Assortative mating

“HERE’S what nobody is telling you: Find a husband on campus before you graduate,”
wrote Susan Patton, a human-resources consultant, in 2013. In an infamous letter to the editor of Princeton’s student newspaper, Ms Patton warned
female students at the university that they will “never again be surrounded by this concentration of men who are worthy of
[them]”. Critics responded harshly. Ms
Patton recalls that she was branded “a
traitor to feminism, a traitor to co-education and an elitist”.
infamous:well know for being bad or evil 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的
an infamous killer 一个臭名昭著的杀手
be infamous for 因为…而声名狼藉
The area is infamous for drugs and prosititution.
traitor:someone who is not loyal to their country,friend or beliefs 卖国者,叛徒,背叛者
a traitor to the cause of women's rights 女权事业的背叛者.
She says he is a traitor to the working class .她说他是工薪阶层的背叛者/他背叛了工薪阶级。
在2013,一个名叫Susan Patton 的人力资源顾问这样写:“没有人告诉你:在你毕业之前,要找到你的丈夫。”在写给普林斯顿学生报的编辑者的一封臭名昭著的信里,Patton 先生提醒大学女生,她们将不会在一次被配的上她们的男生所围绕。批评家作出了严厉回应。Patton女士标上了女权主义,混合教育和精英叛徒的标签。
Economists might offer yet another critique of Ms Patton’s letter: it was largely
unnecessary. It is clear to academics that
people tend to marry spouses with similar
levels of education. They also know that
“assortative mating”, as the practice is
called in the jargon, is exacerbating income inequality. In America, Britain, Denmark,
Germany and Norway, they have found
that household income would be more
evenly spread if couples were less keen to marry similar sorts
critique:a detailed explanation of the
problems of something such as a set of
political ideas 评论(文章)
a major new critique of his work
words and expressions used in a particular profession or by a particular group of
people, which are difficult for other
people to understand often used to show
disapproval 〔难懂的〕行话,术语〔常含贬义〕
Keep it simple and avoid the use of jargon.
technical/scientific/legal/medical etc
documents full of legal jargon
income inequality 收入不平等

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