# 参数定义
def soil_data(s, c, om, b=1.5):
s = s # sand %
c = c # clay %
om = om # organic matter %
b = b # bulk g/cm3
# 永久萎蔫点 PWP
pwp = 1.14*(-0.00024*s+0.00487*c+0.006*om+0.00005*s*om-0.00013*c*om+0.0000068*s*c+0.031)-0.02
# 田间持水量 FC
o33 = -0.00251*s+0.00195*c+0.011*om+0.00006*s*om-0.00027*c*om+0.0000452*s*c+0.299
fc = o33+1.283*o33*o33-0.374*o33-0.015
# 饱和含水量-FC
s_33 = 1.636*(0.00278*s+0.00034*c+0.022*om-0.00018*s*om-0.00027*c*om-0.0000584*s*c+0.078)-0.107
# 饱和含水量 容重矫正后
sat = fc+s_33-0.00097*s+0.043
# 校正后田间持水量
pn = 2.65*(1-(fc+s_33-0.00097*s+0.043))
df = b/1.5
if df<0.9:
elif df>1.2:
pdf = pn*df
fc_v = fc-0.2*(fc+s_33-0.00097*s+0.043-(1-pdf/2.65))
# 校正后饱和含水量
sat_v = 1-(pdf/2.65)
return [pwp, fc_v, sat_v]
def st_loc(num):
import math
if num-math.floor(num) <=0.25 or num-math.floor(num)>=0.75:
result = round(num)
elif 0.25 < num-math.floor(num) < 0.75:
result = math.floor(num) + 0.5
return result
import os
import datetime
import pandas as pd
from pcse.fileinput import CABOFileReader # 读取CABO文件(作物土壤文件)
from pcse.fileinput import YAMLAgroManagementReader # 管理文件读取
from pcse.models import Wofost71_WLP_FD, Wofost71_PP # 导入模型,Wofost71_PP潜在模型
from pcse.base import ParameterProvider # 综合作物、土壤、位点参数
from pcse.fileinput import ExcelWeatherDataProvider # 读取气象文件
import numpy as np
import nlopt
site = '邓州' # 位点
variety = 103 # 品种
data_dir = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\PCSE模型运行\model calibration' # 模型校准文件夹
data_base_info = pd.read_excel('18县生物量LAI整理12.27.xlsx', sheet_name='基本情况')
sub_data = data_base_info.loc[data_base_info['试验地']==site,
['经度', '维度', '品种', '播量(计算)', '播种期',
'sa', 'cl', 'bd', 'som', '灌溉']]
# 基本数据获取
lon = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['经度']] # 读取经度
lat = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['维度']] # 读取纬度
SAND = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['sa']].iloc[0,0] # 砂粒
CLAY = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['cl']].iloc[0,0] # 黏粒
OM = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['som']].iloc[0,0] # 有机质
BULK_DENSITY = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['bd']].iloc[0,0] # 容重
sow_date = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['播种期']].iloc[0,0] # 播期
irrigation = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['灌溉']].iloc[0,0] # 灌溉条件
weather_dir = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\2020气象数据' # 气象数据路径
cropdata = CABOFileReader(os.path.join(data_dir,'%d.CAB'%variety)) # 读取作物文件
soildata = CABOFileReader(os.path.join(data_dir,'EC3.NEW')) # 土壤文件
sitedata = {
'SSMAX' : 0.,
'IFUNRN' : 0,
'NOTINF' : 0,
'SSI' : 0,
'WAV' : 30,
'SMLIM' : 0.03,
'RDMSOL' : 120}
parameters = ParameterProvider(cropdata=cropdata, soildata=soildata, sitedata=sitedata) # 参数集合
# 数据替换
parameters['TDWI'] = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['播量(计算)']].iloc[0,0] # 播量
parameters['SMW'] = soil_data(SAND, CLAY, OM, BULK_DENSITY)[0] # 萎蔫点
parameters['SMFCF'] = soil_data(SAND, CLAY, OM, BULK_DENSITY)[1] # 田间持水量
parameters['SM0'] = soil_data(SAND, CLAY, OM, BULK_DENSITY)[2] # 饱和含水量
agromanagement = YAMLAgroManagementReader(os.path.join(data_dir,'wheatautoirrigation.agro')) # 管理文件读取
agromanagement[0][datetime.date(2019, 10, 1)]['CropCalendar']['crop_start_date'] = sow_date # 播期替换
irr_condition = agromanagement[0][datetime.date(2019, 10, 1)]['StateEvents'][0]['events_table'][0] # 获取到自动灌溉的字典
irr_calculation = round(irrigation/100*parameters['SMFCF'], 2).item() # 灌溉条件替换, 读取的数据可能是numpy类型
agromanagement[0][datetime.date(2019, 10, 1)]['StateEvents'][0]['events_table'][0][irr_calculation] = \
agromanagement[0][datetime.date(2019, 10, 1)]['StateEvents'][0]['events_table'][0].pop(list(irr_condition.keys())[0])
# 气象数据
weatherdataprovider = ExcelWeatherDataProvider(os.path.join(weather_dir,'NASA天气文件lat={0:.1f},lon={1:.1f}.xlsx'.
format(st_loc(lat.iloc[0,0]), st_loc(lon.iloc[0,0]))))
wf = Wofost71_WLP_FD(parameters, weatherdataprovider, agromanagement) # 定义模型
wf.run_till_terminate() # 运行模型直到终止
class ModelRerunner(object):
"""Reruns a given model with different values of parameters TWDI and SPAN.
Returns a pandas DataFrame with simulation results of the model with given
parameter values.
# parameters to calibrate: EFFTB40 CVS
def __init__(self, params, wdp, agro):
self.params = params
self.wdp = wdp
self.agro = agro
def __call__(self, par_values):
# Check if correct number of parameter values were provided
# if len(par_values) != len(self.parameters):
# msg = "Optimizing %i parameters, but only % values were provided!" % (len(self.parameters, len(par_values)))
# raise RuntimeError(msg)
# # Clear any existing overrides
# self.params.clear_override()
# Set overrides for the new parameter values
self.params['SPAN'] = par_values[0]
self.params['KDIFTB'][1] = par_values[1]
self.params['KDIFTB'][3] = par_values[2]
self.params['EFFTB'][1] = par_values[3]
self.params['EFFTB'][3] = par_values[4]
self.params['AMAXTB'][1] = par_values[5]
self.params['AMAXTB'][3] = par_values[6]
self.params['AMAXTB'][5] = par_values[7]
self.params['CVS'] = par_values[8]
self.params['CVO'] = par_values[9]
self.params['CVL'] = par_values[10]
self.params['CVR'] = par_values[11]
# 数据替换
self.params['TDWI'] = sub_data.loc[sub_data['品种']==variety, ['播量(计算)']].iloc[0,0] # 播量
self.params['SMW'] = soil_data(SAND, CLAY, OM, BULK_DENSITY)[0] # 萎蔫点
self.params['SMFCF'] = soil_data(SAND, CLAY, OM, BULK_DENSITY)[1] # 田间持水量
self.params['SM0'] = soil_data(SAND, CLAY, OM, BULK_DENSITY)[2] # 饱和含水量
# Run the model with given parameter values
wofost = Wofost71_WLP_FD(self.params, self.wdp, self.agro)
df = pd.DataFrame(wofost.get_output()).set_index("day")
return df
class ObjectiveFunctionCalculator(object):
"""Computes the objective function.
This class runs the simulation model with given parameter values and returns the objective
function as the sum of squared difference between observed and simulated LAI.
. """
def __init__(self, params, wdp, agro, observations):
self.modelrerunner = ModelRerunner(params, wdp, agro)
self.df_observations = observations
self.n_calls = 0
def __call__(self, par_values, grad=None):
"""Runs the model and computes the objective function for given par_values.
The input parameter 'grad' must be defined in the function call, but is only
required for optimization methods where analytical gradients can be computed.
self.n_calls += 1
print(".", end="")
# Run the model and collect output
self.df_simulations = self.modelrerunner(par_values)
# compute the differences by subtracting the DataFrames
# Note that the dataframes automatically join on the index (dates) and column names
df_differences_tagp = self.df_observations['生物量kg/ha'] - self.df_simulations['TAGP']
df_differences_twso = self.df_observations['穗生物量kg/ha'] - self.df_simulations['TWSO']
df_differences_lai = self.df_observations['LAI'] - self.df_simulations['LAI']
# Compute the RMSE on the LAI column
obj_func = (np.sqrt(np.mean(df_differences_tagp**2))/abs(np.mean(df_differences_tagp))+
return obj_func
# 实测值
data_obs = pd.read_excel('18县生物量LAI整理12.27.xlsx', sheet_name='最终实测') # 实测值
sub_obs = data_obs.loc[data_obs['试验地']==site, ['品种', 'day', 'LAI', '生物量kg/ha', '穗生物量kg/ha']]
sub_obs_103 = sub_obs.loc[sub_obs['品种']==variety].set_index('day')
品种 LAI 生物量kg/ha 穗生物量kg/ha
2020-01-02 103 0.816263 676.718558 0.000000
2020-03-10 103 4.625373 6135.784509 0.000000
2020-04-19 103 5.946694 12810.812963 1810.652288
2020-05-11 103 5.445854 20267.625000 7783.650000
2020-05-26 103 0.000000 21877.584387 9560.547802
# 测试一下能计算不能
objfunc_calculator = ObjectiveFunctionCalculator(parameters, weatherdataprovider, agromanagement, sub_obs_103)
defaults = [31.5, 0.4,0.6,0.5,0.62,45,45,45,0.862,0.9,0.68,0.69]
error = objfunc_calculator(defaults)
print("Objective function value with default parameters (%s): %s" % (defaults, error))
输出:.Objective function value with default parameters ([31.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.62, 45, 45, 45, 0.862, 0.9, 0.68, 0.69]): 8.76644301817127
SPAN_range = [28, 33]
KDIFTB0_range = [0.4, 0.7]
KDIFTB1_range = [0.4, 0.7]
EFFTB0_range = [0.4, 0.5]
EFFTB1_range = [0.4, 0.7]
AMAXTB5_range = [38, 45]
AMAXTB1_range = [38, 45]
AMAXTB13_range = [38, 45]
CVS_range = [0.66, 0.9]
CVO_range = [0.66, 0.9]
CVL_range = [0.66, 0.9]
CVR_range = [0.66, 0.9]
objfunc_calculator = ObjectiveFunctionCalculator(parameters, weatherdataprovider, agromanagement, sub_obs_103)
# Start optimizer with the SUBPLEX algorithm for two parameters
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, 12)
# Assign the objective function calculator
# lower bounds of parameters values
opt.set_lower_bounds([SPAN_range[0], KDIFTB0_range[0], KDIFTB1_range[0], EFFTB0_range[0], EFFTB1_range[0],AMAXTB5_range[0],
# upper bounds of parameters values
opt.set_upper_bounds([SPAN_range[1], KDIFTB0_range[1], KDIFTB1_range[1], EFFTB0_range[1], EFFTB1_range[1],AMAXTB5_range[1],
# the initial step size to compute numerical gradients
opt.set_initial_step([1, 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,3,3,3,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1])
# Maximum number of evaluations allowed
# Relative tolerance for convergence
# opt.set_ftol_rel(3000)
# Start the optimization with the first guess
firstguess = [31.5, 0.4,0.6,0.5,0.62,45,45,45,0.862,0.9,0.68,0.69]
x = opt.optimize(firstguess)
print("\noptimum at SPAN: %s, KDIFTB0: %s, KDIFTB1: %s, EFFTB0: %s, EFFTB40: %s, \
AMAXTB5: %s, AMAXTB1: %s, AMAXTB13: %s, CVS: %s, CVO: %s, CVL: %s, CVR: %s" %
(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9], x[10], x[11]))
print("minimum value = ", opt.last_optimum_value())
print("result code = ", opt.last_optimize_result())
print("With %i function calls" % objfunc_calculator.n_calls)