I wanted to talk but had nothing to say

“What am I going to write about today?” I asked myself, sitting in front of the desk alone.

“Think for a moment and see what you will get.” I thought.

Sitting in the chair for a little while, I stared at the blank screen. I thought hard but nothing came in.

Honestly, I was feeling a little lonely and a little bored. I wanted to talk but had nothing to say. The minutes were ticking away.

It suddenly occurred to me that Steve Jobs had a strange habit. When he needed to think about something important, he would take a long walk. It seemed that the walk could give him some space to grow his inspiration.

Not as great as he is, I could do the same. Then I went downstairs to go for a walk in the neighborhood.

I thought there were few people out there because it was so early, about a quarter past six. I’m not a morning person but I’m trying to be.

As a matter of fact, quite a few morning people were out there, doing all sorts of stuff. Some were talking and laughing; some were walking their dogs. Several old people were sitting on the bench. Kids were running around.

Two men and one woman were shedding pounds by jogging. Some well-dressed men and women were walking toward the garage, apparently, ready to work.

Others were walking in silence just like me.

“Are they thinking about something important like me? Do they have the same confusion as me? Have they found the solution?” I was flying my thoughts wildly.

An old couple with grey hair were walking in front of me. The old man was limping. It was clear that there’s something wrong with his leg. The old woman held his arm tightly, fearing that her husband would overbalance and fall over. They walked very slowly, one step at a time.

“The young days are gone, but the true love leaves in every step they take.” I thought.

Just then a little dog was running toward me, its owner, a young lady, following behind. The cute dog scratched me with his claws and smelt me with its nose. It seemed to be looking for something.

I’m like the cute dog doing the same thing: looking for something to write about.

你可能感兴趣的:(I wanted to talk but had nothing to say)