then p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 := ''; end; --计算预收 else --根据入司日期获取开始预收年月 if extract(day from cur.hiredate) > 25 then p_prehiremonth := trunc(add_months(cur.hiredate, 1), 'month'); else p_prehiremonth := trunc(cur.hiredate, 'month'); end if; m_nt_essencetrack := getpreresult(cur.agentid, p_startyearmonth); --获取预收结束年月(以当前日期的前一天进行判断) if extract(day from sysdate - 1) > 25 then p_maxpreyearmonth := trunc(add_months(sysdate - 1, 1), 'month'); else p_maxpreyearmonth := trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month'); end if; --先获取最大未入围月份 begin select max(t.exp2) into p_yearmonth from table(m_nt_essencetrack) t where t.exp1 < 10000 and t.exp2 >= p_prehiremonth; if p_yearmonth is null then --根据入司日期进行判断 if p_prehiremonth > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(p_prehiremonth, -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end if; exception when others then --根据入司日期进行判断 if p_prehiremonth > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(p_prehiremonth, -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end; --如果为本月则获取第二大未入围月份 if p_yearmonth = p_maxpreyearmonth then begin select max(t.exp2) into p_yearmonth from table(m_nt_essencetrack) t where t.exp1 < 10000 and t.exp2 >= p_prehiremonth and t.exp2 < p_maxpreyearmonth; if p_yearmonth is null then --根据入司日期进行判断 if p_prehiremonth > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(p_prehiremonth, -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end if; exception when others then --根据入司日期进行判断 if p_prehiremonth > p_startyearmonth then p_yearmonth := add_months(p_prehiremonth, -1); else p_yearmonth := trunc(add_months(p_startyearmonth, -1), 'month'); end if; end; p_nt_essencetrack(i).FINALISTYEARMONTH := to_char(trunc(add_months(p_yearmonth, 1), 'month'), 'yyyymm'); p_nt_essencetrack(i).CNTMONTH := months_between(p_maxpreyearmonth, p_yearmonth) - 1; else p_nt_essencetrack(i).FINALISTYEARMONTH := to_char(trunc(add_months(p_yearmonth, 1), 'month'), 'yyyymm'); p_nt_essencetrack(i).CNTMONTH := months_between(p_maxpreyearmonth, p_yearmonth); end if; --计算本月业绩 begin select t.exp1 into p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 from table(m_nt_essencetrack) t where t.exp2 = p_maxpreyearmonth; exception when others then p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 := ''; end; end if; if p_nt_essencetrack(i).CNTMONTH = 0 then p_nt_essencetrack(i).CNTMONTH := ''; p_nt_essencetrack(i).FINALISTYEARMONTH := ''; end if; i := i + 1; end loop; return p_nt_essencetrack; end; --精英人才激励方案追踪表(查询数据) function getessencetrack(p_branchid in varchar2, p_cbranchid in varchar2, p_ubranchid in varchar2, p_contractcon in varchar2) return nt_essencetrack is p_nt_essencetrack nt_essencetrack; i smallint := 1; begin p_nt_essencetrack := new nt_essencetrack(); for cur in (select * from tmp_essencetrack tm where 1 = 1 and (p_branchid is null or tm.branchid = p_branchid) and (p_cbranchid is null or tm.cbranchid = p_cbranchid) and (p_ubranchid is null or tm.branchid = p_ubranchid) and tm.contractcon = p_contractcon order by tm.branchid asc, tm.cbranchid asc, tm.ubranchid asc, tm.exp1 desc) loop p_nt_essencetrack.extend; p_nt_essencetrack(i) := new ob_essencetrack(); p_nt_essencetrack(I).CREATEDATE := cur.CREATEDATE; p_nt_essencetrack(I).BRANCHID := cur.BRANCHID; p_nt_essencetrack(I).CBRANCHID := cur.CBRANCHID; p_nt_essencetrack(I).UBRANCHID := cur.UBRANCHID; p_nt_essencetrack(I).BRANCHNAME := cur.BRANCHNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).CBRANCHNAME := cur.CBRANCHNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).UBRANCHNAME := cur.UBRANCHNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTID := cur.AGENTID; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTCODE := cur.AGENTCODE; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTNAME := cur.AGENTNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).AGENTLEVELNAME := cur.AGENTLEVELNAME; p_nt_essencetrack(I).FINALISTYEARMONTH := cur.FINALISTYEARMONTH; p_nt_essencetrack(I).CNTMONTH := cur.CNTMONTH; p_nt_essencetrack(I).QULIFICATED := cur.QULIFICATED; p_nt_essencetrack(I).CONTRACTCON := cur.CONTRACTCON; p_nt_essencetrack(I).EXP1 := round(cur.EXP1); p_nt_essencetrack(I).EXP2 := cur.EXP2; p_nt_essencetrack(I).EXP3 := cur.EXP3; p_nt_essencetrack(I).EXP4 := cur.EXP4; p_nt_essencetrack(I).EXP5 := cur.EXP5; i := i + 1; end loop; return p_nt_essencetrack; end; --获取代理人各月预收业绩 function getpreresult(p_agentid in varchar2, p_startyearmonth in date) return nt_essencetrack is p_nt_essencetrack nt_essencetrack; i smallint := 1; p_start date; --开始日期 p_end date; --结束日期 p_yearmonth date; --未入围年月 p_endyearmonth date; --结束年月 begin p_nt_essencetrack := new nt_essencetrack(); p_yearmonth := p_startyearmonth; if extract(day from sysdate - 1) > 25 then p_endyearmonth := trunc(add_months(sysdate - 1, 1), 'month'); else p_endyearmonth := trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month'); end if; while trunc(p_yearmonth, 'month') <= p_endyearmonth loop --计算预收开始和结束日期 p_start := trunc(add_months(p_yearmonth, -1), 'month') + 25; p_end := trunc(p_yearmonth, 'month') + 24; p_nt_essencetrack.extend; p_nt_essencetrack(i) := new ob_essencetrack(); p_nt_essencetrack(i).agentid := p_agentid; p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp2 := trunc(p_yearmonth, 'month'); --计算该月业绩 begin select nvl(sum(co.valueprem), 0) into p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 from contract co where trunc(co.acceptdate, 'dd') >= trunc(p_start, 'dd') and trunc(co.acceptdate, 'dd') <= trunc(p_end, 'dd') and co.agentid = p_agentid and co.ascriptionmode = 'A' and co.businesstype = 'L' and not exists (select contracteid from contractex where selholdfalg = 'HKBOOLEAN_1' and contracteid = co.contractid); exception when others then p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 := 0; end; p_yearmonth := add_months(p_yearmonth, 1); i := i + 1; end loop; return p_nt_essencetrack; end; --获取代理人各月回单业绩 function getfactresult(p_agentid in varchar2, p_startyearmonth in date) return nt_essencetrack is p_nt_essencetrack nt_essencetrack; p_yearmonth date; i smallint := 1; begin p_nt_essencetrack := new nt_essencetrack(); p_yearmonth := p_startyearmonth; while trunc(p_yearmonth, 'month') <= trunc(sysdate - 1, 'month') loop p_nt_essencetrack.extend; p_nt_essencetrack(i) := new ob_essencetrack(); p_nt_essencetrack(i).agentid := p_agentid; p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp2 := trunc(p_yearmonth, 'month'); --计算该月业绩 begin select nvl(sum(co.valueprem), 0) into p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 from contract co where trunc(co.policyreturndate, 'month') = trunc(p_yearmonth, 'month') and co.agentid = p_agentid and co.ascriptionmode = 'A' and co.businesstype = 'L' and co.contractstatus = 'CONTRACTSTATUS_C2' and not exists (select contracteid from contractex where selholdfalg = 'HKBOOLEAN_1' and contracteid = co.contractid); exception when others then p_nt_essencetrack(i).exp1 := 0; end; p_yearmonth := add_months(p_yearmonth, 1); i := i + 1; end loop; return p_nt_essencetrack; end; --2012年准股东奖励方案追踪表(查询数据) function getshareholdersrewardtrack(p_branchid in varchar2, p_cbranchid in varchar2, p_ubranchid in varchar2, p_agentcode in varchar2) return nt_shareholdersrewardtrack is p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack nt_shareholdersrewardtrack; i smallint := 1; temp_agentcode varchar2(64); Thirdquarterviolationpolicount integer; fouthquarterviolationpolicount integer; policount1 integer; policount2 integer; temp_BRANCHNAME VARCHAR2(64); temp_AGENTNAME varchar2(64); temp_AGENTSTATUS varchar2(64); temp_IDNO varchar2(64); temp_THIRDQUARTERPOLI NUMBER(15); temp_FOURTHQUARTERPOLI NUMBER(15); temp_VALUEPREM NUMBER(15, 2); temp_AGENTLEVELNAME VARCHAR2(64); temp_HIREDATE varchar2(32); temp_UBRANCHNAME VARCHAR2(64); temp_CONTACTADDR varchar2(128); temp_CONTACTPHONE varchar2(64); temp_thirteenmonthrate NUMBER(15, 4) := 0; temp_fourteenmonthrate NUMBER(15, 4) := 0; temp_name varchar2(32); begin p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack := new nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(); for cur in (select a.agentcode from agentbroker a where (p_agentcode is null or a.agentcode = replace(p_agentcode, ' ', '')) and (p_branchid is null or a.branchid = p_branchid) and (p_cbranchid is null or a.cbranchid = p_cbranchid) and (p_ubranchid is null or a.ubranchid = p_ubranchid)) loop temp_agentcode := cur.agentcode; --将各季度的违规单子存入tmp_contract表 inserttmpcontractid(temp_agentcode, '三季度'); inserttmpcontractid(temp_agentcode, '四季度'); inserttmpcontractid(temp_agentcode, '其他季度'); --获得各季度代理人在第一种违规拆单情况下的保单归属个数 policount1 := getcontractcount(temp_agentcode, '三季度'); policount2 := getcontractcount(temp_agentcode, '四季度'); --获得各季度代理人在第二种违规拆单情况下的保单归属个数 Thirdquarterviolationpolicount := getcontractbelongcount(temp_agentcode, '三季度'); fouthquarterviolationpolicount := getcontractbelongcount(temp_agentcode, '四季度'); --继续率 begin select agentname into temp_name from agentbroker where agentcode = temp_agentcode; exception when others then temp_name := null; dbms_output.put_line('继续率查询代理人姓名时出错' || temp_agentcode); end; begin select renewrate into temp_thirteenmonthrate from (select * from table(pkg_operation_renewrate.calcRenewRate('', 'personal', 'm13', '201201', '201212', temp_name, 'CHANNELTYPE_A'))) where agentid is not null; exception when others then temp_thirteenmonthrate := 0; dbms_output.put_line('13月继续率查询时出错' || temp_agentcode); end; begin select renewrate into temp_fourteenmonthrate from (select * from table(pkg_operation_renewrate.calcRenewRate('', 'personal', 'm25', '201201', '201212', temp_name, 'CHANNELTYPE_A'))) where agentid is not null; exception when others then temp_fourteenmonthrate := 0; dbms_output.put_line('25月继续率查询时出错' || temp_agentcode); end; begin select c.branchname, a.agentcode, a.agentname, f.chnname agentstatus, b.idno, /* 三季度新寿险保单件数(价保≥500),不含自保件,考虑拆单情况 */ --正常保单数 ((select count(1) from contract a, agentbroker b, policy d where d.contractid = a.contractid and a.agentid = b.agentid and a.applicantname != b.agentname and d.insuredname != b.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120701', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = temp_agentcode and a.contractid not in (select a.contractid from tmp_contractid a where a.quarter = '三季度' and a.agentcode = temp_agentcode)) + --违规拆单一的保单数 (policount1) + --违规拆单二的保单数 Thirdquarterviolationpolicount) Thirdquarterpoli, /* 四季度新寿险保单件数(价保≥500),不含自保件,考虑拆单情况 */ --正常保单数 ((select count(1) from contract a, agentbroker b, policy d where d.contractid = a.contractid and a.agentid = b.agentid and a.applicantname != b.agentname and d.insuredname != b.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20130101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = temp_agentcode and a.contractid not in (select a.contractid from tmp_contractid a where a.quarter = '四季度' and a.agentcode = temp_agentcode)) + --违规拆单一的保单数 (policount2) + --违规拆单二的保单数 fouthquarterviolationpolicount) fouthquarterpoli, --2012年新单价保 ((select NVL(sum(a.valueprem), 0) from contract a, agentbroker b, policy d where d.contractid = a.contractid and a.agentid = b.agentid and a.applicantname != b.agentname and d.insuredname != b.agentname and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20130101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.agentcode = temp_agentcode and a.contractid not in (select a.contractid from tmp_contractid a where a.agentcode = temp_agentcode)) + --拆分情况下违规保单一价保 (select NVL(sum(a.valueprem), 0) from tmp_contractid a where a.agentcode = temp_agentcode and a.splitconttype = 'A') + --拆分情况下违规保单二价保 NVL(pkg_agent_essence.getcontractbelongcount(temp_agentcode, null), 0)) valueprem, h.agentlevelname, to_char(a.HIREDATE, 'yyyy/MM/dd'), e.branchname ubranchname, b.CONTACTADDR, b.CONTACTPHONE into temp_BRANCHNAME, temp_AGENTCODE, temp_AGENTNAME, temp_AGENTSTATUS, temp_IDNO, temp_THIRDQUARTERPOLI, temp_FOURTHQUARTERPOLI, temp_VALUEPREM, temp_AGENTLEVELNAME, temp_HIREDATE, temp_UBRANCHNAME, temp_CONTACTADDR, temp_CONTACTPHONE from agentbroker a, customer b, branch c, branch e, syscode f, caseagentlevel h where a.agentstatus = f.recordid and a.customerid = b.customerid and a.branchid = c.branchid and a.ubranchid = e.branchid and a.agentlevelcode = h.agentlevelcode and a.agentcode = temp_agentcode; exception when others then temp_BRANCHNAME := null; temp_AGENTCODE := null; temp_AGENTNAME := null; temp_AGENTSTATUS := null; temp_IDNO := null; temp_THIRDQUARTERPOLI := null; temp_FOURTHQUARTERPOLI := null; temp_VALUEPREM := null; temp_AGENTLEVELNAME := null; temp_HIREDATE := null; temp_UBRANCHNAME := null; temp_CONTACTADDR := null; temp_CONTACTPHONE := null; dbms_output.put_line('代理人查询:' || temp_AGENTCODE || sqlerrm); end; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack.extend; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i) := new ob_shareholdersrewardtrack(); p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).BRANCHNAME := temp_BRANCHNAME; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).AGENTCODE := temp_AGENTCODE; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).AGENTNAME := temp_AGENTNAME; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).AGENTSTATUS := temp_AGENTSTATUS; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).IDNO := temp_IDNO; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).THIRDQUARTERPOLI := temp_THIRDQUARTERPOLI; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).FOURTHQUARTERPOLI := temp_FOURTHQUARTERPOLI; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).THIRTEENMONTHRATE := temp_thirteenmonthrate; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).FOURTEENMONTHRATE := temp_fourteenmonthrate; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).ATTENDANCE := null; --出勤 p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).VALUEPREM := temp_VALUEPREM; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).SUBSCRIPTION := null; --认购权份数 p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).REWARDSMONEY := null; --奖励金额 p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).AGENTLEVELNAME := temp_AGENTLEVELNAME; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).HIREDATE := temp_HIREDATE; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).UBRANCHNAME := temp_UBRANCHNAME; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).CONTACTADDR := temp_CONTACTADDR; p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack(i).CONTACTPHONE := temp_CONTACTPHONE; i := i + 1; end loop; return p_nt_shareholdersrewardtrack; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line(temp_agentcode || '----' || sqlerrm); end; --将拆单情况的保单ID插入到表tmp_contractid procedure inserttmpcontractid(p_agentcode in varchar2, p_QUARTER in varchar2) is p_contractid varchar2(32); temp_a varchar2(32); temp_agentcode varchar2(32); p_approvedate date; p_bizacceptid varchar2(32); p_policyreturndate date; --p_valueprem number(15, 2); begin --三季度的拆单保单 if (p_QUARTER = '三季度') then --第一种类型的拆单保单 for cur in (select a.policyreturndate, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname, a.agentcode from contract a, product c, coverage d, policy b, applicant e, agentbroker f where a.contractid = d.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = e.applicantid and a.agentid = f.agentid and e.customername != f.agentname and b.insuredname != f.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120701', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = p_agentcode group by policyreturndate, a.agentcode, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct e.applicantid) or count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct a.agentcode) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) and count(distinct a.agentcode) = 1 and count(distinct a.contractid) > 1) loop for cur2 in (select distinct a.contractid, a.valueprem from contract a, policy b, coverage c, product d where a.contractid = c.contractid and a.contractid = b.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and (a.applicantid = cur.applicantid or b.insuredname = cur.insuredname) and a.policyreturndate = cur.policyreturndate and a.agentcode = cur.agentcode and d.productid = cur.productid) loop p_contractid := cur2.contractid; --假如临时表中有此保单的数据,获得保单临时表的主键ID begin select tmpcon into temp_a from tmp_contractid where contractid = p_contractid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_a := null; dbms_output.put_line(cur.agentcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; --没有此保单的数据,才往数据库中插入此保单对应的数据 begin if (temp_a is null) then insert into tmp_contractid values (pkg_seq_proc.gettmpcontractid, p_contractid, p_QUARTER, p_agentcode, null, null, null, null, null, 'A', cur2.valueprem); commit; end if; exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line('拆单的单子' || p_contractid || '插入失败' || sqlerrm); end; end loop; end loop; --第二种类型的拆单保单 for cur in (select a.policyreturndate, a.applicantid, b.insuredname from contract a, policy b, applicant c, agentbroker d where a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = c.applicantid and a.agentid = d.agentid and c.customername != d.agentname and b.insuredname != d.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120701', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 group by policyreturndate, a.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = count(distinct a.applicantid) or count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = 1 and count(distinct a.agentcode) > 1) loop for cur2 in (select distinct a.contractid, a.valueprem, a.agentcode, a.applicantid, a.approvedate, a.policyreturndate, d.insuredname, e.bizacceptid from contract a, policy d, bizaccept e where a.contractid = d.contractid and a.contractid = e.contractid and (a.applicantid = cur.applicantid or d.insuredname = cur.insuredname) and a.policyreturndate = cur.policyreturndate) loop p_contractid := cur2.contractid; temp_agentcode := cur2.agentcode; p_approvedate := cur2.approvedate; p_bizacceptid := cur2.bizacceptid; p_policyreturndate := cur2.policyreturndate; --假如临时表中有此保单的数据,获得保单临时表的主键ID begin select tmpcon into temp_a from tmp_contractid where contractid = p_contractid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_a := null; dbms_output.put_line(cur2.agentcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; --没有此保单的数据,才往数据库中插入此保单对应的数据 begin if (temp_a is null) then insert into tmp_contractid values (pkg_seq_proc.gettmpcontractid, p_contractid, p_QUARTER, temp_agentcode, cur.applicantid, p_approvedate, cur.insuredname, p_bizacceptid, p_policyreturndate, 'B', cur2.valueprem); commit; end if; exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line('拆单的单子' || p_contractid || '插入失败' || sqlerrm); end; end loop; end loop; --四季度的拆单保单 elsif (p_QUARTER = '四季度') then --第一种类型的拆单保单 for cur in (select a.policyreturndate, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname, a.agentcode from contract a, product c, coverage d, policy b, applicant e, agentbroker f where a.contractid = d.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = e.applicantid and a.agentid = f.agentid and e.customername != f.agentname and b.insuredname != f.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20130101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = p_agentcode group by policyreturndate, a.agentcode, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct e.applicantid) or count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct a.agentcode) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) and count(distinct a.agentcode) = 1 and count(distinct a.contractid) > 1) loop for cur2 in (select distinct a.contractid, a.valueprem from contract a, policy b, coverage c, product d where a.contractid = c.contractid and a.contractid = b.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and (a.applicantid = cur.applicantid or b.insuredname = cur.insuredname) and a.policyreturndate = cur.policyreturndate and a.agentcode = cur.agentcode and d.productid = cur.productid) loop p_contractid := cur2.contractid; --假如临时表中有此保单的数据,获得保单临时表的主键ID begin select tmpcon into temp_a from tmp_contractid where contractid = p_contractid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_a := null; dbms_output.put_line(cur.agentcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; --没有此保单的数据,才往数据库中插入此保单对应的数据 begin if (temp_a is null) then insert into tmp_contractid values (pkg_seq_proc.gettmpcontractid, p_contractid, p_QUARTER, p_agentcode, null, null, null, null, null, 'A', cur2.valueprem); commit; end if; exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line('拆单的单子' || p_contractid || '插入失败' || sqlerrm); end; end loop; end loop; --第二种类型的拆单保单 for cur in (select a.policyreturndate, a.applicantid, b.insuredname from contract a, policy b, applicant c, agentbroker d where a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = c.applicantid and a.agentid = d.agentid and c.customername != d.agentname and b.insuredname != d.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20130101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 group by policyreturndate, a.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = count(distinct a.applicantid) or count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = 1 and count(distinct a.agentcode) > 1) loop for cur2 in (select distinct a.contractid, a.valueprem, a.agentcode, a.applicantid, a.approvedate, a.policyreturndate, d.insuredname, e.bizacceptid from contract a, policy d, bizaccept e where a.contractid = d.contractid and a.contractid = e.contractid and (a.applicantid = cur.applicantid or d.insuredname = cur.insuredname) and a.policyreturndate = cur.policyreturndate) loop p_contractid := cur2.contractid; temp_agentcode := cur2.agentcode; p_approvedate := cur2.approvedate; p_bizacceptid := cur2.bizacceptid; p_policyreturndate := cur2.policyreturndate; --假如临时表中有此保单的数据,获得保单临时表的主键ID begin select tmpcon into temp_a from tmp_contractid where contractid = p_contractid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_a := null; dbms_output.put_line(cur2.agentcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; --没有此保单的数据,才往数据库中插入此保单对应的数据 begin if (temp_a is null) then insert into tmp_contractid values (pkg_seq_proc.gettmpcontractid, p_contractid, p_QUARTER, temp_agentcode, cur.applicantid, p_approvedate, cur.insuredname, p_bizacceptid, p_policyreturndate, 'B', cur2.valueprem); commit; end if; exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line('拆单的单子' || p_contractid || '插入失败' || sqlerrm); end; end loop; end loop; else --第一种类型的拆单保单 for cur in (select a.policyreturndate, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname, a.agentcode from contract a, product c, coverage d, policy b, applicant e, agentbroker f where a.contractid = d.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = e.applicantid and a.agentid = f.agentid and e.customername != f.agentname and b.insuredname != f.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20120701', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = p_agentcode group by policyreturndate, a.agentcode, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct e.applicantid) or count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct a.agentcode) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) and count(distinct a.agentcode) = 1 and count(distinct a.contractid) > 1) loop for cur2 in (select distinct a.contractid, a.valueprem from contract a, policy b, coverage c, product d where a.contractid = c.contractid and a.contractid = b.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and (a.applicantid = cur.applicantid or b.insuredname = cur.insuredname) and a.policyreturndate = cur.policyreturndate and a.agentcode = cur.agentcode and d.productid = cur.productid) loop p_contractid := cur2.contractid; --假如临时表中有此保单的数据,获得保单临时表的主键ID begin select tmpcon into temp_a from tmp_contractid where contractid = p_contractid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_a := null; dbms_output.put_line(cur.agentcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; --没有此保单的数据,才往数据库中插入此保单对应的数据 begin if (temp_a is null) then insert into tmp_contractid values (pkg_seq_proc.gettmpcontractid, p_contractid, p_QUARTER, p_agentcode, null, null, null, null, null, 'A', cur2.valueprem); commit; end if; exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line('拆单的单子' || p_contractid || '插入失败' || sqlerrm); end; end loop; end loop; --第二种类型的拆单保单 for cur in (select a.policyreturndate, a.applicantid, b.insuredname from contract a, policy b, applicant c, agentbroker d where a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = c.applicantid and a.agentid = d.agentid and c.customername != d.agentname and b.insuredname != d.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20120701', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 group by policyreturndate, a.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = count(distinct a.applicantid) or count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) = 1 and count(distinct a.agentcode) > 1) loop for cur2 in (select distinct a.contractid, a.agentcode, a.applicantid, a.approvedate, a.policyreturndate, d.insuredname, e.bizacceptid, a.valueprem from contract a, policy d, bizaccept e where a.contractid = d.contractid and a.contractid = e.contractid and (a.applicantid = cur.applicantid or d.insuredname = cur.insuredname) and a.policyreturndate = cur.policyreturndate) loop p_contractid := cur2.contractid; temp_agentcode := cur2.agentcode; p_approvedate := cur2.approvedate; p_bizacceptid := cur2.bizacceptid; p_policyreturndate := cur2.policyreturndate; --假如临时表中有此保单的数据,获得保单临时表的主键ID begin select tmpcon into temp_a from tmp_contractid where contractid = p_contractid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_a := null; dbms_output.put_line(cur2.agentcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; --没有此保单的数据,才往数据库中插入此保单对应的数据 begin if (temp_a is null) then insert into tmp_contractid values (pkg_seq_proc.gettmpcontractid, p_contractid, p_QUARTER, temp_agentcode, cur.applicantid, p_approvedate, cur.insuredname, p_bizacceptid, p_policyreturndate, 'B', cur2.valueprem); commit; end if; exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line('拆单的单子' || p_contractid || '插入失败' || sqlerrm); end; end loop; end loop; end if; end; ----获得拆分情况下不同代理人的保单的归属人及应得的价保 function getcontractbelongcount(p_agentcode in varchar2, p_QUARTER in varchar2) return number is ret_count number := 0; p_applicantid varchar2(32); p_insuredname varchar2(32); p_policyreturndate_month varchar2(32); temp_bizacceptid varchar2(32); temp_agentcode varchar2(32); temp_valueprem number(15, 2); begin if (p_QUARTER is not null) then for cur in (select distinct a.applicantid, a.insuredname, to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm') policyreturndate_month from tmp_contractid a where a.agentcode = p_agentcode and a.quarter = p_QUARTER and a.splitconttype = 'B') loop p_applicantid := cur.applicantid; p_insuredname := cur.insuredname; p_policyreturndate_month := cur.policyreturndate_month; if (p_applicantid is not null and p_insuredname is not null and p_policyreturndate_month is not null) then begin select min(bizacceptid) into temp_bizacceptid from tmp_contractid a where a.quarter = p_quarter and (a.applicantid = p_applicantid OR A.INSUREDNAME = p_insuredname) and to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm') = p_policyreturndate_month and a.splitconttype = 'B'; exception when others then temp_bizacceptid := null; dbms_output.put_line(p_agentcode || p_QUARTER || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; if (temp_bizacceptid is not null) then begin select agentcode into temp_agentcode from tmp_contractid a where a.bizacceptid = temp_bizacceptid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_agentcode := null; dbms_output.put_line(p_agentcode || p_QUARTER || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; if (temp_agentcode is not null and temp_agentcode = p_agentcode) then ret_count := ret_count + 1; end if; end if; end if; end loop; return ret_count; else for cur in (select distinct a.applicantid, a.insuredname, to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm') policyreturndate_month from tmp_contractid a where a.agentcode = p_agentcode and a.splitconttype = 'B') loop p_applicantid := cur.applicantid; p_insuredname := cur.insuredname; p_policyreturndate_month := cur.policyreturndate_month; if (p_applicantid is not null and p_insuredname is not null and p_policyreturndate_month is not null) then begin select min(bizacceptid) into temp_bizacceptid from tmp_contractid a where (a.applicantid = p_applicantid OR A.INSUREDNAME = p_insuredname) and to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm') = p_policyreturndate_month and a.splitconttype = 'B'; exception when others then temp_bizacceptid := null; dbms_output.put_line(p_agentcode || p_QUARTER || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; if (temp_bizacceptid is not null) then begin select agentcode, a.valueprem into temp_agentcode, temp_valueprem from tmp_contractid a where a.bizacceptid = temp_bizacceptid and rownum = 1; exception when others then temp_agentcode := null; temp_valueprem := 0; dbms_output.put_line(p_agentcode || p_QUARTER || ' ' || sqlerrm); end; if (temp_agentcode is not null and temp_agentcode = p_agentcode) then ret_count := ret_count + temp_valueprem; end if; end if; end if; end loop; return ret_count; end if; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('获得不同代理人保单归属失败' || p_agentcode || sqlerrm); end; --获得拆分情况下相同的代理人的保单的归属件数 function getcontractcount(p_agentcode in varchar2, p_QUARTER in varchar2) return number is ret_number number; begin if (p_QUARTER = '三季度') then begin select count(1) into ret_number from (select a.policyreturndate, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname, a.agentcode from contract a, product c, coverage d, policy b, applicant e, agentbroker f where a.contractid = d.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = e.applicantid and a.agentid = f.agentid and e.customername != f.agentname and b.insuredname != f.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20120701', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = p_agentcode group by policyreturndate, a.agentcode, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct e.applicantid) or count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct a.agentcode) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) and count(distinct a.agentcode) = 1 and count(distinct a.contractid) > 1); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('查询代理人' || p_agentcode || '的' || p_QUARTER || '的保单归属件数出错'); end; else begin select count(1) into ret_number from (select a.policyreturndate, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname, a.agentcode from contract a, product c, coverage d, policy b, applicant e, agentbroker f where a.contractid = d.contractid and c.productid = d.productid and a.contractid = b.contractid and a.applicantid = e.applicantid and a.agentid = f.agentid and e.customername != f.agentname and b.insuredname != f.agentname and a.businesstype = 'L' and a.policyreturndate >= to_date('20121001', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.policyreturndate < to_date('20130101', 'yyyy/MM/dd') and a.valueprem >= 500 and a.agentcode = p_agentcode group by policyreturndate, a.agentcode, c.productid, e.applicantid, b.insuredname having(count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct e.applicantid) or count(distinct a.agentcode) = count(distinct b.insuredname)) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct a.agentcode) and count(distinct c.productid) = count(distinct to_char(a.policyreturndate, 'yyyymm')) and count(distinct a.agentcode) = 1 and count(distinct a.contractid) > 1); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('查询代理人' || p_agentcode || '的' || p_QUARTER || '的保单归属件数出错'); end; end if; return ret_number; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('查询代理人' || p_agentcode || '的保单归属件数出错'); end; end pkg_agent_essence; /
自己的小小总结(Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release,在此版本之下的一些总结,
1.oracle逻辑语句在判断非空时,不支持 && 或者 !=或者 = , 比如 if(a != null && b !=null && c = null) ,此上写法不行,if(a != '' && b !='' && c = ''),也不行
应这样写 if(a is not null and b is not null and c is null)
2.function 一定要有返回值,procedure 可以不带返回值