Week3 Wed精读笔记


1.And the approach was less heavy-handed than imposing quotas for poorer pupils, an option previous governments had considered.


2.If BIT did not save the government at least ten times its running cost, it was to be shut down after two years.


3.May worried about the idea of bureaucrats being given free rein to shape be havior by imperceptibly tweaking government communications and environmental cues.


4.As long as that choice is made in a transparent manner, and is subject to democratically elected politicians, nudging offers policymakers an alternative to both the nanny state and the unintelligent one; a middle way that he describes as “libertarian paternalism”.



1.Financial aid 经济援助

2.Roll out the scheme 退出计划、执行方案

3.Spin out of 由...拆分出来的

4.Pioneer the use of psychology 首次运用了心理学

5.The very idea provoked objections 正是这样的想法引来了质疑的声音

6.Mass manipulation 大众操纵

7.Gain ground 取得进展,为人所接受

8.Shape brand perception 塑造品牌认知度

9.Mark the start of a global trend 标志着一个全球趋势的开始

10.Centrally directed policy initiatives 政府定向政策项目

11.Set the desired outcome as the default 将预期的目标设置为默认值

12.Opt out 退出

13.Tackle corruption 打击腐败




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