DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(定义部分)




尽管ASP.NET的用户控件技术给我们提供了较强的核心支持,他们是微软平台相对较新的技术。一些设计工具(. FrontPage, DreamWeaver, ) 已经提供了对用户控件技术的支持。但是在这一概念对于一些专业的网页设计人员还很陌生。抛开用户控件中包含了 服务器端控件中不为设计人员所知的属性这点不说。网页设计人员打乱或删除重要的服务器端控件的风险是一定要避免的。基本上我们希望网页设计人员选择自己的工具设计皮肤并保持和用户控件分离。


结论是最后的皮肤解决方案应该能让网页设计人员通过简单和基本的技术创建皮肤。 对于万维网来说HTML是最基本的通用语言,并被网页设计工具所广泛支持。 唯一的问题是HTML是静态的——而web应用程序要求动态的元素。


总结以上对解决方案的描述 , 允许设计人员在 HTML 中插入标志符来代替动态内容会很有效。 这就提供了对表单( form )和功能 (fuction) 的很好的抽象。皮肤文件在修改的时候不会影响应用程序逻辑。 应用程序逻辑也可以在不影响用户界面的情况下重新定义。唯一的问题是额外增加的业务层会降低应用程序的性能。



Another very important aspect to consider in any skinning solution is the identification of the skin author. Who will be creating skins? What is their comfort level in terms of technology? What design tools do they use in their business activities? Requirements analysis in this area plays a large part in determining how skins should be defined.

Although ASP.NET user controls provide us with a powerful core technology, they are a relatively new concept and are proprietary to the Microsoft platform. Some web design tools ( ie. FrontPage, DreamWeaver, etc… ) are now providing embedded support for user controls; however, this concept is still foreign to many professional web designers. Not to mention the fact that user controls contain references to proprietary ASP.NET server controls which should not be exposed to web designers. The risk of a web designer mangling or removing critical server controls is not acceptable. Ultimately we would like web designers to be able to use their tool of choice for creating skins and keep the gory details of user controls separated.


As a result the skinning solution needs a method for a web designer to define a skin using the simplest base technology. HTML is the lowest common denominator when it comes to the World Wide Web and has the widest support in terms of design tools. The only problem with HTML is that it is completely static - yet a web application has requirements for dynamic elements as well.


Revisiting the token solution described above, it would seem useful to allow web designers to include placeholders into their HTML markup which represent dynamic functionality. This provides the cleanest abstraction of “form” and “function”. The skin file could be modified without affecting the application logic. The application logic could be re-factored without affecting the user interface. The only issue is the performance penalty imposed by this additional layer of separation.

原翻译地址:DotNetNuke 皮肤制作白皮书 (定义部分)中文翻译

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DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(DotNetNuke部分)
