% 单图
\includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{XXX.pdf} % 图片相对位置
\caption{xxx} % 图片标题
\label{fig:xxx} % 图片标签
\includegraphics[width=.4\textwidth]{ex2-3jie.pdf} % 图片相对位置
\caption{xxx} % 图片标题
% 多图
\subfigure[Hot Map of one Room]{ % 图片1([]内为子图标题)
\label{fig:sub.roomhot} % 子图1的标签
\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{XXX.jpg}}% 子图1的相对位置
\subfigure[Hot Map of one Floor]{ % 图片2
\label{fig:sub.floorhot} % 子图2的标签
\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{XXX.jpg}}% 子图2的相对位置
\caption{Hot Map of one Room and one Floor} % 总图标题
\label{fig:hot} % 总图标签
% 三线表
\caption{Notations} % 表格标题
\begin{tabular}{c|l} % 三线表格式('c'居中,'l'左对齐,'|'表示竖框线)
\toprule % 上框线
\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}}{\centering Symbol}
&\multicolumn{1}{m{8cm}}{\centering Definition}\\
\midrule % 中框线
$\rho$ & the people density\\
$\mathit{SD_i}$ & the spatial danger of the $i^{th}$ cellular\\
$v_i$ & the velocity of the $i^{th}$ visitor\\
$\overrightarrow{F_{Mi}}$ & the attractive force (spatial danger and velocity) on the $i^{th}$ visitor\\
$\overrightarrow{F_{ppi}}$ & the people-to-people interaction force on the $i^{th}$ visitor\\
$\overrightarrow{d_i}$ & the expected movement direction the $i^{th}$ visitor\\
$\alpha$ &the weight of the spatial danger and visitors’ velocity in $\overrightarrow{d_i}$\\
$\beta$ &the weight of interaction force between people in $\overrightarrow{d_i}$\\
$p$ & the ratio of the crowd decentralization\\
\bottomrule %底框线
% 硬件语言 VHDL
process(sel3) --根据音调编码,分配分频系数
case sel3 is
when"000"=>count_ld<="0111011101110"; --3822 -- 1(中音do!)
when"001"=>count_ld<="0000000110010"; --50 -- 1(低音do)
when"010"=>count_ld<="0000000010100"; --20 -- 2(低音re)
when"011"=>count_ld<="0000000001010"; --10 -- 3(低音mi)
when"100"=>count_ld<="0000000000101"; --5 -- 4(低音fa)
when"101"=>count_ld<="0000000000010"; --2 -- 5(低音sol)
when"110"=>count_ld<="1000111000000"; --4544 -- 6(低音la)
when"111"=>count_ld<="0111111010000"; --4048 -- 7(低音si)
when others=>count_ld<="0111011101110"; --3822
end case;
end process;