【 怀念科比,曼巴精神永存】Kobe Never Die, Mamba Never Out…


【 怀念科比,曼巴精神永存】Kobe Never Die, Mamba Never Out…_第1张图片

【 怀念科比,曼巴精神永存】Kobe Never Die, Mamba Never Out…_第2张图片

【 怀念科比,曼巴精神永存】Kobe Never Die, Mamba Never Out…_第3张图片






① Follow your passion first. Where my truly passion about? What Do Ienjoy doing? And when you feel that eay, honestly, I mean you feel like you've never worked a Day in your life.

②It's the most fun thing in the wolrd and you get up in the morning excited about what you are doing.

③And you gotta be really honest with yourself about it. if you wake up in the morning and you're dreading going to work, do something else, and those are hard decisions to make. When you make these decisions, it's a very liberating experiences and you'll find thr Rewards will come.

④ I think the best way to prove yourself is to work, is to learn, is to absorb, to be a sponge. And you always want to outwork your potential.

⑤As hard as you believe, you can work, you can work harder than that.

⑥It is competitive nature, the work ethic and curiosity, because I asked a lot of questions.

⑦I want you to know that it doesn't matter how hard you work, that I'm willing to work harder than you.

⑧Look how much more training I have done by simply starting at 4, right? and you DO that and as the year go on, the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger....and you are 5 or 6, it doesn't matter.

⑨What kind of work they do in the summer they're never going to catch up, because they're 5 years behind.

⑩ So it make sense to get up and start your Day early, because you can get more work in. If I start earlier, I can train more hours.

❶So I know if I DO this consistently over time, the gap just gonna widen and widen and widen...

❷I like thinking. How can i get the advantage? Start earlier, let's do that.

❸How do you develop that or where do you learn that from?

It's just a matter of what's important to you.

❹What's important to you for whatever reason. I did't feel good about myself if I wasn't doing everything. I could do you be your best version of myself.

❺If I felt I've left anything on the table, I could br away at me. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror and so, the reason why I can retire now and be completely comfortable about it is because I know that I've done everything I could to be the basketabll player I can be.

科比对Mamba Mentality(曼巴精神)的解释

• Resilience 韧性

• Fearlessness 无畏

• Relentlessness 严厉

• Obsessiveness偏执

• Passion 激情








认认真真听完今天的讲解,热泪盈眶。不了解科比其人,只是听说过“凌晨四点”,知道他是一个努力的人。“你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶吗”曾鼓舞了多少年轻人勇敢寻梦追梦。今天了解了“曼巴精神”,当看见那句“Baby Mamba”时更感受到Kobe的父爱。虽然世间已无“大小曼巴”,但曼巴精神永在。

一生一城,两件球衣,三万多分,四个儿女,五枚戒指,六十谢幕,七进总决,八十一分,九六一代,十分完美,百分努力,千万身价,万分感谢,亿万球迷!你是信仰亦是青春,志士不愁生短暂,壮意流于待来人。你所代表的一切, 岂止完美。 缅怀科比,致敬传奇,曼巴永生……

2021.1.26 D26 。

Kobe Never Die, Mamba Never Out…


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