Some Inspiration from Jane Erye

As an English major student, i even hadn't read an English novel when i was in the university. Actually i tried to read English novel for several times, but failed.I really regreted and questioned myself what did the hell i do during that four years.  Let alone graduate from college, i would read this kind of book.

Thanks to Becca, i decided to reconstruct my English knowledge.It is magical that when you are keen to do something, everything seems to pave a way for you.In recently months, i have joined several English courses and my English has been improved enormously.However, there is a still a long long way for me to go.

I just have finished the tenth chapter of Jane Erye tonight.The more i read, the more i love her.I wish if would have read it  earlier. I sympathize her ,for she had no parents and was maltreated.However, she did not accept the sad destiny. She fought against the fate and worked hard during the school time. As a result,  she played piano well , draw very well and mastered two languages,English and French,quite skillfully when she was only eighteen.Most significantly , she know what she want .Although she didn't have a good looking, she respected herself and qualified a high esteem by others.

Therefore,No matter who you are , please keep the following word in mind :

Time is luck. So don't waste it living someone else's life, make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you, no matter what.

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