To You


Good morning.

It's about six hours before 0:00 am Beijing time, which means we're still a couple according to our agreement. You said you felt tired, but I wasn't too upset. I thought this is just a game, like I have said. It is just because I want to have a boyfriend like everyone else. I wouldn't be too upset when you ended our date early. But wait until the sunset gradually fell, the sky gradually dark down, time bit by bit flow away, I find  that I begin to sad, more and more sad. Even though you are not there, we do not talk anymore, but I know the day , the special day is coming to an end.

Funny to say, it is only a show I directe and acte with myself. You are my friend, a cameo actor. Maybe you don't understand me; maybe the game is boring to you; maybe you think it's ridiculous. You feel today is not like any other day we've known each other, and we're still just friends, thousands of miles apart. But on this day I truly loved you with all my heart.

When I was making dumplings last night,I thought if we were in the same country, the same region, sharing the same time,itwould be so great. If you were my neighbor,I can invite you to my house for dumplings. I'll introduce you to my family. I'll teach you how to make dumplings. I'll tell you jokes.

Last night at 0:00, it was the beginning ofthe Lunar New Year. Chinese young people are used to sending blessings to theirmost important people. Besides my best friend,what I want to receive most is yourblessing.

Today during the day, we all went to my uncle's home. They prepared a lot of delicious food for us. I still thought you should stay with us. When my uncle gave me candies, I was wondering what your favorite taste should be. When my sister offered me milk tea, I wondered what flavor of milk tea you would like. After lunch, mybrothers were playing games. I thought you would like to play with them.

My grandpa is a strict man,he doesn't allow us to play mobile phones often. That's why I picked up the phone to chat with you after lunch. You said you had a headache. I felt sad, for I'm your girlfriend on this day, but I can't do anything. Finally, I decided  tell you that I love you. Because I want to let you know, although we are not together, but my heart is trying to be with you, I want to let you relaxed,  and happy a little.

I'm sorry to force you to change your profile picture. I know because of cultural differences, you might be very uncomfortable with a couple profile picture, and the pictures are find from internet. But most people do that in China. You know,I've kepttthese pictures in my phone for a long time, and today they finally came in handy.

Tell you a secret, last time I just told you the stories about me and some people. But, I once very very like a boy. Althoughmany years have passed, I still think of him sometimes. Even last night, I was obviously expecting to receive your news when I went to sleep, but I dreamed of him. But I want to say thank you to you, not him. I love the one who loved him, and I love the one who acted with me.

Although you fell asleep before 0:00 am, when you said you would stay up until I  fell asleep,I wanted to say thank so much.Although you didn't tell me which part ofmusic was specifically played for me, when you pluck the strings, I want to say that I moved. Although you did not admit that this day I am your girlfriend, but when you ask me love this feeling, I want to say how I wish we could meet. Although you didn't tell me you love me, when you agree to my unreasonable request, I want to say that you are the gentlest person I have ever met. Although you didn't feel excited about the day, when I told my best friend that I will have my first boyfriend, Ifelt I am the happiest person in new year.

I used to hate people calling their loves  baby. But when I saw a video on that said Harry was Louise's baby, I felt like I had to call my boyfriend Baby in the future. Although I didn't care whether Harry and Louise had a special relationship or not, Idecided to treat the man I meet across time and ocean as my baby. I will cherish him like a treasure.I will never let him stay up late alone,never let him feel nervousabout driving, never let him miss his parents.

It will soon be 0:00, and the day will be  over. To be honest, I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be, but it was very, veryspecial.Thank you for acting with me in  the play.

The day isn't over yet, is it? So, Michael, my baby, I love you.

I finally have, no, had, my first real boyfriend. In the future,I will try to be more and more brave and positive. I know I still have a lot of things to do, I will study hard, try to do what I like to do, try to learn English. I hope you can finish your studies as soon as possible. I hope the weather is colder in Texas so you can sleep better. Ihope the outbreak ends soon so you can go to the gym and fulfill your New Year'sresolution. I wish your mom would spendmore time with you,so you have someone to lean on. I hope your school is closer to your home so you don't have to nervous about driving. I wish someone could stroke your long hair, so that you would feel less anxious.

That's it. This is my last gift to you. We'll be friends again from tomorrow.

Thank you.

Best wishes to you.

                                          From Sophia

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