3.2 控制参数


  • 离散数字(long)
  • 浮点数字(double)
  • 字符串(char*)



The Basic Class for Control Parameters


typedef long long Hlong;

Default constructor. 

HCtrlVal(Hlong l)
Constructing a value from long.

HCtrlVal(int l)
Constructing a value from int.

HCtrlVal(double d)
Constructing a value from double. 

HCtrlVal(const char *s)
Constructing a value from char *. 

HCtrlVal(const HCtrlVal &v)
Copy constructor. 


HCtrlVal& operator = (const HCtrlVal &v)
Assignment operator. 

int ValType() const
Type of a value (O: Hlong, int; 1: float, double; 2: string). 
enum HCtrlType {
  LongVal   = LONG_PAR, 
  DoubleVal = DOUBLE_PAR,
  StringVal = STRING_PAR,
  UndefVal  = UNDEF_PAR
operator int(void) const
Conversion to int. 

operator Hlong(void) const
Conversion to long. 

operator double(void) const
Conversion to double. 

operator const char*(void) const
Conversion to char *. 

double D() const
Accessing a value and conversion to double. 

Hlong L() const
Accessing a value and conversion to Hlong. 

int I() const
Accessing a value and conversion to int. 

const char *S() const
Accessing a value and conversion to char *. 

HCtrlVal operator + (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Adding two values. 

HCtrlVal operator - (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Subtracting two values. 

HCtrlVal operator * (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Multiplying two values. 

HCtrlVal operator / (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Division of two values. 



  • double D() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to double.

  • long L() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to long.

  • int I() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to int.

  • const char *S() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to char *.




  • HTuple(int length, const HTuple &value)
    构造指定长度的常数组,同 tuple_gen_const.
  • HCtrlVal &operator [] (int i)
  • HCtrlVal operator [] (int i) const


  • HTuple operator + (const HTuple &val) const
    Adding two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_add. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator + (double &val) const
    HTuple operator + (int &val) const
    Adding a number to each element of the tuple, similar to the operator tuple_add.

  • HTuple operator - (const HTuple &val) const
    Subtracting two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_sub. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator - (double &val) const
    HTuple operator - (int &val) const
    Subtracting a number from each element of the tuple, similar to the operator tuple_sub.

  • HTuple operator * (const HTuple &val) const
    Multiplying two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_mult. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator * (double &val) const
    HTuple operator * (int &val) const
    Multiplying a number with each element of the tuple, similar to the operator tuple_mult.

  • HTuple operator / (const HTuple &val) const
    Division of two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_div. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator / (double &val) const
    HTuple operator / (int &val) const
    Division of each element of the tuple by a number, similar to the operator tuple_div.


#include "HalconCpp.h"
using namespace Halcon;
#include "HIOStream.h"
#if !defined(USE_IOSTREAM_H)
using namespace std;

void main()
    HTuple  t;
    cout << t.Num() << '\n';             // The length of the tuple is 0
    t[0] = 0.815;                        // Assigning values to the tuple
    t[1] = 42;
    t[2] = "HAL";
    cout << t.Num() << '\n';             // The length of the tuple is 3
    cout << "HTuple = " << t << '\n';    // Using the << operator 
    double d = t[0];                     // Accessing the tuple, if the
    int   l = t[1];                     // the types of the elements
    //Hlong l=t[1];
    const char  *s = t[2];               // are known
    // Accessing the tuple, if the types of the elements are known
    printf("Values: %g %ld %s\n", t[0].D(), t[1].L(), t[2].S());


最突出的类是HWindow.自从Halcon 6.1开始,HALCON/C++也提供了访问文件或者功能的句柄类,如图像获取装置,测量,或者基于形状的匹配。




  • HWindow(int Row=0, int Column=0,
    int Width=-1, int Height=-1,
    int Father = 0, const char *Mode = "",
    const char *Host = "")
    Default constructor. The constructed window is opened.

  • ~HWindow(void)
    Destructor. This closes the window.

  • void Click(void) const

  • HDPoint2D GetMbutton(int *button) const
    HDPoint2D GetMbutton(void) const

获取鼠标点击时的坐标,和鼠标的类型。见 get_mbutton.
Left button,
Middle button,
Right button.

  • HDPoint2D GetMposition(int *button) const
    HDPoint2D GetMposition(void) const
    获取鼠标的位置和鼠标的点击类型,不要求鼠标一定要点击。见 get_mposition.

  • HCircle DrawCircle(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw a circle in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_circle.

  • HEllipse DrawEllipse(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw an ellipse in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_ellipse.

  • HRectangle1 DrawRectangle1(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_rectangle1.

  • HRectangle2 DrawRectangle2(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw a rectangle with an arbitrary orientation and size in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_rectangle2.


#include "HalconCpp.h"
using namespace Halcon;

void main()
    HImage  image("E:\\halcon\\images\\control_unit.png");     // Reading an image from a file
    HWindow w;                         // Opening an appropriate window
    image.Display(w);                  // Display the image
    w.SetLut("change2");               // Set a lookup table
    w.Click();                         // Waiting for a mouse click
    w.SetLut("default");               // Set the default lookup table
    w.SetPart(100, 100, 200, 200);        // Set a part of the window
    // Adapting the part to the image again
    w.SetPart(0, 0, image.Height() - 1, image.Width() - 1);
    HRegionArray regs = image.Regiongrowing(1, 1, 4, 100);

The lookup table is changed afterwards, and the program waits for a mouse click in the window. A part of the image is zoomed now, and the program waits again for a mouse click in the window. By applying a region growing algorithm from the HALCON library (Regiongrowing) regions are generated and displayed in the window. Only the margin of the regions is displayed. It is displayed in 6 different colors in the window. The example ends with another way of displaying the shape of regions. The smallest rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes surrounding each region is displayed.

你可能感兴趣的:(3.2 控制参数)