WordPress SEO初学者指南

WordPress is used by millions of people right around the world to setup websites for a variety of applications. While it’s popular because it’s easy to get up and running and use, it still requires proper optimization in order to really improve your overall search engine rankings.

WordPress已被全球数百万人用来为各种应用程序设置网站。 尽管它很受欢迎,因为它易于启动,运行和使用,但仍需要进行适当的优化才能真正提高您的总体搜索引擎排名。

This guide will give WordPress beginners a basic overview of WordPress SEO to help your website get found online.

本指南将为WordPress初学者提供WordPress SEO的基本概述,以帮助您的网站在线找到。

This article will cover:


  • Title Tags

  • Meta Descriptions

  • Permalinks

  • Keyword Phrases

  • Alt Text

  • Internal Linking

  • The Yoast SEO Plugin

    Yoast SEO插件
  • Basic Keyword Research

  • WordPress Tweaks


So let’s get started!


WordPress搜索引擎优化指南 (Your Guide to WordPress Search Engine Optimization)

标题标签 (Title Tags)

Title tags are used in the head section of a web page to communicate your page title better to both search engines and visitors.


Title tags help to boost SEO efforts which in-turn can help to boost your overall rankings. The title tag will tell your visitors what the post is about before they click into it. The title tag is generally seen in search engine results as shown below:

标题标签有助于提高SEO的工作量,进而有助于提高整体排名。 标题标签会在您点击访客之前告诉访问者该帖子的内容。 标题标记通常在搜索引擎结果中显示,如下所示:

Title Tag

元描述 (Meta Descriptions)

In WordPress, if you’ve installed the Yoast SEO plugin (which we’ll cover later), you’ll see an area for the meta description and keyword to be implemented. For optimal SEO, the meta description should include the relevant keyword that’s going to be used for the overall post. The title of your post should also feature the relevant keyword for optimal impact. It’s important to make your content clear for users, not just search engines.

在WordPress中,如果您安装了Yoast SEO插件(稍后将进行介绍),您将看到一个用于实现元描述和关键字的区域。 为获得最佳SEO,元描述应包含将用于整个帖子的相关关键字。 您的帖子标题还应包含相关关键字,以实现最佳效果。 重要的是要使用户清楚地知道内容,而不仅仅是搜索引擎。

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Note the area for implementing the meta description and the focus keyword, this helps Yoast provide you with SEO suggestions and advice for anything you may have missed.

注意用于实现meta description和focus关键字的区域,这可以帮助Yoast为您提供SEO建议和任何可能错过的建议。

So what’s the point of meta descriptions? Meta descriptions are what you see in search engine results. They tell you what the website or page content is about before you enter the website as seen in the images below:

那么元描述的意义何在? 元描述就是您在搜索引擎结果中看到的内容。 他们告诉您网站或页面内容是什么,然后再进入网站,如下图所示:

meta description SERPs

Including meta descriptions allows your WordPress post to be seen by search users. If you don’t specify a meta description, the search engines will typically take the first sentence, which might not be ideal and entice users to visit your site. Meta descriptions themselves don’t influence search rankings, however they’re important for providing a call to action in the search results pages.

包含元描述可以使搜索用户看到您的WordPress帖子。 如果您未指定元描述,则搜索引擎通常会采用第一句话,这可能不太理想,并会诱使用户访问您的网站。 元描述本身不会影响搜索排名,但是它们对于在搜索结果页面中提供号召性用语很重要。

Generally, WordPress will count down the character limit for you when writing your meta description, however if you’re using a Word document you can find out the character limit of your meta description by highlighting them and clicking on the word count at the bottom left hand side of the screen.


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Permalinks are the URLs of your posts. Permalinks tell your visitors what your link is about before they actually click into it. The words that are used in permalinks will also be highlighted (as with titles and meta descriptions) in search engine results as well when searches are relevant to a search query. In order to change your permalinks all you need to do is:

永久链接是您的帖子的网址。 永久链接在您实际单击链接之前告诉访问者您的链接的含义。 当搜索与搜索查询相关时,永久链接中使用的单词(以及标题和元描述)也将突出显示。 为了更改永久链接,您需要做的是:

  • Go into your blog and click edit on the permalink

  • permalink
  • Change the permalink as you feel is needed

  • change permalink
  • After you’ve changed the permalink refresh the blog


Permalinks are a great way to provide a clear, relevant structure of your content.


重点关键词短语 (Focus Keyword Phrases)

Keyword phrases are specialized phrases which are used to optimize your pages to send more traffic to them. Key phrases are used as the core key phrase that your page will be searched for and ranked for. Think about what you want your site to be found for.

关键字词组是专用词组,用于优化您的页面以向其发送更多流量。 关键字被用作将搜索您的页面并对其进行排名的核心关键字。 想想您想要找到您的网站的内容。

Focusing on keywords and phrases in these areas and implementing it in the Yoast SEO Focus Keyword section can help to boost your WordPress website’s overall visibility to both users and search engines. Keyword research will be covered in more detail below.

将重点放在这些领域的关键字和短语上,并在“ Yoast SEO焦点关键字”部分中加以实施,可以帮助提高WordPress网站对用户和搜索引擎的整体可见性。 关键字研究将在下面更详细地介绍。

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图片替代文字(和文件名) (Image Alt Text (and file names))

Image file names and Alt Text are a good way to add meaning to your images to help naturally describe and define your images using relevant keywords for screen readers and search engines. File names and Alt Text can be added when you upload your images, here are the steps:

图像文件名和替代文本是一种为图像添加含义的好方法,它可以使用屏幕阅读器和搜索引擎的相关关键字来自然地描述和定义图像。 上传图像时可以添加文件名和替代文本,步骤如下:

  • Select the image that you’re looking to use for your blog post in the add media section. You will need to upload an image to use. Make sure you’ve renamed your images on your local computer before you upload them.

    在“添加媒体”部分中,选择要用于博客文章的图像。 您将需要上传图片才能使用。 上传图像之前,请确保已在本地计算机上重命名了图像。
  • WordPress SEO初学者指南_第4张图片
  • Click on the bar where it says Alt Text on the right hand side of the screen.

  • WordPress SEO初学者指南_第5张图片
  • Add the keyword you’re looking to use and click ‘Insert Into Post’.


Your image will now be integrated into your content with the additional keyword information.


内部连结 (Internal Linking)

Internal linking (or interlinking) is the process of linking one page to another page on your WordPress site. Internal linking holds many benefits, which include:

内部链接(或内部链接)是将页面链接到WordPress网站上的另一页面的过程。 内部链接具有许多好处,其中包括:

  • Provides you with on-page SEO benefits

  • It passes link juice from one page to the next for more post exposure

  • It enables more page views which lowers the risk of a ‘high bounce rate’ and increases ‘pages per view’

  • It allows search engines to crawl through and index your articles more effectively


To link one page (or post, the process is the same) to the next, all you need to do is add a hyperlink or anchor text to a word that relates with the page you’re linking it to. To insert a hyperlink, you can follow these steps:

要将一个页面链接(或发布,过程相同),只需将超链接或锚文本添加到与要链接到该页面的单词相关的单词上即可。 要插入超链接,您可以按照以下步骤操作:

1. Go to the page you’re looking to link to and copy the URL of the blog post.



2. Highlight a word or piece of text that you want the page to link to.


3. Click the link button along the top bar of WordPress editor and paste the relevant link into the link field and click ‘Add Link’.


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It’s really is quite easy to interlink pages and posts in your WordPress content, and best of all it can help your users and benefit your SEO.


There are many ways to achieve the same things in WordPress, explore the content editor and find what best works for you.


Yoast SEO (Yoast SEO)

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular WordPress SEO plugins, it is free and is used daily by millions of WordPress users around the world. Yoast SEO offers users with on-page analysis, proper social optimization and many other features to help with SEO. The reasons why Yoast SEO is so popular is because:

Yoast SEO是最受欢迎的WordPress SEO插件之一,它是免费的,并且每天被全球数百万WordPress用户使用。 Yoast SEO为用户提供页面分析,适当的社交优化以及许多其他功能来帮助SEO。 Yoast SEO如此受欢迎的原因是:

  • It ensures your titles and meta descriptions are optimized for your relevant keywords for better rankings on popular search engines

  • It allows your website to become friendly with social media by incorporating special markup that enhances shared pages

  • Prevents duplicated content through rel=canonical tag

    通过rel = canonical标签防止重复的内容
  • It provides a readability scale which helps to check how easy your content is to read for your visitors

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基本关键词研究 (Basic Keyword Research)

Keyword research is typically done at the start of your project. Keywords are the key words which are used by people to search for items on search engines. When researching the keywords to use for your WordPress site, it’s important to consider the following tips:

关键字研究通常在项目开始时进行。 关键字是被人们用来搜索的搜索引擎项目的关键词 。 在研究要用于WordPress网站的关键字时,请务必考虑以下提示:

  • Don’t just use Google Keyword Planner (which is one of the most popular tools for keyword research) for your keyword research. There are many other tools to help with this process, check out some alternatives here.

    不要只将Google关键字规划师(这是用于关键字研究的最受欢迎的工具之一)用于关键字研究。 还有许多其他工具可以帮助完成此过程, 请在此处查看一些替代方法 。

  • Don’t just choose the best keywords or keyword phrases based on popularity, the more popular the keyword is, the more competition you’ll have to compete against. Instead, try using words which have low to medium competition. Although they may not be as popular, you have a higher chance of being seen than against those in the high competition range.

    不要仅根据受欢迎程度选择最佳的关键字或关键字词组,关键字越受欢迎,您就必须竞争越多。 相反,请尝试使用竞争程度较低或中等的单词。 尽管它们可能不那么受欢迎,但与竞争激烈的竞争对手相比,您有更高的机会被人们看到。
  • Don’t just settle for generic keywords. Broad match and long tail keywords are also great options to use because they give you more direct search results for visitors to find your website.

    不要仅仅满足于通用关键字。 广泛匹配和长尾关键词也是很好的选择,因为它们可以为您提供更直接的搜索结果,以使访问者可以找到您的网站。

Examples of the three different types of keywords include:


  • Generic: camera, phone, clothing

  • Broad Match: Canon camera, HTC phone, red clothing

  • Long Tail Keywords: NX5 Series Canon Camera, HTC Desire 5 mobile phone, size 2 red baby onesie clothing.

    长尾关键词:NX5系列佳能相机,HTC Desire 5手机,红色婴儿连体衣尺寸2。

Use keywords that best match what your page is about. There’s no point trying to use the words ‘men’s clothing’ if you’re selling young boy’s clothing. Always use appropriate keywords for the appropriate pages.

使用与您的网页内容最匹配的关键字。 如果您要卖小男孩的衣服,那么试图使用“男装”一词是没有意义的。 始终对适当的页面使用适当的关键字。

Google Keywords

Besides Google Keyword Planner, you can also use the Search Analytics report in Google Search Console to better gauge the keywords people have used to either find your website in the search results or click through to your site. Search Analytics gives you a wealth of keyword data that can be utilized to further enhance your page.

除了Google关键字规划师之外,您还可以使用Google Search Console中的“搜索分析”报告来更好地评估人们在搜索结果中找到您的网站或点击进入您的网站所使用的关键字。 Search Analytics为您提供了大量的关键字数据,可用于进一步增强页面。

WordPress SEO调整 (WordPress SEO Tweaks)

To help improve SEO on your WordPress site you can make a few tweaks to older content that you have previously published across the years. Some areas to tweak include:

为了帮助改善WordPress网站上的SEO,您可以对多年来已经发布的较旧内容进行一些调整。 需要调整的地方包括:

图片 (Images)

Improving the overall image quality of your blog posts and including Alt Text as suggested above can improve the SEO of your website. When uploading images, they need to be free to use. Sites where you can obtain quality images include Pixabay, ShutterStock, Fotolia, and Stock Photo Secrets to name a few. Some are free to use, while others you may have to pay a price for the images. Here’s a great article on finding copyright free images on Flickr that is worth bookmarking.

提高博客文章的整体图像质量,并按照上述建议添加“替代文字”,可以改善您网站的SEO。 上传图像时,它们需要免费使用。 您可以获取高质量图像的站点包括:PNG,ShutterStock,Fotolia和库存照片秘密。 有些是免费使用的,而另一些则可能需要为图像付费。 这是一篇很棒的文章,关于在Flickr上找到值得收藏的免费版权图像 。

标题变更 (Title Changes)

Changing the titles of your older pages and posts to incorporate keywords can help to improve your overall SEO. Titles should also be changed to become more intriguing and relevant to readers. The more intriguing a title is the more visitors will come to your website. Titles are also important when content is shared on social media, since it’s often the only thing people see. Take extra time learning what works for your site.

更改旧页面和帖子的标题以合并关键字可以帮助改善整体SEO。 标题也应该更改,以使读者更感兴趣。 标题越吸引人,就会有更多访问者访问您的网站。 在社交媒体上共享内容时,标题也很重要,因为它通常是人们唯一看到的内容。 花更多的时间来了解什么对您的网站有效。

页面速度 (Page Speed)

If a page doesn’t load within 2-3 seconds, many people will abandon your site. To make sure your page loading speed it at peak efficiency you can:

如果网页在2-3秒内未加载,很多人会放弃您的网站。 为确保页面加载速度达到峰值效率,您可以:

  • Limit the amount of videos or other moving graphics that are placed on your posts

  • Choose a good web host that has a good reputation for reliable loading speeds

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Optimize your images by resizing them as needed

  • Optimize your homepage by removing unnecessary sharing widgets, remove inactive plugins, keeping the design minimal, show excerpts instead of entire posts, and reducing the number of page posts


Website performance and optimization is a massive area, we’ve got a previous articles on SitePoint that dig much deeper:


  • Mastering Image Optimization in WordPress


  • Speed Up Your WordPress Site


  • 12 Ways to Speed up Your WordPress Website


结论 (Conclusion)

WordPress is a great option to use when setting up a website. By understanding the basics of WordPress you have a higher chance of creating a website that is optimized for users that can also rank well in search engines. If you want to share your WordPress SEO tips, we’d love to hear from you below.

WordPress是建立网站时使用的绝佳选择。 通过了解WordPress的基础知识,您更有可能创建一个针对用户优化的网站,这些用户在搜索引擎中的排名也很高。 如果您想分享您的WordPress SEO技巧,我们希望在下面与您联系。

The SitePoint Entrepreneur channel also has a wealth of information on SEO and other marketing strategies. You can check it out here.

SitePoint企业家频道还提供了大量有关SEO和其他营销策略的信息。 您可以在这里查看 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/beginners-guide-to-wordpress-seo/
