基于PCL(Point Cloud Library)进行点云压缩

基于PCL(Point Cloud Library)进行点云压缩

视频连接 http://www.pclcn.org/study/shownews.php?lang=cn&id=35

 基于PCL(Point Cloud Library)进行点云压缩

       来自于Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, Germany的Julius Kammerl,在Willow Garage进行基于PCL(Point Cloud Library)的开发实习。请看视频,其中相关软件是基于开源点云库Point CLoud Library (PCL)实现的。
       Willow Garage公司的机器人PR2是通过采用深度传感器获取场景中的形状几何信息,这些传感器将3D空间离散化采样获取高频高分辨率的点云数据,一旦数据量超过了有限带宽,就滋生了对此类数据进行高效压缩的算法的需求,点云压缩的应用还在3D视频会议等领域有应用价值。我们利用八叉树空间分割进行点分布区域的压缩,并且,通过对连续帧之间的数据相关分析,检测出重复的点云,并将其去除掉再进行传输,在这里,检测出连续帧之间的变化时非常重要的,可以通过分析和对比两个点云对应点八叉树结构,从而检测出空间的变化,再找到重复的点云,这样连续对所有帧进行处理。最后还采用熵编码技术在信号传输阶段进行重复信息的去除。(以上翻译,仅作参考)

译者评:敬请期待,PCL(Point Cloud Learning)中国官方发布的,基于点云库PCL中八叉树的动态监测实现教程。

Compressing Point Clouds with Point Cloud Library (PCL)

         Julius Kammerl from Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, Germany spent his internship at Willow Garage working on the Point Cloud Library (PCL). To find out more, please watch the video above. You can also read the slides below (download pdf) for more technical details. The software is available as open source as part of the Point CLoud Library (PCL).
Robots such as the PR2 by Willow Garage employ depth sensors for acquiring information about the shape and geometry of their environment. These sensors discretely sample the three dimensional space with high spatial resolution and high update rate and therefore generate large point data sets. Once these so called point clouds have to be stored on the robot or transmitted over rate-limited communication channels, the interest in compressing this kind of data emerges and efficient algorithms for compressing and communicating point clouds become highly relevant. Further applications for point cloud compression can be found in the field of 3D television/conferencing.
          In our work we compress the point distribution by performing a spatial decomposition based on octree data structures. Furthermore, by correlating and referencing the currently sampled sensor data to previously sensed and transmitted point cloud information, temporal redundancy can be detected and removed from the point cloud data stream. In this context, the detection of changes within the point data sets is of great importance. By subsequently analyzing and comparing the octree data structures of adjacent point clouds, spatial changes in point data can be extracted and used to successively extend the point clouds at the decoder. In addition, an entropy coder (range/arithmetic coder) is used for further removing redundancy from the signals to be transmitted/stored.
