Books (General):Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game, Alistair Cockburn
Books (Technical):Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, B.McLaughlin, G.Pollice and D.West
Change and Configuration Management(变更及配置管理):AccuRev 4.5
Collaboration Tools(协作工具):Confuluence
Database Engines and Data Tools(数据库引擎及数据工具):Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals
Design and Modeling(设计及建模):stpBA Storyboarding for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System
Development Environments(开发环境):NetBeans IDE
Enterprise Tools(企业工具):Cape Clear ESB Platform
Libraries, Frameworks and Components(库、框架及组件):NetAdvantage for .NET
Mobile Development(移动开发):Carbide .c++ Professional Edition
Project Management Tools(项目管理工具):Rally Enterprise
Automated Testing Tools(自动测试工具):AgitarOne
Bug and Defect Tracking Tools(缺陷跟踪工具):TestTrack Studio
Utilities(杂类应用):VMWare Lab Manager
Web Development(Web开发):Adobe Flex 2
Websites/Developer Networks(网站/开发者网络):SUN Developer Network