DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(皮肤定义部分)








Skin Definition


Skin definitions can be created using two different methods, HTML or ASCX ( user controls ). If you are a web designer with limited or no exposure to ASP.NET then the HTML option is best. On the other hand, if you are proficient in ASP.NET and plan on creating your skin in a tool such as VS.NET then ASCX is best. Basically the only difference between the two methods is the file extension of the skin definition file and the use of tokens versus actual user control tags ( defined in Appendix A ).


At a minimum there will likely be two skin files for each package – one which defines the layout of the public portal and one which defines the layout of the private admin area. The public portal has the ability to host multiple content controls in varied pane layouts whereas the private admin area can only host admin controls in a single pane per page.

DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录:
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(简介部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(术语与win客户端程序部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(技术部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(定义部分--大厨师翻译)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(DotNetNuke部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(总揽部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(文件组织部分--大厨师翻译)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(页面处理部分)
DotNetNuke Skinning Whitepaper 翻译记录(皮肤包部分)

