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Web design trends change over the years. Some trends come and go. Others become permanent fixtures.

网页设计趋势多年来一直在变化。 一些趋势来去去去。 其他的则成为永久性的固定装置。

Such is the case with responsive websites. The number of Internet shoppers that primarily rely on mobile devices has grown. The need for retina-ready, responsive websites has grown as well — almost in lockstep.

响应式网站就是这种情况。 主要依靠移动设备的互联网购物者数量已经增加。 支持视网膜的响应式网站的需求也在增长-几乎处于同步状态。

Some time ago, a responsive website could give any business a competitive advantage. Today, a responsive website is imperative if a business wishes to have an online presence.

不久前,响应式网站可以为任何企业带来竞争优势。 如今,如果企​​业希望拥有在线业务,那么必不可少的网站是必不可少的。

Fortunately, most premium WordPress themes make creating a responsive website a breeze. This includes the ThemeForest products highlighted here.

幸运的是,大多数高级WordPress主题使创建响应式网站变得轻而易举。 这包括此处重点介绍的ThemeForest产品。

You don't have to worry about what's needed. Any of these themes will ensure your website pages will display correctly on all devices. You can focus entirely on creating an engaging UX.

您不必担心需要什么。 这些主题中的任何一个都将确保您的网站页面将在所有设备上正确显示。 您可以完全专注于创建引人入胜的UX。

These top themes make it easy to do that.


1. 做主题 (1. Be Theme)

Every website project has its challenges. If your work involves creating websites for a diverse clientele, purchasing a multipurpose WordPress theme such as Be Theme usually makes the most sense.

每个网站项目都有其挑战。 如果您的工作涉及为多样化的客户创建网站,那么购买多用途WordPress主题(例如Be Theme)通常是最有意义的。

Be Theme is a premium theme in terms of its features, performance, and support — and its selection of more than 300 pre-built websites has you covered. They address more than 30 different business niche categories, and the most common website types as well – portfolios, blogs, eCommerce sites, and one-page websites.

就其功能,性能和支持而言,Be Theme是一个高级主题-它涵盖了300多个预建网站。 它们处理30多种不同的业务细分类别,以及最常见的网站类型-投资组合,博客,电子商务网站和一页网站。

Finding the right theme for a given business or niche typically takes but a few minutes. Since they are customizable, it's easy to convert a close fit into a perfect match. It takes a single-click to install a theme, saving you even more time.

为给定的企业或利基市场找到合适的主题通常只需要几分钟。 由于它们是可自定义的,因此很容易将紧密匹配转换为完美匹配。 只需单击一下即可安装主题,为您节省更多时间。

Thanks to Muffin Builder, the Options Panel, shortcodes, and a host of other core features, you'll find building a responsive website is an easy task, with no need to write code.

多亏了Muffin Builder,选项面板,短代码以及许多其他核心功能,您才能发现构建响应式网站是一件容易的事,无需编写代码。

2. 钾–专业人士的创意主题 (2. Kalium – Creative Theme for Professionals)

Kalium is another multipurpose theme you should check out. It’s a creative theme designed by professionals. While it was also designed for professionals, you don't have to be an experienced web designer to use it. Kalium is easy to use, responsive, requires no coding, and includes a host of demo sites, layouts, shortcodes, premium plugins, and other special features you'll need to build award-winning websites. Especially noteworthy is the large collection of shop layouts.

Kalium是您应该检查的另一个多用途主题。 这是由专业人员设计的创意主题。 尽管它也是专业人士设计 ,但您不必是经验丰富的网页设计师就可以使用它。 Kalium易于使用,响应Swift,无需编码,并且包含许多演示站点,布局,短代码,高级插件以及构建获奖网站所需的其他特殊功能。 尤其值得一提的是大量商店布局。

A recipient of several best-in-industry awards, and a web-building tool that currently enjoys ThemeForest's top rating, you can be confident of providing your clients with products that will meet or exceed their expectations. Kalium is an especially good choice if your clientele consists largely of creative agencies, bloggers, or online store owners.

获得了多个行业最佳奖项的奖励,并且是目前获得ThemeForest最高评分的网站构建工具,您可以自信地为您的客户提供满足或超出他们期望的产品。 如果您的客户主要由创意机构,博客作者或在线商店所有者组成,那么Kalium是一个特别好的选择。

3. 专业版 (3. Pro)

Some WordPress themes force you into a trial-and-error approach to website building — one that can lead to substandard results and lower productivity.


Pro offers a better way. This responsive WP theme was designed for those who prefer following a logical, building-block web design approach. Pro's approach is centered around 3 primary building blocks, a Header Builder, a Content Builder, and a Footer Builder. These, in turn, are supported by secondary building blocks (presets) and a host of design elements and options.

专业版提供了更好的方法。 此响应式WP主题是为喜欢遵循逻辑,构建块Web设计方法的用户设计的。 Pro的方法围绕3个主要构建块,Header Builder,Content Builder和Footer Builder进行。 这些又由辅助构建块(预设)以及大量设计元素和选项支持。

The principle behind the Header Builder is "if you can think of it, you can create it". The Content Builder's drag-and-drop feature is easy to use, and its workflow optimization features are designed to give your productivity efforts a helping hand. Footers are seldom works of art, or significant contributors to a site's UX — but with the Footer Builder, you can change that!

Header Builder的原理是“如果可以想到,就可以创建它”。 Content Builder的拖放功能易于使用,其工作流程优化功能旨在为您的工作效率提供帮助。 页脚很少是艺术品,也不是站点UX的重要贡献者-但是使用页脚生成器,您可以更改此设置!

One more thing: You can work with Pro from your browser.


4. 报纸 (4. Newspaper)

What is the best approach when building a responsive news or magazine website? You can struggle with a multipurpose theme, or you can choose a dedicated WordPress theme, with features designed for the publishing industry. Newspaper is the best-selling template for the publishing industry, providing a powerful frontend page builder, drag-and-drop functionality, elements for landing pages, premium widgets, intelligent ads, and beautiful layouts.

建立响应式新闻或杂志网站的最佳方法是什么? 您可以使用多用途主题,也可以选择专用的WordPress主题,其主题具有为出版业设计的功能。 报纸是出版行业最畅销的模板,它提供了功能强大的前端页面构建器,拖放功能,登录页面元素,高级小部件,智能广告和精美的版式。

With 48+ ready-made demos that focus on subjects like technology, arts, sports, health, food or architecture, any website can be built without coding skills.


5. Uncode –创意多用途WordPress主题 (5. Uncode – Creative Multiuse WordPress Theme)

Uncode has everything needed to build responsive award-winning websites. Other premium WordPress themes can say the same, so what makes Uncode different? One reason is that this pixel-perfect theme provides an ideal solution to a web designer tasked with creating high quality portfolios or blogs for extremely picky clients.

Uncode拥有构建快速响应屡获殊荣的网站所需的一切。 其他高级WordPress主题可以说相同的话,那么使Uncode与众不同的是什么? 原因之一是,这种像素完美的主题为负责为挑剔的客户创建高质量的作品集或博客的网页设计师提供了理想的解决方案。

One of its most useful capabilities is the centered mobile menu feature — a feature greatly favored by the mobile crowd.


6. TheGem –创意多功能高性能WordPress主题 (6. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme)

TheGem is aptly named. This multipurpose theme is an ideal choice for building creative websites, business websites, one page or multipage websites, portfolios, or blogs. TheGem offers more than 70 unique multi-purpose concepts, an array of stunning demo pages, plus flexible page layouts.

TheGem被恰当地命名。 该多功能主题是构建创意网站,商业网站,一页或多页网站,投资组合或博客的理想选择。 TheGem提供了70多个独特的多功能概念,一系列精美的演示页面以及灵活的页面布局。

No coding is required, and all the elements, layouts, and styles you pick can be freely combined. The package even comes with a ready-to-launch fashion store!

无需编码,您选择的所有元素,布局和样式都可以自由组合。 该包装甚至还包括现成的时尚商店!

7. 胡泽兹 (7. Houzez)

With this specialty theme, its super-easy to create a website that even the most demanding real estate agent or agency would fall in love with, and do so in record time.


Houzez' features range from radius and advanced search capabilities and geolocations, to listings options, payment options, and memberships.


8. 核心 (8. The Core)

The Core is a great choice if your clientele largely consists of business and corporate types. Still, this multipurpose, responsive WordPress theme is flexible and versatile enough to be able to claim that if you can envision it, you can build it.

如果您的客户主要由业务和公司类型组成,那么Core是一个不错的选择。 尽管如此,这个多用途,响应式WordPress主题非常灵活和通用,足以声称如果可以构想,就可以构建它。

The Core comes with two great offers: a) you can take it for a free test spin, and b) if you purchase hosting from one of The Core's hosting partners, this theme, complete with installation and demo import, is yours free of charge.

Core提供了两个不错的优惠:a)您可以免费试用它,b)如果您从The Core的托管合作伙伴之一购买托管,则此主题(包括安装和演示导入)是免费的

9. ListingPro目录WordPress主题 (9. ListingPro Directory WordPress Theme)

Anyone wishing to create an online directory service will often discover that finding a theme suitable can be quite a challenge, and nothing short of a specialty theme will get the job done. Don't worry! ListingPro Directory WordPress theme is the hands-down solution for building a directory site like Yelp or Zomato. It's not only the #1 best-selling WordPress directory theme, but it also happens to be the only end-to-end WordPress directory solution on the face of the earth!

希望创建在线目录服务的任何人通常会发现,找到合适的主题可能是一个很大的挑战,只有专业主题之外的任何事情都无法完成。 不用担心 ListingPro Directory WordPress主题是用于构建目录网站(如Yelp或Zomato)的简化解决方案。 它不仅是#1最畅销的WordPress目录主题,而且它恰好是地球上唯一的端到端WordPress目录解决方案!

10. XStore –响应式WooCommerce主题 (10. XStore – Responsive WooCommerce Theme)

Building an online shop from scratch is the hard way, and the results are not always the best. The more that's involved, the more that can go wrong. XStore, with its 70+ good-to-go shops, accompanied by specialized page layouts, Visual Composer, and all the eCommerce-oriented plugins you'll need, is a faster and easier approach that will give you much better results.

从头开始建立网上商店是困难的方法,而且结果并不总是最好的。 涉及的越多,可能出错的越多。 XStore拥有70多家老店,并配有专门的页面布局,Visual Composer和您将需要的所有面向电子商务的插件,是一种更快,更轻松的方法,它将为您带来更好的结果。

XStore is also responsive, a mandatory feature in today's online retail environment.


加起来 (Summing Up)

A good way to get your 2018 design efforts off to a roaring start is to make sure you have the very best tools to work with. By picking one of these premium themes, you'll have made that happen.

让您的2018年设计工作如虎添翼的一个好方法是确保您拥有最好的工具来使用。 通过选择这些高级主题之一,您将实现这一目标。

Whether it's a multipurpose or more specialized theme you need, you can't make a bad choice. It's simply a matter of checking out the WP themes that appeal to you and finding the best match for your needs. Happy hunting!

无论您需要的是多用途主题还是更专业的主题,您都不会做出错误的选择。 只需检查适合您的WP主题并找到最适合您需求的问题即可。 狩猎愉快!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/these-top-wordpress-themes-can-make-2018-your-best-year-ever/

