节选学习牛津写作指南第一章(Oxford Essential Guide to Writing, Chapter1)-双语

来源: "The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing"/牛津写作指南

书号: ISBN 978-0-425-17640-5



Chapter 1/第一章

Subject, Reader, and Kinds of Writing/主题、读者,以及写作类型

Choosing a Subject/选择一个主题

Often, of course, you are not free to choose at all. You must compose a report for a business meeting or write on an assigned topic for an English class. The problem then becomes not what to write about but how to attack it, a question we'll discuss in Chapters 5 and 6.


When you can select a subject for yourself, it ought to interest you, and interest others as well, at least potentially. It should be within the range of your experiences and skill, though it is best if it stretches you. It ought to be neither so vast that no one person can encompass it nor so narrow and trivial that no one cares.


Don't be afraid to express your own opinions and feelings. You are a vital part of the subject. No Matter what the topic, you are really writing about how you understand it, how you feel about it. Good writing has personality. Readers enjoy sensing a mind at work, hearing a clear voice, responding to an unusual sensibility. If you have chosen a topic that is of general concern, and if genuine feeling and intelligence come through, you will be interesting. Interest lies not so much in a topic as in what a writer has made of it.


About Readers/关于读者

You don't want to repel readers. This doesn't mean you have to flatter them or avoid saying something they may disagree with. It does mean you must respect them. Don't take their interest for granted or suppose that it is the readers' job to follow you. It's your job to guide them, to make their task as easy as the subject allows.


Ask yourself questions about your readers: what can I expect them to know and not know? What do they believe and value? How do I want to affect them by what I say? What attitudes and claims will meet with their approval? What will offend them? What objections may they have to my ideas, and how can I anticipate and counter those objections?

问问你自己这些关于读者的问题:“我能期待他们(在阅读文章时)知道什么,不知道什么?”、“ 读者相信什么和重视什么?”、“我怎么通过我说的来影响读者?”、“哪些态度和主张会得到读者的认可?”、“什么会冒犯读者?”、“读者对我的想法可能有什么反对意见?我该如何预期和应对这些反对意见?”

Readers may be annoyed if you overestimate their knowledge. Tossing off unusual words may seems a put-down, a way of saying, "I know more than you." On the other hand, laboring the obvious also implies a low opinion of readers: don't tell them what a wheel is; they know. It isn't easy to gauge your readers' level of knowledge or to sense their beliefs and values. Sensitivity to readers comes only with experience, and then imperfectly. Tact and respect, however, go a long way. Readers have egos too.

如果你高估了读者的既有知识,他们可能会被触怒。随意使用一些特殊词汇,是一种贬低读者的做法,是显摆“我比你懂的多。” 另一方面,如果作者啰嗦一些显而易见的东西,也有暗讽读者没文化之嫌。你不要告诉读者诸如“轮子是什么?”这种问题。作为作者,评估读者的知识水平、感知他们的信仰和价值观,这并不是一件容易的事。对读者的敏感度只能来自于作者的写作经验,而且是不完美的经验。然而,得体的表达方式和尊重读者是大有帮助的。别忘了:读者也有自尊心。

Kinds of Writing/关于写作类型

The various effects a writer may wish to have on his or her readers - to inform, to persuade, to entertain - result in different kinds of prose. The most common is prose that informs, which, depending on what it is about, is called exposition, description, or narration.

作者可能对自己的读者可能有以下各种希望达到的目的——为了告知、为了说服,为了取悦——这导致我们有不同类型的文体。最常见的是起到告知作用的文章("prose that informs"),取决于它是关于什么内容的,被分为exposition(说明文? 科学论文?), description(写景状物文?), 或者narration(记叙文). (译者注:目前本人才疏学浅尚不能准确译出这三种不同的"prose that informs"的对应中文用词,待研究透彻后迭代更新中文译文

Exposition explains. How things work - an internal combustion engine. Ideas - a theory of economics. Facts of everyday life - how many people get divorced. History - why Custer attacked at the Little Big Horn. Controversial issues laden with feelings - abortion, politics, religion. But whatever its subject, exposition reveals what a particular mind thinks or knows or believes. Exposition is constructed logically. It organizes around cause/effect, true/false, less/more, positive/negative, general/particular, asserting/denial. Its movement is signaled by connectives like therefore, however, and so, besides, but not only, more important, in fact, for example.


Description deals with perceptions - most commonly visual perceptions. Its central problem is to arrange what we see into a significant pattern. Unlike the logic of exposition, the pattern is spatial: above/below, before/behind, right/left, and so on.

Description 这种文章用来描述感知——最常见的是视觉感知。它的核心问题是把我们观察到的事物,识别成一种重要的模式。与Exposition的逻辑不同,所谓模式,是由空间特性的,诸如:上/下、前/后、右/左,等等。

The subject of narration is a series of related events - a story. Its problem is twofold: to arrange the events in a sequence of time and to reveal their significance.


Persuasion seeks to alter how readers think or believe. It is usually about controversial topics and often appeals to reason in the form of argument, offering evidence or logical proof. Another form of persuasion is satire, which ridicules folly or evil, sometimes subtly, sometimes crudely and coarsely. Finally, persuasion may be in the form of eloquence, appealing to ideals and noble sentiments.


Writing that is primarily entertaining includes fiction, personal essays, sketches. Such prose will receive less attention here. It is certainly important, but it is more remote from everyday needs than exposition or persuasion.


For Practice/关于(写作的)实践

>List ten or twelve topics you might develop into a short essay. Think of topics that deal not so much with things, places, or how-to-do projects as with your opinions and beliefs. Pick subjects that interest you and are within your experience, yet challenging. Be specific: don't simply write "my job" but something like "what I like most(or hate most) about my job."


>Selecting one of the topics on your list, compose a paragraph about the readers for whom you might develop it. Consider how you wish to affect those readers, what you want them to understand and feel. Think about their general knowledge, values, attitudes, biases; whether they are your age or older or younger, come from a similar or a different background; and how you would like them to regard you.

>从你的主题清单上选择一个主题,用一段话描述你可能发展的目标读者群体。想一想你打算如何影响这些读者,你想让他们读懂什么?感受什么?想一想,你的读者都具备哪些常识、哪些价值观、什么态度、什么偏好?读者们的年龄是不是和你一样大?或者比你大?或者比你年轻? 你们是否来自相似的背景还是不同的背景?以及,你期待他们如何看待你?

(Chapter 1 ends/第一章结束)

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