2020-02-02 20/20异象系列之一:使徒行传 20/20 Vision

Jason Meyer 杰森迈尔
Acts 20:28-30 使徒行传20:28-30
28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 28 圣灵既然立你们为全群的监督,牧养 神用自己的血所赎来的教会,你们就应当为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎。 29 我知道在我离开之后,必有兇暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不顾惜羊群。 30 你们自己中间也必有人起来,讲些歪曲悖谬的话,引诱门徒跟从他们。
Introduction 引言
The following statement was shared with the congregation during the sermon on November 17, 2019, and represents the core changes proposed by the Bethlehem elders: 以下声明曾于2019年11月17日讲道向全会众分享过,代表了伯利恒长老们提议的整改核心内容:
In light of God’s many graces and our desire to strengthen the core at Bethlehem, the elders are asking the congregation to pray with us for the future structure and organization of Bethlehem. In particular, we are considering a transition to regular live campus specific preaching and campus specific QSMs. This means that the campus pastors would be mainly responsible for the preaching at each campus and that most strategy meetings would be decentralized from the downtown location and instead held at each specific campus location. We recognize this would be a significant change for the church, and if made, there will be implications for our congregation, pastoral staff, and ministries. Therefore, we earnestly desire to hear the thoughts and reflections of the congregation in this process, inviting you to pray with us for God's direction. 鉴于神的诸多恩典,以及我们想要在伯利恒巩固核心的愿望,长老们请求会众与我们一同为伯利恒未来的组织架构而祷告。尤其是,我们正在考虑过渡到各堂区常规性的现场讲道,以及各堂区分别进行的季度战略会议(QSM)。这意味着各堂区的主任牧师将负起在各自堂区讲道的主要职责,多数的战略会议也不再集中在市中心堂举行,而是在各自堂区分别举行。我们承认这对我们教会来说将是一个巨大的转变,如果实现了,将牵涉到我们的会众、牧师团队和各项事工。因此,我们热切地在这个过程中希望听到会众的想法和反馈,想邀请你们来和我们一起祷告寻求神的带领。
Here is the process set before us: (1) sermon series in Feb through April, (2) family meetings, (3) personal correspondence with the elders, and (4) QSM in April. The sermon series will take us from February through April and it is devoted to unpacking our 20/20 vision and the texts that have been the most formative and foundational for us. 以下是我们要走的旅程:(1)二月到四月的讲道系列,(2)家人会议,(3)会友个人与长老们的交通,(4)四月的季度战略会议。讲道系列是从二月到四月,致力于阐释我们的20/20异象以及对我们未来的架构形成最关键也最基础性的经文。
Our vision for these changes is a shepherding vision. We’re referring to this as our “20/20 Vision” because we’re talking about these changes beginning to take place in 2020, and we believe that they are primarily related to sight, namely, shepherding oversight. We want to see our people more clearly, speak to them more specifically, and lead them more effectively. The 20/20 Vision is part of our 10-year 25 x ’25 vision. The Lord gave us a renewed passion for church planting and unengaged people groups, but he also gave us a renewed passion for shepherding the flock. In a sense, strengthening the core has become a quest to become better shepherds. 我们关于这些调整的异象是牧养的异象。我们称此为“20/20异象”,是因为我们正在讨论的这些调整将从2020开始,我们相信它们主要和牧养照看有关。我们希望更清楚地照看我们的会友,跟他们有更切合实际的对话,更有果效地带领他们。20/20异象是我们10年期25x25异象的一部分。主不仅赐给我们重燃的激情来投入植堂和接触福音未及之民,祂也赐给我们重燃的激情来牧养羊群。从某种意义上讲,巩固核心就是要求成为更好的牧者。
In other words, as the elders sought the Lord for how to strengthen the core, he has graciously shaped our vision with biblical texts about shepherding the flock. These texts excite us in a renewed way—not as things we have never done, but as things we can grow into more and more. We are talking about moving further in and further up into the realities of these texts. There are three main formative texts for us that we will cover in the next three weeks: (1) Acts 20, (2) Hebrews 13:17, and (3) 1 Peter 5:2. The fourth text we will cover is perhaps the most foundational text for shepherding as we look at Jesus as the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep and calls them by name (John 10). So February will be a time to walk through these pillar texts for us. In March and April, we will try to put these texts on eldership into their proper perspective in the context to which they belong: the doctrine of the church. 换句话说,当长老们求问主如何巩固核心时,祂已经恩慈地用有关牧养羊群的经文来塑造我们的异象。这些经文一再地在我们心中重新燃起火焰——不是像从来没发生过一样,而是知道我们可以不断地在这方面成长。我们谈论的是在这些经文所启示的现实中更加深入也不断提升。在接下来三周中我们要逐个来看三处对我们异象的形成有关键意义的经文:(1)使徒行传20章,(2)希伯来书13:17;(3)彼得前书5:2。第四处经文也许是对于我们的牧养来说是最具奠基性的,就是耶稣说祂是好牧人,认识祂的羊群,按着名字呼叫自己的羊(约翰福音10章)。所以二月份将用来解读这些支柱性的经文。在三月和四月,我们将把这些经文放在教会论的背景下来看待长老职责。
As we seek to grow in our understanding of the relationship between the leaders and the people, we will also keep asking an essential question: why do we think that more regular campus-specific preaching will strengthen our shepherding and thus strengthen each campus at Bethlehem? 当我们寻求更加正确地理解领袖与民众关系时,我们也将不断地追问一个根本性的问题:为什么我们会认为更多常规性的堂区分别讲道能加强我们的牧养工作,从而加强伯利恒的各个堂区?
Outline 纲要
1. A Call for Watchfulness (v. 28a, 31 – Be Alert therefore!) 1.呼召要谨慎(28a,31节——所以你们应当儆醒!)
A. Yourselves A.为自己
B. All the Flock B.为全群
2. Reasons for Watchfulness (v. 28b-30) 2.需要谨慎的理由(28b-30节)
A. The Work of God – Positive Rationale A.神的作为——正面的解释
1) Divine purpose (The Holy Spirit made you overseers to shepherd) 1)神的旨意(圣灵立你们为全群的监督)
2) Divine possession (the flock of God – the Father’s flock) 2)神的产业(神的羊群——天父的羊群)
3) Divine purchase (which he purchased with his own blood) 3)神的赎买(神用自己的血所赎来的)
B. The Work of the Wolves – Negative Warning (vs. 29-30) B.狼的作为——反面的警告(29-30节)
1) Where? Come from the Outside and Arise from the Inside 1)从哪里?从外而来,自内而出
2) Why? Savage – not Sparing the Flock 2)为什么?凶暴——不顾惜羊群
3) What are the Tactics? deceitful (speak twisted things), purposeful (in order to draw the flock away) 3)什么战术?欺骗性(讲歪曲悖谬的话)目的性(为了引诱带走羊群)
1. A Call for Watchfulness (v. 28a, 31 – Be Alert therefore!) 1.务要谨慎的呼召(28a,31节——所以你们应当儆醒!)
A. Pay Careful Attention A.务必谨慎
B. To Yourselves B.为你们自己
C. And To All the Flock C.也为全群
A. “Pay Careful Attention” A.“应当谨慎”
28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock…31 Therefore be alert, 你们就应当为自己谨慎……31 所以你们应当警醒
The main verb in verse 28 is the call to “pay careful attention” (prosechete). This is a word that goes to the heart of what shepherding is. It means “be concerned about, care for, watch with care.” What is amazing about this word is that it is not the normal word for shepherding. Shepherding is keeping watch over the flock and so this is really a command that conveys the way shepherds should watch: carefully, vigilantly, and attentively or like verse 31 says “be alert.” In other words, this command precludes a limp, lazy, drowsy, passive way of watching. Shepherds must not have a cavalier attitude towards their core commission: watch! 28节的主要动词是“应当谨慎”(προσέχετε)。这个词直指牧养之心。它的意思是:“关心、留意、细心地照看。”这个词奇妙之处在于它不是通常用于描写牧养的。牧养就是照看羊群,所以这真的就是吩咐牧者该如何照看:细心、警觉、专注,或像31节:“应当儆醒”。换句话说,这命令是要杜绝懈怠慵懒、半睡半醒、消极被动。牧者不得以轻慢的态度对待他们的核心职责:照看!
Hopefully, now that the verb itself has our attention, we must focus on the object – what do shepherds watch with such attentiveness? The verb has a double object: pay careful attention to (1) yourselves and (2) to all the flock. Perhaps the surprising note at the beginning is Paul’s call for the elders to watch over themselves first. They cannot adequately care for the souls of others if they neglect the care of their own souls. 但愿这个动词本身已经受到我们的关注了,我们现在必须聚焦于宾语——牧者用如此的关注度照看的是什么?这个动词有两个宾语:(1)你们自己和(2)全群。也许让人意外的是,保罗对长老们的呼召先是为他们自己谨慎。如果他们忽视了对自己灵魂的照看,那也无法称职地照看他人的灵魂。
B. “To Yourselves” B.“为你们自己”
Elders must keep watch over their doctrine and their lives. This is the same warning that Paul gave Timothy: 长老们必须谨慎照看他们所持的教义和自己的生命。保罗也给了提摩太同样的警告:
16 Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers (1 Tim. 4:16). 你要谨慎自己,留心自己的教训。在这些事上要有恒心,因为你这样作,不但能救自己,也能救那些听你的人。(提摩太前书4:16)
Watch your life and your teaching closely and persistently. Don’t get lax or loose or cavalier. Why? Salvation is at stake – both for yourself and your hearers. Therefore, Paul’s call in 1 Timothy for a “self-watch” involves far more than self-awareness. Look at the verse right before this command in 1 Timothy. Paul has called for a certain way of life: immerse yourself in what you teach so much that people will actually see your progress: 15 Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. 你要谨慎你的生命和你的教导,要细心,也要有恒心。不要松懈、散漫或掉以轻心。为什么?这关乎救恩——为你自己也为那些听你的人。因此,保罗在提摩太前书中“自我谨慎”的呼召不仅仅是自我觉察。请看提摩太前书中这条命令之前的那一节经文。保罗呼召:切实实行你自己所教导的,让人们真正看到你的进步: 15 这些事你要认真实行,专心去作,使众人看出你的长进来。
Awareness without obedience can be a formula for hypocrisy. A leader cannot lead merely by barking out orders from behind. Leaders lead. They lead the way in obeying what they teach. Listen to the profile of Ezra’s leadership in Ezra 7:10 “For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” Paul speaks the same way when he says, “follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). Leaders do not just study texts or teach texts; they live them. Living obedience is part of leading people. 知而不从是伪君子的惯用伎俩。一个领导不能在群众后面干吼着发号施令。领导要在前面带头。他们首先要在前面以身作则,遵从自己所教导的。请听以斯拉7:10中以斯拉的领导姿态:“因为以斯拉专心寻求研究耶和华的律法,并且遵行,在以色列中教导律例和典章。”保罗也同样说:“你们应该效法我,好像我效法基督一样”(哥林多前书11:1)。领导们不是只研究或教训经文,而是自己也要遵行。活出顺服的生命本身就是领导工作的一部分。
C. And to “All the Flock” C.也为“全群”
The second object is “all the flock” (v. 28). 第二个宾语是“全群”(28节)
Why does Paul say “all the flock” instead of just settling for the more general phrase: “pay careful attention to the flock?” The stress seems to be the special need to focus on the whole flock. What is at stake? I think one commentator gets it right when he says: 为什么保罗说“全群”而不是泛指“羊群”?他强调的是特别需要关注整个羊群。关键之处在哪里?我想有一位注释家说得很好:
“In view of the preceding reference to ‘the whole will of God’ (v. 27), it may be significant that the charge here is to care for all the flock, meaning ‘the inclusive church of Jews and Gentiles that results from announcing God’s saving purpose for all’. Neglect of one group or another will result in the whole congregation being hurt or hindered in its growth and witness (cf. 6:1–7)” (David Peterson, The Acts of the Apostles, Pillar Commentary, Eerdmans, 2009: 569). “鉴于前面提到‘神的全部计划’(27节),很重要的一点是这里的命令是要照看全群,意思是‘包括犹太人与外邦人的整个教会,是因着宣告神为万民的拯救计划而产生的’。忽视这个或那个群体就会导致全体会众受伤害,或阻碍其成长与见证(参见6:1-7)”(大卫·彼得森《使徒行传》柱石新约注释系列,2009年出版,第569页)
The whole counsel of God in Acts is many things, but it is at least a reference to the way that God has brought Jews and Gentiles together into the body through the blood of Jesus. Paul tells these elders that those truths impact the scope of shepherding. They cannot pick and choose which people they will watch. The whole counsel of God means the whole flock must be shepherded: young and old, male and female, Jew/Greek, Barbarian, Scythian, all are one in Christ and must be shepherded. The whole flock must flourish. 使徒行传中神的全部计划包括很多事情,但至少包括一件,那就是神要藉着耶稣的宝血把犹太人和外邦人都带入同一个身体中。保罗告诉这些长老们,这些真理决定了牧养的范围。他们不能擅自挑拣哪些人来照看。神的整个计划意味着整个羊群必须被照看:老的和少的,男的和女的,犹太人/希腊人、未开化的人、西古提人,都在基督里合而为一,都必须被牧养。整个羊群都要兴盛。
Now that Paul has given the general call for vigilant watchfulness, he begins to unpack the reasons for watchfulness. He highlights two reasons for watchfulness – one positive inducement and one negative. 现在保罗给出了要谨慎照看的呼召,接着他开始解释要谨慎的理由。他强调了两个——一为正面的激励,一为反面的警告。
2. Reasons for Watchfulness (v. 28b-30) 2.需要谨慎的理由(28b-30节)
A. The Work of God – Positive Rationale A.神的作为——正面的解释
1) Divine purpose (The Holy Spirit made you overseers to shepherd) 1)神的旨意(圣灵立你们为全群的监督)
2) Divine possession (the flock of God – the Father’s flock) 2)神的产业(神的羊群——天父的羊群)
3) Divine purchase (which he purchased with his own blood) 3)神的赎买(神用自己的血所赎来的)
A. The Work of God A.神的作为
1) Divine Purpose 1)神的旨意
“in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God” (v. 28) “圣灵既然立你们为全群的监督,牧养 神……的教会”(28节)
There is so much here in this expansion. We learn why the Holy Spirit made or chose overseers (episkopos): to shepherd (poimainein). It is important to observe how much overlap exists between these terms. Paul uses the word “episkopos,” which means someone who has oversight over something or someone. The term for shepherding is also a word for “watching over and caring for sheep.” We sing songs like: “while shepherds watched their flock by night.” We instinctively understand what shepherds do: they watch over their flock. Therefore it is vital to see that Elder/overseer/pastor-shepherd are all overlapping terms that give a cumulative picture of what elders are called to do. 这里有很多展开。我们得知圣灵为什么要建立或拣选监督(ἐπίσκοπος):就是要牧养(ποιμαίνειν)。这些词义的重叠很重要。保罗用了“ἐπίσκοπος”意思是某人监督某事或某人。而用于“牧养”的这个词意思也是“照看呵护羊群”。我们唱的歌词有:“牧人夜间看守羊群。”我们本能地知道牧人在做什么:他们在照看他们的羊群。因此,长老/监督/牧师-牧者都是意思相近的词,累加起来让我们理解长老的呼召是做什么。这一点很关键。
Shepherd does not just mean “feed the flock,” that meaning is too narrow. A shepherd does lead a flock to pasture and thus feed the flock. It is not less than that, but much more. It refers to the totality of care that must be given to the flock. 牧养不仅仅是意味着“喂养羊群”,这意义太狭窄。一个牧人是要把羊群带到草场来喂养羊群。但不仅限于此,还有更多。它指的是必须给羊群的所有照看工作。
The implication here is stunning for shepherds. Shepherds do not become shepherds on the one extreme through coincidence or fluke of circumstance and on the other hand they do not make it happen in some self-determined, self-actualizing way. You are a shepherd because of God’s choice, God’s call, and God’s design. What you were called to is what you were made for and so it something you should delight in. And that delight is a delight in God. This is an Eric Liddell realization. “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure.” I feel this reality the same way: “God made me a shepherd. And when I shepherd, I feel his pleasure.” 这其中蕴涵的意义对于牧者来说是不同寻常的。牧者之所以成为牧者,既不是纯属机缘巧合,也不是靠自作主张或自我实现。你成为一个牧者是因为神的拣选、神的呼召、神的设计。你被呼召去做的,就是你为此而被造的,也应该是你所乐意的。而这喜乐是以神为乐。这就是李爱锐(译注:埃里克·利德尔是苏格兰运动员、传教士,中文名字李爱锐、李达。他是第一位在中国出生的奥运会金牌得主。)所认识到的:“神造我跑得快。当我奔跑时我就感受到祂的喜乐。”我也同样地感受到:“神造我为一个牧者。当我牧养时我感受到祂的喜乐。”
2) Divine Possession 2)神的产业
to care for the church of God” (v. 28) 牧养神的教会(28节)
This is a powerful truth that immediately puts shepherding in a more ultimate context and perspective. The flock belongs to God, not them. This text is so radically God-centered. A shepherd is chosen and called by God to teach the whole counsel of God to the flock that belongs to God. The fact that the church belongs to God should be both a comfort and a challenge. 这是强有力的真理,立即把牧养放在一个更具终极意义的视角下。羊群属于神,不属于他们。这句经文是彻底以神为中心。一个牧者被神拣选和呼召去向属于神的羊群教导神的全部计划。教会属于神这个事实应该既是安慰也是挑战。
Comfort 安慰
It is a comfort for the people to know that first and foremost they do not belong to frail and fallible humans, but to the King Eternal. The Good Shepherd that calls his sheep by name keeps them and no one can snatch them. He who began that good work of bringing you into the flock will complete it, which means keeping you. 当人们知道他们首先而且首要地不是从属于意志薄弱容易跌倒的人,而是属于永世的君王,这就是安慰。好牧人照着它们的名字呼召祂的羊,保守它们,没人能夺走它们。祂既开始了把你带入羊群的善工,必成全这工作,也就是要保守你到底。
Challenge 挑战
If the church belongs to God, then leaders have been put on notice. The Lord will call us to account for how we treat and lead his flock. Next week we will feel the weight of that a little more as Hebrews says elders “will give an account” (Heb. 13:17). 既然教会属于神,那么教会领导就要分外小心。主要我们向祂交代我们如何对待和带领祂的羊群。下周我们就会在希伯来书中更加感受这其中的份量,长老们到时要“交账”(希伯来书13:17)。
3) Divine Purchase 3)神的赎卖
which he obtained with his own blood (v. 28). 神用自己的血所赎来的(28节)
This phrase brings the comfort and the challenge back to the forefront. God owns the flock as his church or assembly. Specifically, they are bought with a price – “his own blood.” The blood of Christ is the purchase price for the church of God. That is why the gathered heavenly assembly forever sings: worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing. We do the same thing when we gather as a church. 这个片语把安慰和挑战重新带回最前沿。神拥有羊群作祂的教会或聚会。具体而言,他们是重价赎来的——“祂自己的血。”基督的宝血是为神的教会所付的赎价。这就是为什么天上永恒的聚会唱着:被杀的羊羔是配得权能、丰富、智慧、力量、 尊贵、荣耀、颂赞的!当我们作为一个教会聚会的时候也发出同样的赞美。
In fact, the phrase “church of God which he obtained with his own blood” takes a page right out of Isaiah’s playbook for the church. Isaiah 42:8 says that God is going to send his servant to establish the new covenant “for the people, a light for the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness” (Isa. 42:6-7). Why? The very next verse heralds the God-centered reason! 事实上,“神用自己的血所赎来的”正是效仿以赛亚书为教会所写的剧本。以赛亚书42:8说神要派祂的仆人去立新约“立你作人民的约,作列国的光,为要开瞎子的眼,领被囚的出牢狱,领住在黑暗中的出监牢”(以赛亚书42:6-7)。为什么?紧接其后的一节宣告了以神为中心的理由!
8 I am the Lord; that is my name; 我是耶和华,这是我的名;
my glory I give to no other, 我必不把我的荣耀归给别人,
nor my praise to carved idols. 也不把我当受的称赞归给雕刻的偶像。
In Isaiah 43:21, God declares that these gathered people are “my people” (λαόν μου) whom I formed or obtained [περιεποιησάμην - same word as in Acts 20:28] for myself that they may declare my praise. He formed them and created them to proclaim his praise as the only Savior (Isa. 43:11) who alone blots out his people’s transgressions. 在以赛亚书43:21中,神宣告这些聚集的民是“我的子民”(λαόν μου)是我为自己所造的[περιεποιησάμην和使徒行传20:28用的是同一个词],好述说我的美德。祂塑造他们,创造他们,好赞美祂是唯一的拯救者(以赛亚书43:11)唯有祂涂抹祂子民的过犯。
25 “I, I am he 唯有我
who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, 为自己的缘故,涂抹你的过犯
and I will not remember your sins. 我也不再记念你的罪
The Psalms remind us that we are doubly his. He owns us through creation. 诗篇提醒我们,我们是双倍地属于祂。
It is he who made us, and we are his; 他创造了我们,我们是属他的
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture (Ps. 100:3). 我们是他的子民,也是他草场上的羊(诗篇100:3)
And he owns us by redemption: which he purchased with his own blood. God’s church belongs to him in a double sense: created and redeemed. 同时祂也通过救赎拥有我们:祂用自己的血赎卖我们。神的教会在两重意义上属于神:被造和被赎。
It is a breath-taking realization to see God’s Trinitarian purpose and pleasure revealed in the church. 看到神三位一体的意旨和喜乐彰显在教会中是令人屏息的认识。
“The ministry of shepherding finds its source and goal in the eternal mission of the holy Trinity. All that was planned by the Father before the world began was accomplished in time by his only Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, and continues to be delivered day by day by the Holy Spirit who works through the preached word and sacraments administered in his name” (Harold L. Senkbeil, The Care of Souls, xvii) “牧养事工在圣三一永恒的使命中找到源泉和目标。父神在创世之前所计划的,由祂的独生子,我们的主耶稣基督实现在时间中,而后日复一日地由圣灵施行拯救,祂透过奉祂名所施行的讲道和圣礼作工”(阿罗德·L·森奎尔《看顾灵魂》)
Now Paul moves to the negative part of his warning: the wolves are coming. 接着保罗开始从反面警告:狼来了。
B. The Work of the Wolves – Negative Warning (vs. 29-30) B.狼的作为——反面的警告(29-30节)
1) Where? Come from the Outside and Arise from the Inside 1)从哪里?从外而来和自内而出
2) Why? Savage – not Sparing the Flock 2)为什么?凶暴——不顾惜羊群
3) What are the Tactics? deceitful (speak twisted things), purposeful (in order to draw the flock away) 3)用什么战术?欺骗性(讲歪曲悖谬的话)目的性(为了引诱羊群)
29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 29 我知道在我离开之后,必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不顾惜羊群。 30 你们自己中间也必有人起来,讲些歪曲悖谬的话,引诱门徒跟从他们。
Notice four things about these wolves: (1) where they come from, (2) why they come, and (3) what are their tactics, and (4) when will it take place? 请注意关于这些狼的四样事:(1)他们从哪里来,(2)他们为什么而来,(3)他们的战术是什么,以及(4)什么时候会发生?
1) Where: From Outside and From Within 1)从哪里:从外而来和自内而出
29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you 29 我知道在我离开之后,必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间
Paul looks forward to the future – after his departure – and he warns them that the wolves are coming. They need to be prepared. Paul has done his best to fight them off and so they are going to need to step up after he leaves. 保罗看到未来——在他离开之后——他警告他们,豺狼要来。他们需要做好准备。保罗已经尽了他最大努力击退它们,因此它们需要在他离开后伺机行事。
But notice he also says that they will come from within – even among this group of elders. 但请注意他也说它们可能来自内部——甚至是在领导团队中。
30 and from among your own selves will arise men 你们自己中间也必有人起来
Paul was not pulling any punches when he told them to keep a close watch on themselves. Some may make a startling discovery – they are not a caring shepherd over the sheep, but a savage wolf wanting to feed on the flock. 保罗在告诫他们要为他们自己而保持谨慎的时候并不留任何情面。有些人可能会惊讶地发现——他们并不是一个好好照看羊群的牧人,却是想吞吃羊群的凶暴豺狼。
Paul’s language for wolves probably draws from Jesus’ teaching: 保罗用于形容豺狼的语言可能来自耶稣的教导:
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves (Matt. 7:15). 提防假先知! 他们披着羊皮到你们当中,里面却是残暴的狼。(马太福音7:15)
Let’s think a little more deeply about this warning – why are wolves such a danger? 让我们更深入地思考一下这个警告——为什么豺狼如此危险?
2) Why? They Are Unsparingly Savage 2)为什么?它们无情而残暴
fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock (v. 29) 必有凶暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不顾惜羊群(29节)
Paul is saying that the threat is not a minor danger, but a mortal danger – death, being torn to pieces. Don’t play around with false teaching. One of the worst predators is one that kills not just for food, but for sport. They are not hunting to eat, but for the thrill of the kill. That is what Paul says about false teachers. They love to distort and divide, because they want to kill the flock and not spare it. Sometimes you will hear of tyrants that would not spare the women and children. Paul says that they won’t spare anyone – it is more likely that they will especially target the vulnerable. 保罗是在说这威胁不是一种小危险,而是致命的危险——死亡,被撕成碎片。不要和假教导搞暧昧。最残暴的掠食者不是为了果腹而杀戮,而是为了消遣。它们捕猎不是用来吃,而是享受杀戮的刺激。这就保罗所说的假教师。他们喜爱歪曲和分裂,因为他们想要杀戮羊群,毫不顾惜。有时你会听到暴君不顾惜妇女儿童。保罗说他们不会顾惜任何人——更有可能的是他们尤其会盯着弱者下手。
3) What are the Tactics: Distort and Divide 3)什么战术:歪曲和分裂
speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them (v. 30) 讲些歪曲悖谬的话,引诱门徒跟从他们(30节)
Notice the cunning scheme: distort and then divide (i.e., draw disciples to themselves). The wolves want to take doctrine and begin to tear it apart so that they can tear apart Christians from the safety of the fold. 请注意狡猾的计谋:歪曲然后分裂(就是引诱门徒跟从他们)。豺狼要占领教义,然后开始撕裂教义,好把基督徒从安全的羊圈里掠走。
4) When Will It Take Place? 4)什么时候会发生?
Paul gives a prophecy here about what will happen in the future. Many commentators think that Paul’s prophecy here of internal heresy that led to divisions was fulfilled in 1 John. The apostle John addresses a church (probably the church in Ephesus) that has suffered division. Some have left the church (1 John 2:19) and have tried to draw others away by distorting the doctrine of Christ’s true humanity. They question whether Jesus really came in the flesh (cast doubt on the incarnation). The apostle John shows that this doctrine is essential for salvation. 保罗在这里预言将来要发生的事。许多注释家认为保罗在这里预言的导致教会分裂的内部异端就应验在约翰一书里。使徒约翰针对一个经受分裂的教会(可能就是以弗所的教会)说话。有些人离开了教会(约翰一书2:19)并试图歪曲基督的真正人性把人带走。他们质疑耶稣是否真的带着肉身(质疑道成肉身)。使徒约翰表明这个教义对于救恩有根本性的重要意义。
Paul issues a similar warning in Romans. Distortion and division does not merely deny doctrine, but it can be cultivated by creating obstacles contrary to the doctrine you have been taught. 保罗在罗马书中也提出过类似的警告。歪曲和分裂不仅是否定教义,也让你违背你所学之道。
17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve (Rom. 16:17-18). 17 弟兄们,那些离间你们、叫你们跌倒、背乎所学之道的人,我劝你们要留意躲避他们。 18 因为这样的人不服事我们的主基督,只服事自己的肚腹,用花言巧语诱惑那些老实人的心。(罗马书16:17-18)
Application 应用
The central claim in 20/20 Vision: live preaching will further strengthen the core on each campus in two ways: (1) formative (discipleship strategy) and (2) corrective (addressing specific errors or imbalances). 20/20异象的核心主张:各堂区的现场讲道将在以下两个方面帮助巩固核心:(1)塑正(门训策略)和(2)纠偏(针对错误或失衡)。
First, in terms of the formative, the pulpit should be a vital part of forming a discipleship ecosystem and ethos. In other words, the move to live preaching means that the pulpit will be more directly connected with the discipleship strategy of the campus and its specific initiatives. 首先,就塑正而言,讲台应该是塑造门训生态系统和风气的关键部分。换句话说,向现场讲道调整意味着讲台将更加直接地针对各自堂区的门训策略和具体举措。
Second, in terms of the corrective, live preaching is better able to protect the flock from wolves and false teaching by addressing specific errors or imbalances in the flock. 其次,就纠偏而言,现场讲道更能够针对羊群中特定的错误或失衡从而保护羊群避开开豺狼和假教导。
The Biblical Case 圣经中的案例
1. The Formative 1.塑正
Look again at the way Paul ministered in Acts 20 and the way he expects them to continue that same type of watchfulness and vigilance. Paul puts great stress on the totality of the teaching that he did. We see the type of preaching - he preached comprehensively (declared the whole counsel of God – v. 26). We see when he preached - constantly (night and day – v. 31). We see how he preached – he preached passionately (with tears – v. 31). We see the place he preached: everywhere in public and private -house to house – v. 20). 请再看一下保罗在使徒行传20章中的做法,以及他期望他们继续同样的谨慎和儆醒。保罗特别强调他教导的完整性。我们看到了讲道的类型——他整全地传讲(传讲神的全部计划—26节)。我们看到他不停地传讲(昼夜不停—31节)。我们看到他如何传讲——他充满真情地讲(带着泪—31节)。我们看到在哪里传讲:到处,无论是在众人面前还是在各人家里—20节。
Earlier in Acts 20:20 Paul says that he took every opportunity to teach them – both in public settings and private settings like house to house. 在使徒行传20:20保罗说他利用一切机会教导他们——无论是在公开场合还是在私下场合,比如在各人家里。
20 how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house 20 我从来没有留下一件有益的事,不在众人面前或在各人家里告诉你们,教导你们。
He would preach anything, anywhere, at any time if he thought it will profit this people. The best defense is a good offense: teach the truth constantly and totally and passionately. But another word here is needed - Paul preached the truth contextually. Teaching profitably depends upon teaching contextually. Paul went out of his way to be with the people and discern what would be profitable for them. Part of the vigilant watchfulness of his shepherding was constantly asking - “what do they need?!” Live preaching better fits with this ecosystem of specific and contextual teaching and discipleship. 他会在任何场合任何时间传讲他认为有益于这些人的任何教导。最好的防守是进攻:不停地,完整地,热情洋溢地教导。但另一个词在这里也是必需的——保罗情境化地传讲真理。有益的教导有赖于情境化的教导。保罗致力于与他们生活在一起,观察哪些对他们有益。他牧养的儆醒细致部分体现于不住地问—“他们需要什么?”现场讲道更适合于特定的生态环境和情境化的教导与门训。
2. The Corrective 2.纠偏
Within that ecosystem of teaching and discipleship, Paul tried to discern what the people needed. He also constantly had an eye out for false teachers and false teaching. That is one of the reasons why Paul saw the need for such a constant steady stream of teaching. False teaching is a moving target. Just take a moment to think about how much of Paul’s ministry was contextualized to the needs of each congregation in his letters. He addresses different types of problems and errors and aspects of false teaching. Colossians is different than Corinthians, Galatians different than Thessalonians. We see the same thing in the book of Revelation when the risen Lord has a different word of commendation and warning for each of the seven churches. Some of these places were not far apart geographically, but contextually they were dealing with different things. 在那教导与门训的生态系统之中,保罗努力观察人们需要什么。他也不断地监视假教师和假教导。这也是为什么保罗看到需要一个无断层教导传承的原因之一。假教导是一个移动靶。花片刻时间想一想在保罗的书信中,保罗的事工中有多少针对不同教会的情境化教导。他针对不同类型的问题和错误,以及假教导的不同方面。歌罗西不同于哥林多,加拉太不同于帖撒罗尼迦。我们在启示录中也看到同样的事情,当时复活的主对七个教会各有不同的表扬和警告。这七个教会中有些在地理上相距并不远,但他们在不同的情境中要处理不同的事情。
That is exactly what the elders are claiming in our 20/20 vision. We believe that live preaching, primarily by the campus pastor and the campus elder team, will be more profitable because it will more directly address the specificity of the needs and the problems and the errors and the imbalances of each campus. 这正是我们的长老们在20/20异象中要声明的。我们相信现场讲道,主要由各自堂区的主任牧师和长老团队负责,将更有益处,因为它将更直接地针对各堂区特殊的需要、问题、错误和失衡。
Conclusion: The Lord’s Supper 结语:圣餐
The last thing that we want you to think is that we as elders are consumed with structure. We are consumed with the gospel and the call to preach it and live it. The Lord’s Supper is a way to remember the purchase price and God’s great possession of his people. How should these crackers stir our memory – they cause us to retrace our steps and remember our story. Just like in the children’s stories where someone lays out bread crumbs on the path to help them find their way back, that is what happens here. The crackers and like bread crumbs that lead you back the way of the Calvary Road. You come to one dark Friday where Jesus shed his blood to purchase a people for God’s eternal possession. You remember why you belong to God – not what you do, but what he has done. You remember that all the promises are Yes in Christ because of that blood. No more sin. No more shame. No more lack of belonging. You belong here. 最后,我们希望你思考的是,我们作为长老为组织结构改革心如火烧。我们因着福音以及传讲福音和实践福音的呼召心如火烧。圣餐可以帮助我们回想起我们的赎价和神的子民是祂的伟大产业。这些碎饼干如此激发我们的回忆——它们让我们回溯回忆我们的故事。这就像在儿童故事里,有人沿路撒面包屑,好找回来的路。碎饼干和面包屑带你找回髑髅地的路。你来到一个黑暗的星期五,耶稣流血赎卖一群子民作神永恒的产业。你记得你凭什么属于神——不是因为你所做的,而是祂已做的。你记得,因着那宝血,所有的应许在基督里都是“是的”。再没有罪,再没有羞耻,再没有缺乏归属感。你就属于这里。
Think about how important this moment is for unbelievers, elders, and all believers. 想想这一刻对于不信者、长老们以及所有信徒有多么重要。
1. Unbelievers, we are going to ask you to let the bread and the cup pass by you because this is not your story. These symbols do not represent your only hope. When you stand before God at the final judgment and he says why would I let you into my heaven, what will you say? It will do no good to tell him you didn’t know or you didn’t believe that he would Judge. You can’t wish him away. What will you say? So many people I ask give a works answer. Well, I have been pretty good. Not perfect, but better than many. The wages of sin is death. The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. That is what believers confess at this moment as a family meal. 1.不信者,我们要请你不要拿饼和杯,因为这还不是你的故事。此刻这些饼和杯并不代表你唯一的盼望。当你在末日审判中站在神面前,祂问你凭什么我可以进入我的天国的时候,你要怎么回答?告诉祂你不知道或不相信祂将施行审判是无济于事的。你不可能用意念让祂消失。你要说什么?我问了很多人,很多人回答说是要行善。嗯,我已经够好了。当然我不是完美,但总比很多人都强吧。罪的工价是死。神白白的恩赐就是基督耶稣里的永生。这就是信徒在此刻作为家庭聚餐中所承认的。
2. Elders, remember. 2.长老们,请记得
“The best we pastors have to give Christ’s sheep and lambs doesn’t come from within; it comes from him. His love is perfected through us; it reaches its goal when we extend the love we’ve received from him. We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:11, 19). 我们牧师所能给基督的羊群最好的东西不是来自我们里面,而是来自祂。祂的爱藉着我们得以完全,当我们把从祂那里接受来的爱传递下去的时候,爱就达到了它的目的。我们爱,因为神首先爱我们(约翰一书4:11,19)
And Christ’s love never runs dry” (Harold L. Senkbeil, The Care of Souls, xxi). 基督的爱从不会干枯(阿罗德·L·森奎尔《看顾灵魂》)
If you are dry or thirsty, come drink again – lift high the cup of salvation. Swim in the ocean of his grace. 如果你干涸或干渴,请再来喝——高举救恩的杯。在祂恩典的海洋中畅游。
3. People, I am praying that this is a moment of return – we have been living in this world this week, but we remember it is not our home – we are indeed just passing through. Return and rest in Christ. Listen to 1 Peter 2:24-25. 3.会众,我在祷告这是一个回归的时刻——我们这个星期生活在这个世界里,但要记得这不是我们的家——我们真的只是过客。回来吧,安息在基督里。请听彼得前书2:24-25.
24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 24 他在木头上亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然不活在罪中,就可以为义而活。因他受的鞭伤,你们就得了医治。 25 你们从前好像迷路的羊,但现在已经回到你们灵魂的牧人和监督那里了。
Your shepherds don’t want to get in the way; we want to point the way to the One Who is the Chief Shepherd – The Savior who is called “the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls” (1 Pet. 2:25). 你的牧者们不想挡住你的去路。我们却要向你指出走向那位牧长的道路——那位被称为“你们灵魂的牧人和监督”(彼得前书2:25)的救主。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Text: Acts 20:28-30 讲道经文:使徒行传20:28-30
Sermon Title: 20/20 Vision 讲道标题:20/20异象
Main Point: Eldership is a call for careful watchfulness over the whole flock – including the shepherd himself. 要点:长老职责是一种呼召,要照看全群,包括牧者自己。
Outline 纲要
1. A Call for Watchfulness (v. 28a, 31 – Be Alert therefore!) 1.呼召要谨慎(28a,31节——所以你们应当儆醒!)
A. Yourselves A.为自己
B. All the Flock B.为全群
2. Reasons for Watchfulness (v. 28b-30) 2.需要谨慎的理由(28b-30节)
A. The Work of God – Positive Rationale A.神的作为——正面的解释
1. Divine purpose (The Holy Spirit made you overseers to shepherd) 1)神的旨意(圣灵立你们为全群的监督)
2. Divine possession (the flock of God – the Father’s flock) 2)神的产业(神的羊群——天父的羊群)
3. Divine purchase (which he purchased with his own blood) 3)神的赎买(神用自己的血所赎来的)
B. The Work of the Wolves – Negative Warning (vs. 29-30) B.狼的作为——反面的警告(29-30节)
1. Where? Come from the Outside and Arise from the Inside 1)从哪里?从外而来,自内而出
2. Why? Savage – not Sparing the Flock 2)为什么?凶暴——不顾惜羊群
3. What are the Tactics? deceitful (speak twisted things), purposeful (in order to draw the flock away) 3)什么战术?欺骗性(讲歪曲悖谬的话)目的性(为了引诱带走羊群)
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1. What is the main verb in verse 28? Why is it significant that Paul uses this particular verb when the normal word for shepherding already means to watch? In other words, what is the emphasis? 1.28节的主要动词是什么?既然普通用于牧养的词已经包含看顾的意思,为什么保罗使用这个特定的动词有重要的意义?换句话说,它强调了什么?
2. What are the two objects of the verb in verse 28? Why does Paul call the elders to watch themselves first? Why does Paul mention “all the flock?” How does the overall context of Acts help with this emphasis on “all.” 2.28节的动词有哪两个宾语?为什么保罗要呼召长老们先要谨慎看顾自己?为什么保罗提到“全群”?使徒行传的整个背景如何帮你理解这里对“全”的强调?
3. What are the reasons for watchfulness that Paul identifies in verses 28-30? 3.保罗在28-30节中所说的谨慎有哪些理由?
4. The central claim the elders are making in the 20/20 vision is that live preaching will strengthen the core on each campus? What are the two reasons they believe that claim? Where do they see those two reasons in this passage? 4.20/20异象中长老们的核心主张是现场讲道将有助于各自堂区巩固核心。相信这个主张是基于哪两个理由?他们在这段经文的什么地方看到这两个理由?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. How do you experience the oversight of the elders? Do you feel known and shepherded or unknown and neglected? What can your small group do in order for you to feel better connected to a shepherd at Bethlehem? 1.你受长老们监督的体验如何?你感觉被他们认识并牧养,还是感觉不被认识,而且被忽视?你所在的小组能做些什么来帮助你更好地与伯利恒的牧者有联系?
2. What part of the elder’s 20/20 vision is clear to you? What part is confusing? What questions have they answered? What questions or concerns still need to be addressed? 2.长老们的20/20异象中哪个部分对你是清楚的?哪个部分你还不清楚?他们回答了哪些问题?还有哪些问题或顾虑需要进一步探讨?
3. What part of this message do you need to share with someone this week? 3.这个信息的哪个部分你觉得需要分享给他人?
Prayer Focus 祷告聚焦
Pray for a grace to look to Christ and return to Christ as the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls. 祷告祈求恩典仰望基督,回归基督,祂是我们灵魂的牧人和监督。

你可能感兴趣的:(2020-02-02 20/20异象系列之一:使徒行传 20/20 Vision)