Time Management 145 - See How a Dream Board Can Keep You Focused on Your Goals Each Day

Hello everyone, this is Helen Huang @ Organizing, based in Beijing, China. In order to better learn and practice the YiXiaoNeng Time Management System, after finished publishing 100 Chinese articles, I decided to continue writing and publishing a daily English article in another 100 days based on the "YeWuBin Time Management 100 Episodes" audio program. Today is the 145th day.

Today's topic is: Visualize with the dream board

Today, I want to demonstrate how a dream board can be used to visualize and articulate your dream in a balanced way. I will do this by sharing my own dream board with you.

First imagine a 8 squares surrounding a 9th center square.  This arrangement of squares is called a Sudoku.  The 8 squares are used to represent the 8 concerns of life. By focusing on these 8 concerns, you will have balance in your life.

First, realize that you don't need to know exactly what your goals are for each of the eight dimensions.  You also don't need to have goals for your entire life.  This is because not everyone's goals and dreams are firm, and they may, as time passes and you live through more experiences, to change.  Having said this, it's usually a good idea to commit to goals of one year for your dream board.

Time Management 145 - See How a Dream Board Can Keep You Focused on Your Goals Each Day_第1张图片

The first picture in my dream board is an arm flexing its muscle, and an Apple watch in the lower right corner with three circles. To me, this picture represents "healthy living"!

Do you care about your health? What efforts do you make each day to maintain your health? Do you go to bed early? Do you get up early? Do you do exercise? Do you pay attention to your diet?

In order to be healthy every day, I use the Apple Watch to exercise and draw circles until the three circles are full. These circles are on the Apple Watch.

I also have an ambitious vision to encourage 100 million people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This vision was made in front of Tsongkhapa when I went to Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai in 2013. Nowadays, hospitals are at capacity with many more unable to find a bed. Therefore, my desire is to improve health so much that doctors will need to be laid off from the lack of new patients.

A small house is placed in the upper right corner of my dream board SuDoku. This small house represents "home". Family is very important to me.  I believe that we should all put more time and energy into our family. Although many of my friends in younger generations now think that we need to spend more time and energy on the accumulation of wealth and development of our careers, we need to be especially careful not to lose focus on our family.

Above the small house, I also place a stone lion representing China. What do you think this means? It means: to respect your parents, love your spouse and raise your own children and so on. I tell my students and my friends alike that when they arrive home, they should spend more time and energy with their family.

A globe is placed in the lower left corner of my dream board SuDoku, with the number "100" on it, which represents the dream to visit 100 countries around the world.

A calendar is placed in the upper left corner of my dream board SuDoku, with the number "12" in it, which represents the schedule of 12 months in one year. Each year, in China, I will conduct 50 offline courses on time management course, which have helped so many people live productive lives.

In order to help others live a balanced and orderly life, I will be very strict in setting the right example.  I will demand that every holiday I must stay at home to accompany my family, such as Labor Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Qingming Festival, Children's Day, and others.

In order to improve life and work together, I also train a number of course lecturers. And these lecturers will bring services on time management to more friends together with me. With these lecturers, I will not spend so much energy and time rushing about, instead of deligating to others.

There is a heart-shaped pattern in the middle of the top row of my dream board SuDoku, which means that I will lead the Yixiaoneng team once every year. In the past year, Yixiaoneng helped people in Sichuan and Qinghai personally conducting fundraising and public assistance activities. In the process of providing public assistance, we found the scenery was beautiful but the people were poor. So poor that we wanted to cry. So I donated all the royalties of my book "Make the Most of Time" that I had written for three years. In order to give everyone the opportunity to improve their life, we also organized a running fundraising campaign...

There is a book pattern in the middle of the bottom row of my dream board SuDoku, which represents my goal to read thousands of books. The reason why I have been able to teach courses on time management in China today, from my rigorous studying and training for more than ten years. Reading is good. I prefer to read autobiographies of great men in addition to some professional books. I listen to audio books during my fragmented time, and I use the Kindle to read books on demand on a business trip.

In the middle row of my dream board SuDoku, the left represents the career (in another word a lot of people together), the right represents wealth.

Can you see how the dream board helps me visualize and remember my dreams and goals in life?

I recommend you also make a dream board for yourselves, and make it your mobile phone's screensaver. Always look at your dreams and goals and always keeping it in mind.  It will prevent you from falling into confusion and chaos. In the next lesson, I will continue to talk about why visualizing our dreams is so important.

Thank you being with me together today. Have a wonderful day!

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