Day 7, P71-81


1. The driver slammed on the brakes and he turned his truck around

slam (slamming, slammed), 砰然关上。
brake, (车辆的)的刹车。
turn (sth) around/round, to change position or direction, or to return the way you came. 
例: We have to turn around and go back to the main road.

2. So we snuck out the back door, hopped over Gramma's fence, and ran all the way to Snake Road.

hop over, to jump, 跳跃。
例: I could hop over that field.

3. The only things we could salvage were a couple of mints that were wrapped in cellophane.

salvage, to manage to rescue sth from being lost or damaged.
例:They salvaged as much as they could from the house after the fire.

cellophane, 透明玻璃纸。

4. I'll just stay home and mooch some Butterfingers from the bowl Mom keeps on top of the refrigerator.

mooch, try to obtain or steal, 尝试去拿/偷
例: She mooched some candies from her brother.

5. But on the bright side, Gramma is retired, so she probably didn't have anything planned for today anyway.

on the bright side, (ignoring the bad for a moment) considering the positive aspects of a situation.
例: She always looks on the bright side.

get the hang of, 掌握用某物或干某事的方法


1. If there's one thing most boys in my school are into, it's professional wrestling.

结构: If there's one thing sb is into, it's...
仿句: If there's one thing I am into, it's travelling.

2. Neither one of us let our guard down until we got to my driveway.

结构: Neither... until...
仿句: Neither of the teams played very well until they got a new coach.


Finally it's Friday. This week seemed unbelievable long for me since I attended the studying group. But the main reason making me feel this way is that I have an appointment with my friend to go out to eat Liuzhou river snails rice noodle. The first time I tasted them, I knew that I will never forget how delicious they are! I am really excited about tomorrow. 

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 7, P71-81)