



(1)My boss didn’t tell me to wear jeans. - 我上司没有告诉我要穿牛仔裤。

(2)My boss told me not to wear jeans. - 我上司告诉我不要穿牛仔裤。


(3)Dave is an Australian, not an Austrian. - Dave是澳洲人,不是奥地利人。

(4)I met him on the street, not at the office. - 我在街上遇见他,不是在办公室。


(5)She loves him not because he is handsome, but because he is warmhearted. - 她爱他不是因为他长得帅,而是因为他很贴心。

:not because…but because.不是因为,而是因为…


(1)I have no time. - 我没有时间了。

=I don’t have any time.

(2)I don’t have any one to depend on. - 我没有人可依赖。

=I have no one to depend on.

:not any = no. no + 单数可数名词,负数名词或不可数名词。

(3)No students are allowed to enter the room. - 学生不允许进入这个房间。

(4)He is not a thief. - 他不是一个小偷。

He is no thief. - 他绝不是小偷。




(1)It never snows in the Sahara Desert. - 撒哈拉沙漠绝不会下雪。


(2)You should never walk alone at night. - 你不应该晚上一个人散步。

4、hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom

(1)His success is hardly possible. - 他的成功几乎是不可能的。

(2)That injured child could scarcely. - 那受伤的小孩几乎不能走。

(3)I rarely listen to classical music. - 我很少听古典音乐。

(4)England has seldom won the World Cup. - 英国很少赢得世界杯。


5、few, little

few = not many, little = not much.

(1)Few (people) are satisfied with his answer. - 几乎没有人对他的答案感到满意。


(2)He showed little interest in math. - 他对数学没什么兴趣。



(1)Both of my friends did not go abroad for advanced study. - 我的两个朋友并没有都出国留学。


Neither (None) of my friends went abroad for advanced study. - 我的朋友没有出国留学的。

(2)He did not read all of these comic books. - 他没有读完所有的漫画书。

:not 和 all在一起时,不论这两者谁在前谁在后,都是部分否定。意为“不都是”而不是“都不是”。


He did not read any of these comic books. - 他没有读任何漫画书。


He read none of these comic books.

(3)She does not always agree with me. - 她并不总是赞同我。


(4)Not everybody can be a poet. - 并不是每个人都能够做一个诗人。

(5)Beautiful flowers do not necessarily smell sweet. - 漂亮的花朵闻起来未必香。

:除了necessarily, 还有quite, altogether, completely, entirely, exactly等副词,和not连用时表示部分否定。



(1)You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. - 不打几个鸡蛋就没办法做蛋卷。


(2)It is not unusual for couples to quarrel. - 对于夫妻来说,吵架并不是不同寻常的事。



(1)He is by no means a fool. - 他绝非一个傻瓜。

:by no means绝对不是,绝非。其用法相当于not…at all, 意为一点也不。


He is not a fool at all. - 他一点也不傻/他绝不是傻瓜。

(2)Traveling to the moon is not a dream any longer. - 到月球旅行不再是梦想。

not … any longer=不再…,表示相同意思的是no longer,其用法如下:

Traveling to the moon is no longer a dream.

(3)You cannot be too careful when you drive at night. - 你晚上开车多小心都不为过。


You are too careful when you drive at night. - 你晚上开车太小心了。


(4)It was not long before the earthquake stopped. - 不久之后地震停了。

(5)I didn’t graduate from university until I was 25. - 我25岁才大学毕业。



It was not until I was 25 that I graduated from university.

(6)I cannot help admiring his courage. - 我不得不佩服他的勇气。

:cannot help情不自禁,忍不住可以直接+ving

也可以用cannot but + V原形代替。

(7)He can ride a motorcycle, not to mention a bicycle. - 他会骑摩托车,更别提自行车了。


(1)Who knows what will happen tomorrow? - 谁知道明天会发生什么呢?


(2)This book was too boring for me to read through. - 这书太无聊了,我读不完它。

(3)The story he told me was anything but boring. - 他告诉我的故事从不无聊。

(4)Five hundred dollars for a pair of shoes is far from cheap. - 这鞋子太贵了。

(5)Heavy fog kept me from driving fast. - 大雾使我不能开车很快。

:keep … from …, stop…from…, 阻止…,防止…


