

Thank you time, impartial, avoid the storm, let me just meet you.


The world is so big, just want to like you, May morning for you, the first sip of soda for you, love letter for you, embrace for you, waiting for you, full of joy and the rest of life for you

你是我跑完8km还想拥抱的女孩儿 ,也是我想要守护一生的女孩儿

You are the girl I want to hug after running 8km, and also the girl I want to guard my life


Because I don't know if I can meet you in the next life, so I will try my best to give you the best in this life

跨越山河去拥抱你 ,不管多远都在一起

Across the mountains and rivers to embrace you, no matter how far are together
