
这是一篇我写的旧文 ,原先存在jerodyan.wordpress.com




如何利用时间。也就是对事情的规划。其中,有两个方面最重要。一是,事情的重要程度或优先级。二是,对事情的完成的时间估计。Joel Sposky提出用一种所谓的循证式日程表(Evidence based Scheduling)。通过对以前的已完成事情的统计来对当前事件完成时间做出概率意义的估计。

Time and Habits

The usage of time and its corresponding habits are important in a normal life.

Here, the time that elapses in our life can be divided into two categories. One is “white time” and the other is “black time”. For example, we go to work at 9 every morning and go home at 5 every afternoon. The time belongs to “white time”. During “black time”, you think about the project B from time to time, even if you are doing the project A.

In my opinion, “black time” measures the level of attention which we pay for a project. The more black time is spent, the higher the probability of success is.

The habit of time usage focuses on the time scheduling. If the two things are handled well, the things we do are smoothly carried out. They are the priority of thing and the time scheduling. Joel Spolsky introduced a method called “Evident based scheduling”. The method can estimate the total time of a project more exactly than other methods. It uses the time data, which are collected from those finished projects, to predict the time of the current project.

