The FIA’s Safety department has completed its investigation into the accident in the FIA Formula 1 World Championship race at the Bahrain International Circuit on November 29, 2020, in which the Swiss-born French driver Romain Grosjean crashed into the barrier 180 metres after the apex of Turn 3 and his Haas F1 team car caught fire before he escaped with significant but not life-threatening injuries.
(2020年11月29日,在巴林国际赛车场举行的国际汽联一级方程式世界锦标赛比赛中,瑞士籍法国车手罗曼-格罗斯让(Romain Grosjean)在第3个弯道顶点后180米处撞上隔离栏,他的哈斯F1车队赛车起火,他才逃过一劫,伤势严重但没有生命危险,国际汽联安全部门已经完成了对这起事故的调查)
The investigation included interviews with those involved, inspection of the physical evidence, analysis of available video material, as well as examination of the data from the car’s accident data recorder and driver’s ear accelerometers.
This investigative work has been peer-reviewed by the FIA Serious Accident Study Group, led by FIA President Jean Todt. Input into the investigation was also received from the Grand Prix Drivers’ Association. The findings of the investigation were presented to the FIA’s Circuits Commission, Medical Commission, Single Seater Commission, F1 Commission, Safety Commission, Volunteers and Officials Commission, and the World Motor Sport Council. The findings will also be presented in the Drivers’ Commission on March 23, 2021.
The objective of the accident investigation was to identify factors that contributed to the accident consequence, as well as other tertiary factors that did not influence the severity of the outcome but nonetheless provide invaluable learnings for the FIA’s ongoing efforts to improve safety in motor sport.
Accident Analysis
The investigation focused on the two cars that were involved in the accident – the #8 driven by Romain Grosjean and the #26 Scuderia Alpha Tauri car driven by Russia’s Daniil Kvyat, noting that several other cars had a circumstantial but non-consequential effect on the initiation of the accident sequence.
During the opening lap of the Bahrain GP, Romain Grosjean's car was travelling at 241 km/h when he lost control on the exit of Turn 3 following contact between his right rear wheel and Daniil Kvyat’s left front wheel when attempting to pass from the left to right-hand side of the track.
The car-to-car contact lifted the rear of Romain Grosjean’s car, forcing it to yaw to the right and placing it on an out-of-control trajectory into the run-off area on the inside of the circuit at the exit of Turn 3. Daniil Kvyat also altered trajectory and entered the same run-off area but was able to re-join the track shortly after without further contact.
Romain Grosjean’s car impacted the triple guardrail barrier behind the run-off area at 192 km/h and at an angle of 29 degrees, with an estimated yaw of 22 degrees to the direction of travel and a resultant peak force equivalent to 67g. Following the failure of the middle rail of the barrier and significant deformation of the upper and lower rails, the survival cell was able to pierce the barrier and came to rest behind the barrier, constrained by the primary roll structure against the upper rail of the barrier.
The car suffered extensive damage during the impact including separation of the power train assembly from the survival cell. The fuel tank inspection hatch on the left-hand side of the chassis was dislodged and the engine fuel supply connection was torn from the fuel tank “safety bladder”; both providing primary paths for the escape of fuel from the tank.
(该车在撞击过程中受到广泛损坏,包括动力系统组件与生存单元分离。底盘左侧的油箱检查舱门脱落,发动机燃料供应接口从油箱的 "安全囊 "上被撕开;两者都是燃料从油箱中逃逸的主要途径)
The driver safety equipment including helmet, HANS and safety harness as well as the survival cell, seat, headrest and Halo frontal cockpit protection performed according to their specifications in protecting the driver’s survival space and managing the forces applied to the driver during the impact.
The high voltage Energy Recovery System (ERS) battery was significantly damaged, with some parts of the ERS battery assembly remaining with the powertrain and others remaining attached to the survival cell.
Fire was ignited during the final moments of the barrier impact, starting from the rear of the survival cell and progressing forwards towards the driver as the fire grew.
The resting position of the survival cell, relative to the upper rail of the barrier significantly restricted the path for driver egress. Due to damage to the survival cell and a number of components within the cockpit environment, Romain Grosjean’s left foot was initially trapped as the car came to rest. The driver was able to free his foot by withdrawing it from his racing boot leaving the boot in the entrapped position in the car and then moved both the dislodged headrest and steering wheel to egress the car.
The race was red flagged approximately 5.5 seconds following Romain Grosjean’s impact with the barrier.
(罗曼-格罗斯让(Romain Grosjean)撞上栏杆后,比赛大约5.5秒就被出示了红旗)
Medical and Rescue
The arrival of the Medical Car carrying the FIA F1 Medical Rescue Coordinator Dr Ian Roberts, FIA F1 Medical Car Driver Alan van der Merwe and a local doctor, provided immediate assistance with each performing a pre-determined role.
(事故发生后,立即启动了全面的医疗和救援措施,FIA医疗车在11秒内赶到。国际汽联的医疗车在事故发生后11秒内就赶到了现场,这个时间的取得部分原因是 "抄近路 "避开了1号弯,这体现了对当地赛道的了解和预先规划。)
Ian Roberts went immediately to the scene of the incident and instructed a marshal to operate the dry powder extinguisher around the cockpit where he identified Romain Grosjean as trying to make his egress. Alan Van der Merwe retrieved a fire extinguisher from the rear of the FIA Medical Car whilst the local doctor prepared the trauma bag.
(伊恩-罗伯茨立即前往事故现场,并指示一名法警在驾驶舱周围使用干粉灭火器,他确认罗曼-格罗斯让正试图离开。Alan Van der Merwe从FIA医疗车后方取回一个灭火器,同时当地医生也在准备创伤袋。)
Romain Grosjean was able to egress unaided and was out of car after 27 seconds.
(罗曼-格罗斯让(Romain Grosjean)能够在无人帮助的情况下退场,并在27秒后逃出。)
Romain Grosjean suffered burns to the back sides of both hands. Following initial examination by the FIA Medical Car personnel he was transported by ambulance to the circuit Medical Centre for evaluation. He was subsequently transported by helicopter to the Bahrain Defence Force Hospital for further assessment and treatment. He was discharged from hospital after three days, on December 2, 2020.7
FIA President Jean Todt said: “Important learnings have been drawn from these investigations that will drive our continuous mission to improve safety in Formula 1 and global motor sport. The enduring commitment of the FIA, particularly the Safety Department, on reducing risks associated with motor sport enabled Romain Grosjean to maintain consciousness and survive an accident of this magnitude. Safety is and will remain FIA’s top priority.”
FIA Safety Director Adam Baker said: “Incidents involving fire of this scale are thankfully rare, so it is very important to learn what we can, including the interaction with the high voltage system. The efforts of those involved were heroic and have quite rightly been the subject of much praise. Following the approval of our findings by the World Motor Sport Council, we will integrate the actions into the ongoing work.”
2021 FIA Circuit Racing Safety Initiatives
(FIA安全总监亚当-贝克说。"值得庆幸的是,这种规模的火灾事故非常罕见,因此,我们必须尽可能地了解情况,包括与高压系统的相互作用。相关人员的努力是英勇的,理所当然地受到了很多赞扬。在世界赛车运动理事会批准我们的调查结果后,我们将把这些行动融入到正在进行的工作中。" 2021年国际汽联赛车场安全举措)
In 2020, the FIA Safety Department conducted investigations into 19 significant accidents related to circuit racing, supported by the ASN (National Sporting Authority) in each country.
In line with the FIA’s commitment to continuous safety improvement and as a result of its pre-existing body of motor sport safety data, extensive expertise, ongoing research projects and the knowhow generated by motor sport incidents from around the world in recent decades, including these 19 accidents, the federation is undertaking work in the following areas:
(2020年,国际汽联安全部在各国ASN(国家体育局)的支持下,对19起与赛道比赛有关的重大事故进行了调查。 根据国际汽联对持续改进安全的承诺,并由于其已有的赛车运动安全数据、广泛的专业知识、正在进行的研究项目以及近几十年来世界各地赛车运动事故(包括这19起事故)所产生的知识,国际汽联正在以下领域开展工作。