

1. Blocker级别——中断缺陷


2. Critical级别――临界缺陷包括:


3. Major级别——较严重缺陷包括:


4. Normal级别――普通缺陷,包括:

1. 数值计算错误

2. JavaScript错误。

5. Minor级别———次要缺陷,包括:

1. 界面错误与UI需求不符。

2. 打印内容、格式错误

3. 程序不健壮,操作未给出明确提示。

6. Trivial级别——轻微缺陷,包括:

1. 辅助说明描述不清楚

2. 显示格式不规范,数字,日期等格式。

3. 长时间操作未给用户进度提示

4. 提示窗口文字未采用行业术语

5. 可输入区域和只读区域没有明显的区分标志

6. 必输项无提示,或者提示不规范。

7. Enhancement级别——测试建议、其他(非缺陷)

1. 以客户角度的易用性测试建议。

2. 通过测试挖掘出来的潜在需求。

How the set the Severity

Severity definition: The severity level of issue, likehow the issue impact system functions.

Blocker: Issue blocking some criticalfunctions to test or implement, we cannot move on without the fix of this issue. Example, the system cannot operate, the main process cannot be executed.

Critical: Issue making critical functions failed.Example, the system encounters crashes, loss of data, etc.

Major: Big issue but not blocking and it not impactthe critical functions.

Normal: Normal issue which just makes some uncriticalfunctions failed.

Minor: Issue which is very uncritical likes typoissue.

Enhancement: Issue makes system perform better ifit’s fixed.
