Just words

impose  利用;欺骗

Example: To work, ARC imposes some new rules that are not present when using other compiler modes.

Text Programming Guide for iOS

tremendous  [trɪ'mendəs]  adj. 极大的;惊人的;

Example: The text system in iOS provides a tremendous amount of power while still being very simple to use.

disposal  [dɪ'spəʊz(ə)l]  n. 处理;支配;清理;安排

Example: The resources at your disposal range from framework objects—such as text views, text fields, and web views—to text layout engines that you can use directly to draw, lay out, and otherwise manage text.

Color Management Overview

trichromatic  [,traɪkrə'mætɪk]  adj.  三色的;三原色的;
capacity  [kə'pæsɪtɪ]  n. 能力;容量;
stimulus  ['stɪmjʊləs]  n. 刺激;激励;刺激物
spectrum  ['spektrəm]  n. 光谱;范围;

Example: The foundation of the color reproduction process is trichromatic color vision, which describes the capacity of the human eye to respond equally to two or more sets of stimuli having different visible spectra.

Memory Management Programming Guide for Core Foundation

circumstance  [ˈsɜ:kəmstəns]  n. 环境,情况;事件;
critically  ['krɪtɪklɪ]  adv. 精密地;危急地;

Example: Most of the time the endian format of your computer can be safely ignored, but in certain circumstances it becomes critically important.

Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide

in case  万一;假使;
inadvertently  [,ɪnəd'vɜːt(ə)ntlɪ]  adv. 不经意地;非故意地;

Example: You must send this after [newObj retain] in case the two are the same object, you don’t want to inadvertently cause it to be deallocated.

instructive  adj. 有益的;教育性的

Example: The property declares two accessor methods. Typically, you should ask the compiler to synthesize the methods; however, it’s instructive to see how they might be implemented.

tedious  ['tiːdɪəs]  adj. 沉闷的;冗长乏味的
pedantic  [pɪ'dæntɪk]  adj. 迂腐的;学究式的;
considerably  [kən'sɪd(ə)rəblɪ]  adv. 相当地;非常地

Example: Sometimes it might seem tedious or pedantic, but if you use accessor methods consistently, the chances of having problems with memory management decrease considerably.

relinquish  [rɪ'lɪŋkwɪʃ]  vt. 放弃;放手;

Example: You must also make sure you then relinquish ownership of any currently-held value.

claim  vt. 要求;声称;需要

Example: You must therefore claim ownership of the object when it is set.

reliable [rɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]  adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
robust  [rə(ʊ)'bʌst]  adj. 强健的;健康的;粗野的;粗鲁的

Example: Although the fundamental concepts described in Memory Management Policy are straightforward, there are some practical steps you can take to make managing memory easier, and to help to ensure your program remains reliable and robust while at the same time minimizing its resource requirements.

convention  [kən'venʃ(ə)n]  n. 约定;习俗;大会

Example: Cocoa uses a straightforward naming convention to indicate when you own an object returned by a method.

counterproductive  [,kaʊntəprə'dʌktɪv]  adj. 使达不到预期目标的
in term of  依据,按照;在…方面

Example: Thinking about memory management from the perspective of reference counting, however, is frequently counterproductive, because you tend to consider memory management in terms of the implementation details rather than in terms of your actual goals. Instead, you should think of memory management from the perspective of object ownership and object graphs.

conjunction  [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]  n. 结合;[语] 连接词;同时发生

Example: This is implemented using a model, known as reference counting, that the Foundation class NSObject provides in conjunction with the runtime environment.

Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS

irrelevant  [ɪ'relɪv(ə)nt]  adj. 不相干的;不切题的

Example: The purpose of using points (and the logical coordinate system) is to provide a consistent size of output that is device independent. For most purposes, the actual size of a point is irrelevant. The goal of points is to provide a relatively consistent scale that you can use in your code to specify the size and position of views and rendered content.

gather  ['gæðə]  n. 收集;使...聚集;

Example: however, by gathering the update requests you make and delivering them to your drawing code at the most appropriate time.

confine  [kən'faɪn]  n. 约束;限制;边界

Example: In iOS, all drawing to the screen occurs within the confines of an instance of the UIView class or a subclass thereof.

take ... into account  将...考虑进去

Example: Your tasks include providing specially named high-resolution images and modifying your layer- and image-related code to take the current scale factor into account.

superimpose  [,supərɪm'poz]  vt. 添加;重叠;

Example: If you need to combine standard UI elements with custom drawing, consider using a Core Animation layer to superimpose a custom view with a standard view so that you draw as little as possible.

immersive  [ɪ'mɝsɪv]  adj. 拟真的;沉浸式的;
extensive  [ɪk'stɛnsɪv]   adj. 广泛的;大量的;

Example: Although immersive apps typically make extensive use of custom drawing code, utility and productivity apps can often use standard views and controls to display their content.

View Programming Guide for iOS

incorporate  [ɪn'kɔːpəreɪt]  包含; 嵌入;吸收;合并

Example: If you prefer to work primarily with layer objects instead of views, you can incorporate custom layer objects into your view hierarchy as needed.

preserve  [prɪ'zɜːv]  vt. 保存;保护;维持  

Example: You then save those live objects in a nib file, which is a resource file that preserves the state and configuration of your objects.

participate  [pɑː'tɪsɪpeɪt]  vt. 参与;参加

Example: A view participates in the responder chain.

retrofit  ['retrəʊfɪt]  vt. 改进;更新

Example: If you are retrofitting a project to use Interface Builder, creating a window using Interface Builder is a simple matter of dragging a window object to your nib file.

template  ['templeɪt]  n. 模板;范本

Example: In addition, these templates also define an outlet for that window in the application delegate object. You use this outlet to access the window object in your code.

facilitate  [fə'sɪlɪteɪt] vt. 促进;帮助;使容易

Example: It works with your application’s view controllers to facilitate orientation changes.

facility  [fə'sɪləti]  adj. 设施;设备

Example: These classes provide sophisticated facilities for managing the layout and presentation of views.

sufficient  [sə'fɪʃ(ə)nt]  adj. 足够的;充分的

Example: In places where the standard view animations are not sufficient, you can use Core Animation.

constitute  vt. 组成;构成
reconstitute  [riː'kɒnstɪtjuːt]  vt. 重建;重组

Example: When you load a nib file at runtime, the objects inside it are reconstituted into actual objects that your code can then manipulate programmatically.

assemble  [ə'semb(ə)l]  vt. 集合;聚集;

Example: Using Interface Builder, you assemble your views and place them in a nib file, which is a resource file that stores a freeze-dried version of your views and other objects.

portion  ['pɔːʃ(ə)n] n. 部分

Example: Views define a portion of a window that you want to fill with some content.

Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide

disparate  ['dɪspərət]  adj. 不同的;不相干的
compose  组成;构成
decompose  [,dikəm'poz]  vt. 分解

Example: Forwarding, on the other hand, assigns separate responsibilities to disparate objects. It decomposes problems into smaller objects, but associates those objects in a way that’s transparent to the message sender.

cumbersome  ['kʌmbəs(ə)m]  adj. 笨重的;累赘的;难处理的

Example: This way of doing things could get a little cumbersome, especially if there were a number of messages you wanted your object to pass on to the other object.

announce  [ə'naʊns]  vt. 宣布;预示

Example: However, before announcing the error, the runtime system gives the receiving object a second chance to handle the message.

circumvent  [,sɝkəm'vɛnt]  v. 规避;包围;绕过

Example: It then explains how you can take advantage of objc_msgSend, and how—if you need to—you can circumvent dynamic binding.

introspection  ['ɪntrə'spɛkʃən]  n. 内省;反省(自检)

Example: Some of the NSObject methods simply query the runtime system for information. These methods allow objects to perform introspection.

principle  ['prɪnsəpl]  n. 原理,原则
principal  ['prɪnsəpl] adj. 主要的;资本的

Example: The principal runtime function is the one that sends messages, as described in Messaging.

scene  [sin] n. 场景
material  [mə'tɪrɪəl]  n. 材料,物质;adj . 重要的,物质的,实质性的

Example: Typically, though, there should be little reason for you to need to know and understand this material to write a Cocoa application.

paradigm ['pærə'daɪm]  范例

Example: In particular, it examines the paradigms for dynamically loading new classes at runtime, and forwarding messages to other objects.

defer  [dɪ'fɝ]  推迟;延期

Example: The Objective-C language defers as many decisions as it can from compile time and link time to runtime.

Core Image Programming Guide

redundant  [rɪ'dʌndənt]  多余的;累赘的

Example: If so, it automatically concatenates multiple “recipes” and organizes them to eliminate redundant operations, so that each pixel is processed only once rather than many times.

integration  ['ɪntə'greʃən]  集合;综合
workflow  工作流

Example: To apply filters and display or export results, you can make use of the integration between Core Image and other system frameworks, or create your own rendering workflow with the CIContext class.

Image I/O Programming Guide

palette  ['pælət]  调色板
portable  ['pɔrtəbl]  手提的;轻便的
lossless  无损的
lossy  有损的
compress  压缩
raster image  光栅图

Example: This document describes PNG (Portable Network Graphics), an extensible file format for the lossless, portable, well-compressed storage of raster images.

chunk  [tʃʌŋk]  数据块

Example: The frame speed data and extra animation frames are stored in extra chunks (as provided for by the original PNG specification).

saturation  ['sætʃə'reʃən]  饱和度
exposure  [ɪk'spoʒɚ]  曝光

Example: For example, if your application allows users to add keywords to images or change saturation, exposure, or other values, you’ll want to save that information in the options dictionary.

extract  ['ɛkstrækt]  提取;取出

Example: "Creating and Using Image Sources" shows how to create an image source, create an image from it, and extract properties for display in the user interface.

Concurrency Programming Guide

intensive  [ɪn'tɛnsɪv]  加强的;集中的

Example: For example, games and other graphics-intensive applications might use timers to initiate screen or animation updates.

compatibility  [kəm,pætə'bɪləti]  兼容性

Example: For more information about the compatibility of dispatch queues with threads, see Compatibility with POSIX Threads.

akin  [ə'kɪn]  类似的;同类的
resemble  [rɪ'zɛmbl]  类似,像

Example: Although they might seem akin to function pointers, a block is actually represented by an underlying data structure that resembles an object and is created and managed for you by the compiler.

interlace  交织,交错
interleave  交错

Example: This queue works with the application’s run loop (if one is present) to interleave the execution of queued tasks with the execution of other event sources attached to the run loop.

holistic  [ho'lɪstɪk]  整体的;全盘的

Example: Dispatch queues offer automatic and holistic thread pool management.

comprise  [kəm'praɪz]  包含;由...组成
tweak  微调;对...稍作调整

Example: This chapter takes a look at the technologies that comprise this solution and the design tweaks you can make to your code to take advantage of them.

accommodate  [ə'kɑmədet]   容纳;适应;调解

Example: The amount of work performed by a single application also needs to be able to scale dynamically to accommodate changing system conditions.

summarize  ['sʌməraɪz]  总结;综述

Example: So, to summarize the problem, there needs to be a way for applications to take advantage of a variable number of computer cores.

approach  [ə'protʃ]  途径;方法

Example: Both OS X and iOS adopt a more asynchronous approach to the execution of concurrent tasks than is traditionally found in thread-based systems and applications.

fraction  小部分;稍微

Example: If an application has a lot of work to do but keeps only a fraction of the available cores occupied, those extra processing resources are wasted.

take advantage of  利用
parallel  ['pærəlɛl]  并行

Example: Although operating systems like OS X and iOS are capable of running multiple programs in parallel, most of those programs run in the background and perform tasks that require little continuous processor time.

notion  ['noʃən]  概念;见解;打算

Example: Concurrency is the notion of multiple things happening at the same time.

Threading Programming Guide

mutual  ['mjutʃuəl]  共同的;相互的
exclusion  [ɪk'skluʒn]  排斥;排除
mutual exclusion  互斥

Example: The most common type of lock is mutual exclusion lock, also known as a mutex.

brute  残忍的;无理性的
brute force  强力
form of  形态;形成

Example: Locks provide a brute force form of protection for code that can be executed by only one thread at a time.

alleviate  [ə'livɪ'et]  减轻;缓和
eliminate  [ɪ'lɪmɪnet]  消除;排除
distinct  [dɪ'stɪŋkt]  明显的;独特的;有区别的

Example: One way to alleviate the problem is to eliminate the shared resource altogether and make sure each thread has its own distinct set of resources on which to operate.

hazard  ['hæzɚd]  危害;危险;障碍
contention  [kən'tɛnʃən]  竞争;争论
among  在...之中

Example: One of the hazards of threaded programming is resource contention among multiple threads.

recommend  ['rɛkə'mɛnd]  推荐;介绍;建议
reclaim  回收
recurring  [rɪ'kɝɪŋ]  循环的;再发的

Example: Because threads are relatively expensive to create in terms of memory and time, it is therefore recommended that your entry point function do a significant amount of work or set up a run loop to allow for recurring work to be performed.

periodic  [,pɪrɪ'ɑdɪk]  周期的;定期的
trivial  ['trɪvɪəl]  琐碎的;不重要的
regular  ['rɛgjəlɚ]  定期的,经常的

Example: You can use timers on your application’s main thread to perform periodic tasks that are too trivial to require a thread, but which still require servicing at regular intervals.

equivalent  [ɪ'kwɪvələnt]  等价;等量

Example: As you design your application, look for functions that offer asynchronous behavior and consider using them instead of using the equivalent synchronous function on a custom thread.

relatively  ['rɛlətɪvli]  相当的;相对的

Example: For tasks that are relatively short and very low priority, idle time notifications let you perform the task at a time when your application is not as busy.

overhead 开销
intend 预期;打算

Example: You may discover that this overhead is too great for the intended task, or that other options are easier to implement.

factor 因素;要素

Example: Another factor to consider is whether you need threads or concurrency at all.

terminology [,tɝmə'nɑlədʒi]  术语

Example: Before getting too far into discussions about threads and their supporting technologies, it is necessary to define some basic terminology.

encompass  [ɪn'kʌmpəs]  包含
term  术语;把...叫做
refer to  参考;涉及;指的是;适用于

Example: The term process is used to refer to a running executable, which can encompass multiple threads.

proper  ['prɑpɚ]  适当的;完全的
optimization  [,ɑptəmɪ'zeʃən]  最优化;最佳化
subtle  ['sʌtl]  微妙的

Example: Even with proper protections in place, you still have to watch out for compiler optimizations that introduce subtle (and not so subtle) bugs into your code.

computation ['kɑmpjʊ'teɪʃən]  计算;计算指令

Example: So what happens when one of your computations takes a long time to finish?

interaction  [,ɪntə'rækʃən]  交互;相互作用
timely 及时地
manner 方式;习惯;规矩

Example: If you moved your custom computations onto a separate thread, however, your application’s main thread would be free to respond to user interactions in a more timely manner.

perceive  [pɚ'siv]  感觉;感知
responsiveness  [rɪ'spɑnsɪvnɪs] 响应能力

Example: Multiple threads can improve an application’s perceived responsiveness.

combination [,kɑmbɪ'neʃən]  结合;组合

Example: From a technical standpoint, a thread is a combination of the kernel-level and application-level data structures needed to manage the execution of code.

preemptive  [,primptɪv] 优先的;抢占

Example: The system itself actually manages these threads of execution, scheduling them to run on the available cores and preemptively interrupting them as needed to allow other threads to run.

dole out 少量发放

Example: At the system level, programs run side by side, with the system doling out execution time to each program based on its needs and the needs of other programs.

practical ['præktɪkl]  实际的

Example: As the speed of individual processors started reaching their practical limits, however, chip makers switched to multicore designs, giving the computer the opportunity to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

modern  ['mɑdɚn]  现代的;时髦的
efficient  [ɪ'fɪʃnt] 高效;效率

Example: Although newer technologies such as operation objects and Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) provide a more modern and efficient infrastructure for implementing concurrency, OS X and iOS also provide interfaces for creating and managing threads.

relevant  ['rɛləvənt]  相关的;有意义的

Example: This document also describes the relevant technologies provided to support threading and the synchronization of multithreaded code inside your application.

encourage  [ɪn'kɝrɪdʒ]  鼓励;支持
investigate  [ɪn'vɛstɪɡet]  调查;研究
alternative  [ɔl'tɝnətɪv]  供选择的;替代

Example: If you are developing a new application, you are encouraged to investigate the alternative OS X technologies for implementing concurrency.

prevent  [pri'vɛnt]  预防;阻止
corrupt  [kə'rʌpt]  腐败的;堕落,腐化

Example: This chapter describes synchronization issues and the tools you use to prevent multiple threads from corrupting data or crashing your program.

Quartz 2D Programing Guide

encompass 包含,环绕,完成
proportionally (prəu'pɔ:ʃənəli)成比例的,相称的
adopt 采取,接受
imply 隐含,暗示
discrete 离散的
generate 生成,产生
xxx-related 与...相关
algorithm ('ælgə'rɪðəm)算法
pace 步伐,速度
course 过程
tweak 对...稍作调整
precede 领先,优于
infrastructure ('ɪnfrə'strʌktʃɚ)基础设施
perspective 透视的
embed 使嵌入
impact 影响,效果
illustrate (illustrate)举例说明
decouple (di'kʌpl)解耦
merely 仅仅,只不过
integrate 整合,统一
correspond 相应,一致
visual 视觉的
arrange 安排,排列
implicit 含蓄
effort 功夫,工夫,成就
accelerate 加速,促进
extremely 极其,非常
sharpen 锐化,尖锐
distort 扭曲,使失真
wide 广泛的
eliminate (ɪ'lɪmɪnet)消除;排除
inherent (ɪn'hɪrənt)固有的,内在的
abut 邻接,紧靠
fidelity (fəˈdelətē) 保真度
regardless 无论,a.k.a no matter how, no matter what
intend for 打算
glyph (glif)字形
obscure 遮蔽,隐藏
perimeter 周长
opposite 对立,相反
optimal('ɑptəml) 最佳的
arbitrary (ˈärbiˌtrerē)随意
consult 请教,协商
underlying 底层
compensate 补偿
negate 否定
subsequent 随后
flavor 口味,情况
appropriate 适当,应有
supersede 取代
in contrast  相反,作为对比
significantly (sigˈnifikəntlē)显著
smooth 光滑
essential 必要
perception 感知
maintain 保持
manufacturer 厂家
sensation 感觉
subjective 主观的
illusion 错觉
measure 测量;手段
dimension 纬度,尺寸
refer 参考,简称
concatenate (kənˈkatnˌāt)串联
invert 反转,倒置
curve 曲线
dashed 虚线
ellipse 椭圆
determine 确定
restore 恢复
particular 特定
encapsulate 封装
advanced 先进的,高级的 , a.k.a high-ranking
unmatched 独一无二
resolution 解析度,分辨率
render 渲染
xxx-based 基于xxx,path-based 基于路径
capability 功能;能力
amount 量
convey 传达
predict 预测
precise 精确
opaque (ōˈpāk)不透明
coordinate 坐标;协调 ,配合
instruction 指令,说明
blend 混合
matrix (ˈmātriks)矩阵

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