兴奋之后的失望,Silverlight 对 Windows Media Server 的流特性没有支持

原以为 Silverlight 会支持 Windows Media Server 所有流特性,就象 Media Player 那样,支持 udp、rtsp、mms、协议播转等等。
但经过一段时间的测试后发现:Silverlight似乎只支持http协议下的 progressive download 。


Supported Protocols

The following web protocols are supported.

  • http
  • https
  • mms


In addition to progressive downloads, MediaElement supports live and on-demand streaming from a Windows Media Server. If the file URI specifies the mms protocol, the MediaElement attempts to stream the file first. If the file can't be streamed, it downloads the file progressively. If the file URI specifies another protocol, such as http or https, the MediaElement attempts a progressive download first. If that fails, the MediaElement attempts to stream the file.

